Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: green1320 on August 15, 2006, 08:54:38 pm
I just started up a new tub last Friday. Upon starting up the tub I added My di-chlor a product called spa manager and a metal be gone. After the tub came up the TA was 20 and PH was 7.2. I was advised by the dealer to add backing soda to bring the TA up. I added 5 0z of backing soda and it brought the TA to 100ppm and the PH to 8. These test results were from a taylor kit. My problem now is the PH of 8 and was wondering why the PH went up so high. My current water tests ar TA -100ppm, PH-8 and calcium is 180 ppm. How do I lower the PH without affecting the other perameters. I beleive all the other reading are where they should be according to my owners manual. Thanks Steve
Small additions of pH decreaser will bring down the pH alone. White Vinegar works too. Just for reference, a by-product of adjusting Alkalinity up raises pH. It happens to everyone here. Good luck
What is spa manager?
If your fill water is at 100 PPM alkalinity something changed it in the tub. Other than PH of 8 your fill water numbers look OK, I would have added a little PH down to get the PH lower. That would have also lowered your alkalinity but not by too much.
As far as metal gone - if you have metals in the water use it, if not don't. Not everyone needs it.
Spa manager is supossed to hold the Ph and alk stable according to the dealer.
Vinny the TA of the tub on fill was 20 ppm I then added the Baking powder to get it too the 100 ppm and that is when my ph went up.
Spa manager is supossed to hold the Ph and alk stable according to the dealer.
Vinny the TA of the tub on fill was 20 ppm I then added the Baking powder to get it too the 100 ppm and that is when my ph went up.
Sorry, I misread.
Just add a little PH down at a time to see if you can get the ph to at least 7.8. It might be difficult if that spa manager is trying to maintain the PH. What usually happens in a tub without that type of product is the PH will drift down over the course of time and then we add more baking soda or soda ash to raise either both (baking soda) or PH (soda ash).
Vinny the PH has only been up for 1 day. Should I wait a day or two too see if it drops on its own as you say it should? Also will it hurt to use the tub when the ph is at 8? Thanks Steve
Am I understanding correct that you can add plain old $.59 per box baking soda to raise TA? What is the most economical way to lower TA? I have fought high TA in our swimming pool pretty much all summer. My pool dealer has been selling me TA decrease ($20.00 for 10 lbs) and I have added no less than 40 lbs this summer. Dealer is also saying that our public water supply chemistry has changed and the high TA is coming straight from the tap. The odd thing is I just filled our Maxxus up a week ago today, and had to add almost a 1/4 cup of TA up to achieve 100ppm.
to lower alkalinity in a pool or spa, you add pH decreaser (average dose) daily until the alkalinity is about 150ppm.
I understand that TA is a buffer for PH, and when you adjust PH up or down, TA will follow. So if I lower my PH for the sole purpose of bringing my TA down, will TA not come back up when I bring the PH back up?
I'm confused.
First get total alkalinity right. It should be about 150 ppm or so. Then adjust pH with some pH down to get it between 7.4 and 7.8. Finally add the dichlor so that free chlorine is 3-5 ppm about 15 minutes after the addition. For a full description of the correct procedure go to and in the FAQs get the Vermonter's water treatment program.
I just started up a new tub last Friday. Upon starting up the tub I added My di-chlor a product called spa manager and a metal be gone. After the tub came up the TA was 20 and PH was 7.2. I was advised by the dealer to add backing soda to bring the TA up. I added 5 0z of backing soda
I would also say next time add about 1/2 as much baking soda, wait 24 hours and then test.
To lower the Ph, use bi-carb. That is probably the only ingredient in teh stuff taht your dealer is selling you!! My spa came with a packet of Leisure Time Spa Down. Sure 'nuff, the only ingredient is Sodium Bicarb.
Actually if you add sodium bicarbonate your pH will increase. Sodium bicarbonate is added to increase total alkalinity and to buffer the water so that pH is stablized. The kind you buy at the grocery store is just fine.
Bill S. postes nail your question, but you probably figured that out.