Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: Gomboman on June 18, 2006, 02:21:14 pm

Title: Nature2 cartridge life
Post by: Gomboman on June 18, 2006, 02:21:14 pm
The recommended life is about 4 months for an N2 cartridge. What if you re-fill the spa and use the same N2 cartridge? Will the cartridge still last 4 months? I've heard conflicting reports on this matter. Couldn't find anything on their website.
Title: Re: Nature2 cartridge life
Post by: Chas on June 18, 2006, 02:26:27 pm
I tell my customers to leave it in for the first month water change - 'Chas' Law ' and then run it for three more months on the new water. Seems to be ok.

This is not scientific, but it's my experience.
Title: Re: Nature2 cartridge life
Post by: anne on June 18, 2006, 03:38:05 pm
Sounds like we need a list of "Chas' Laws".........

1. With a new tub, always chenge your water after 1 month
2. Regarding N2, leave it in for the first month water change - and then run it for three more months on the new water.

What other pearls of wisdom have we heard?
Title: Re: Nature2 cartridge life
Post by: In Canada eh on June 18, 2006, 04:01:43 pm

Can you please post some of your "LAWS' for us newbies.  I posted the question of why do you change water after a month but I think it was at the time you were off (hope things are going well now). The reason I asked the question was because after 29 days our water when right into the pooper!!!.  I changed the water because of reading your posts and figured it was alot cheaper than adding a pile of chems to straighten out.  Any way you could fill us newbies in would be greatly appreciated.
Title: Re: Nature2 cartridge life
Post by: wmccall on June 18, 2006, 05:55:07 pm

Can you please post some of your "LAWS' for us newbies.  I posted the question of why do you change water after a month but I think it was at the time you were off (hope things are going well now). The reason I asked the question was because after 29 days our water when right into the pooper!!!.  I changed the water because of reading your posts and figured it was alot cheaper than adding a pile of chems to straighten out.  Any way you could fill us newbies in would be greatly appreciated.

Chas' law, I think I gave it the actual name  ;) Is based on a theory I agree with completely that newbies tend to overmedicate their tubs the first month in an attempt to get exact readings or while they learn their regiment. So even if your water looks good, you've probably added a whole lot of chemicals, and now that you have the system down, why not start over again.  
Title: Re: Nature2 cartridge life
Post by: Spatech_tuo on June 18, 2006, 06:34:22 pm
I alwys tell people to look at the N2 cartridge when its new. They'll see a bunch of metal beads. When the cartrdige is 4 months old look at it again. You'll only see the substrate left for teh most part. this tells you it's a spent cartridge and you'll feel better that it needs changing for sure.
Title: Re: Nature2 cartridge life
Post by: Dr. Spa™ Ret. on June 18, 2006, 10:45:41 pm
My understanding is that the silver ions are dispensed into the water and depleted from the cartridge in the first 3 days of use. Change the water, change the cartridge................. of course, even with labratory testing equipment, no ones been able to detect any silver ions to begin with.
Title: Re: Nature2 cartridge life
Post by: Vinny on June 18, 2006, 11:00:01 pm
................. of course, even with labratory testing equipment, no ones been able to detect any silver ions to begin with.

Maybe if we put an inground pool one into a spa ...  ;D
Title: Re: Nature2 cartridge life
Post by: rick_in_cleveland on June 19, 2006, 07:49:00 am
If you do a partial water chage or completely change your water you need to use a new N@ cartridge.  I emailed The N2 people a few years ago and this was their reponse

"You will need to replace the Nature 2 whenever the water is drained and refilled.  This is because you loose a good percentage of the silver ions when you drain the spa, and their is not enough in a depleted cartridge to bring it back up to the proper level."
Title: Re: Nature2 cartridge life
Post by: drewstar on June 19, 2006, 09:00:30 am
Another "Chas's Laws" regarding the N2 cartridge:

Don't leave and old catridge in the tub. Once it is over  it's life expectancy, remove it.  If the cartridge happens to break open, all those magical cermanic beads will get sucked into your pumps, and ruin them.  :P
Title: Re: Nature2 cartridge life
Post by: Bill_Stevenson on June 19, 2006, 10:00:58 am
The N2 cartridge is what is known as an ion exchanger.  It is entirely credible that it would reach equilibrium with the water in a short time and that it would then simply maintain the silver ion level from that moment on.  

I change my water every 60 days or so and the N2 cartridge is changed too.  One time I tried leaving the old cartridge in at the water change and it did not seem to be as effective.  

