Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: tnwahoo on August 27, 2006, 02:59:20 pm
Hi everybody!
I'm beginning to get serious about a hot tub purchase - but it would be helpful to know if the "conventional wisdom" is true. I have heard and read that the best time for a bargain is model year end changeover, i.e. fall, i.e. now! :)
Any truth to the rumor? BTW - I'm leaning hard toward the HS Jetsetter. My children (6 and 14) are with me part time, the rest of the time I live alone. I'm also petite (just under 5" 5", 130) and really don't want a big honkin' tub. I know to wet test first, and I will, but don't want to take that step until I"m reasonably sure it's a good time!
Any thoughts on any of these topics would be soooooo welcome! Thanks so much!
My HS dealer here in VA always seems to have the same price.. just switches the tags around and calls it a sale. I did see the tubs go up in price from one year to the next. I suspect some dealers are more business minded and customer focused and will actually give discounts. I don't think the one here is either.
I was told by the Hot Spring dealer which we purchased our tub from, that people could expect to save a whole $300 on average for the floor model closeouts. We went ahead and got our Jetsetter in early July. I see you're looking at the Jetsetter; FYI, we paid $5295 + tax which included delivery, set-up, start-up chems, cover, the subpanel, Tri-X filters, Silver Ion cartridge and sterling marble finish.
Fiction...Dealers cost remains the same...Now if you have a dealer that for whatever reason has a sense of urgency to move a spa than you in might get some sorta special deal but that can be at anytime during the year....Personaly I have always found the best way to deal with anyone for just about anything is be direct and honest and I think most people will try to work with you....
I discount all my floor models in December. By January, I hope to have all of them sold. I usually get the new model tubs in late Jan or Feb.
HS has dropped the "Champagne Opal" color off it's list, so those floor models are on sale across the country as dealers move them to get the replacements. Unfortunately, the Jetsetter isn't one of the models which came in that color, but you might get a deal on an Accolade.
Just a thought.
- you agree or disagree than that your discounting of units in December is what you feel is best for your business but that you are not getting any special discount from HS and that if during the course of the year you felt the need to move a spa for some particular reason that someone might be able to get some sorta "special" deal due to the needs you have.....
Yes, in DEC., JAN, FEB. if there's any left!
HS has dropped the "Champagne Opal" color off it's list, so those floor models are on sale across the country as dealers move them to get the replacements.
Just a thought.
Interesting. I liked the Champagne color. I guess the Sterling Marble has taken over. I see that the Sterling is available for the Envoy now.
- you agree or disagree than that your discounting of units in December is what you feel is best for your business but that you are not getting any special discount from HS and that if during the course of the year you felt the need to move a spa for some particular reason that someone might be able to get some sorta "special" deal due to the needs you have.....
I agree. I do not get any discount from HS. Wait, I used to get a discount on the very first of each model I would order. That was a floor model discount, but as I sit here in the wee hours of the morning, I can't clearly recall what the discount was, nor can I recall if that program still exists. But I don't think it was much, maybe a hundred bucks.
But discount or not, I drop the price to clear out any floor models as my own choice. I figure that the thing has 'worked' for me, and to make it more attractive than ordering a fresh one in a different color, I will shave from 3 to 5 hundred off -sometimes more if it was a wet demo. I have a dry Accolade that I almost sold today - for $800 off my regular price. That is much lower than normal for me, but the Accolade has not been popular in our area, and it's the Champ. Opal color, AND the folks didn't need or want a cover lifter. They ended up ordering a Sand/Redwood Soveriegn instead, and then decided to add the lifter after all! And I'm not even open on Sundays!
From what I read here, folks were picking up deals on previous year left overs in Dec and Jan. However, waiting that long may not guarentee you a discount, or being able to get the tub you want with the features you want. But from keeping my eyes open, if any deals are to be had, then that seems to be the best time.
If we can't agree on when is the best time to cut the best deal, perhaps we could ask is there a time of year that would be the worst for getting a deal?
I think the real bottom line is that a spa dealer or a car dealer or an appliance dealer wants to sell units each and everyday.....that are various times during the year you can find deals particularly when a dealer would like to move a unit for various reasons, color mix on the floor as one example....The end of the year might be a good time at some dealers show rooms but it really will depend on new model changes and their current inventory....Again I think simply being direct and up front about what you are looking for, that most will do their best to accommodate you and try to earn your business .....
To add there is not hard rule for year end savings it will always depend on the dealer and what they are doing at their store....but the cost does not go down to the dealer so what ever they are able to do than can most likely be done today as the end you may walk into a genuine deal today that may not be available tomorrow and the same is true in reverse .....
It depends on the dealership, but it's also going to depend on the likelihood of them getting rid of the model that they still have.
Anyone looking for a Blue w/ RW '05 Accolade? :-/