Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: AAAAAAA on May 23, 2006, 06:17:44 pm

Title: Tilting a sundance maxxus
Post by: AAAAAAA on May 23, 2006, 06:17:44 pm
Hey guys, last summer when I put my spa down on my pad it wasnt totally leveled. One side is a bit higher then the other. It is sitting on about a little over one foot of compacted gravel and I need to tilt it up on one side and take out the exess gravel from the side that is to high.

That thing must be very heavy, is there a way to tilt it or is it mostely just get a lot of guys together to lift it. I only need to lift one side.

Thanks for the info and suggestions.

It is on 05 maxxus.
Title: Re: Tilting a sundance maxxus
Post by: hymbaw on May 23, 2006, 06:31:41 pm
There are a couple ways to lift them, but I don't think  you could get under the tub. Good old brute strength is probably the answer. Good Luck.
Title: Re: Tilting a sundance maxxus
Post by: hottub.pool_boy on May 23, 2006, 10:21:03 pm
Empty spa.
Use some carpet or blankets to protect the edge to be tilted.
A Farmers jack, or bumper jack can go along way to getting it initially off the ground. 6" or 1' or more off the ground to start, makes a big difference
Yes some strong buddies would help.
Your spa dealer may let you borrow some stuff. We do occasionally.

Title: Re: Tilting a sundance maxxus
Post by: jim97219 on May 24, 2006, 12:11:13 am
What hottub.pool_boy says.  I'll add not to forget to trip the breaker then disconnect the wires!!!!  In my case, I have only about an inch of wire more than needed.  To tip my tub without disconnecting the wires first would yank the wires out of place and be a disaster, especially if they were still hot.
Title: Re: Tilting a sundance maxxus
Post by: AAAAAAA on May 25, 2006, 08:15:32 pm
Well I did it.

I got 2 friends in on the deal and the first few inches felt like we wouldnt be able to lift it high enough. We ended up using jack stands to put under the sides of the hot tub once lifted high enough. That worked perfectly.

Now it is leveled and I feel a lot better.

Thanks for the advice.
Title: Re: Tilting a sundance maxxus
Post by: hottub.pool_boy on May 25, 2006, 09:31:44 pm
glad you got it done. now you owe some favors .......or paid some back.