Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: Vinny on June 04, 2006, 04:02:00 pm
I cleaned one set and soaking another.
I THOUGHT I rinsed out the soaked ones good, rinsed them good - 3 times each at least ... Put them in and I got the foam that everyone tells us about.
I'm going to rinse out the other ones and soak them in a bucket of hot water at least 3 times before saying their rinsed!
But my white filter looks white again.
I guess that's why I don't want to use filter cleaner. I have the HS Tri-X filters and have had good luck spraying them off with a high pressure nozzle. I spray directly on the ribs and then inside them with high pressure. My filters come out perfectly white and clean in about five minutes for the enitire set. I tried the dishwasher gig but they come out cleaner with the hose.
I usually do the hose thing and this was the first time I used filter cleaner. I have used bleach in the past but thought after a year and all the foam fighting in my tub, I would use a cleaner.
As with everything I do, I'll let this be a learning experience and hopefully I will rinse the next ones out better.
If I do this once a year, it's not too bad ... of course next year will be 2 years out of these filters and probably will have to replace them, being cheap I'll push it as long as I can!
I wouldn't call it a crock, but they do require extensive rinsing., I rinse several times until I see no suds, then I put them away and will rinse again before I put them in. Have you checked your hardness?
Well, I'm on my 3rd hot water soaking rinse after 3 hose rinses ... I didn't see any suds after the 2nd hose rinse. Put the filters in buckets with hot water and suds coming out.
I think I'm going to do one more hot water soak and call it done.
If it foams when I eventually put them in since I am so used to dealing with such things now I'll just scoop and shock!
Have you checked your hardness?
Inappropriate response overload....
Of all people on this board, you should know better!
Cheap :-[ and Thrifty ;D are 2 totally different things!
"A fool and his money are easily parted..."
I would call you thrifty. ;D
Yo Vinny:
Are you using the stuff that looks like shampoo or the yellow stuff? I had the same issue until I switched to this:
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Filter cleaner is great, but you just have to make sure it's all gone.
I always tell my customers that when they rinse off the filter and all the suds start washing off, when they finally disapper and you think that you're done, do it for another 3-5 minutes just to make sure.
But cleaning your filter with filter cleaner really helps the longevity of the filter and ultimately the performance of your spa, you just have to make sure that you get it all off.
Yo Vinny:
Are you using the stuff that looks like shampoo or the yellow stuff? I had the same issue until I switched to this:
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The stuff I used was Leisure Time that is used for soaking. It was the first time I used it and although I rinsed it out well (I thought) I still got a lot of foam.
I rinsed the second set with the hose and then soaked them in hot water buckets 3x as well.
Where do you get that spray cleaner? If I remember correctly, it was from HD but mine doesn't carry it (or at least the last time I looked).
I've seen something similar at Lowes.
Yep, HD. It's been at Lowes too. I've seen it under various names but every time it was yellow. In fact, come to think of it, the only 2 types of cleaner I've seen have either been silver "shampoo" looking stuff (which causes BAD foam) or the clear yellow stuff. Kind of makes you wonder if it's all the same product with just different selling names...
I got foam once using LT Filter Clean. I have since rinsed thoroughly with just a hose with a spray nozzle. You get to know when you've rinsed enough. I rinse from top to bottom while slowly turning, flip it over and do the same until I see no more suds.
LT also makes a spray cleaner. Makes the same suds. Still have to rinse well.
I've seen a new hose fitting for cleaning cartridge filters but have not tried it yet. It goes on the end of your hose and has slots to clean in the pleats. I am going to get one because it looks like it would be easier to clean the filter and maybe not have to use as much filter cleaner.
I agree you should periodically use filter cleaner to get the oils and greases off. I have never had foaming after using the Hot Spring brand. But, I'm pretty anal in rinsing too.
Ask your dealer about the new cleaning tool. I saw it in my dealer's copy of Pool and Spa News (Industry trade magazine).
I remember reading a post not too long ago where some people were trying out Simple Green instead of the standard yellow or purple filter cleaners.
Anybody tried it? Is Simple Green working for you? It sounds like it would be a a good low cost alternative.