Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: joshua45 on May 17, 2006, 12:43:09 am

Title: Air in the lines?
Post by: joshua45 on May 17, 2006, 12:43:09 am
I changed out the water in my jacuzzi 315 today and noted when I refilled the tub, it now makes a 'girgling' type sound (almost sounds like ball bearings rolling around) with just the circulating pump going.  Everythng else is great... except for this annoying 'girgling' sound.  Anyway of getting air out of the lines to the circulating pump?  Any other thoughts of what else it could be?  The tub 'WAS" dead quiet before but now has this annoying sound... Suggestions please.
Title: Re: Air in the lines?
Post by: Drewski on May 17, 2006, 09:18:48 am
I'm not familiar with the set-up of your tub so this may be wrong but when I have this problem, I shut off the tub, unscrew the filter cartridge that the circ pump suctions from, stick a hose down as far as it will go, turn on the water high blast, let it run 5 minutes, turn the tub back on, let it run a few more minutes and usually the problem is gone.

You can also use the panel to cut off the circ pump mannually and do the same thing, I just don't like changing my settings.

Hope this helps...


Title: Re: Air in the lines?
Post by: Chas on May 17, 2006, 10:31:18 am
I know that on a HS spa the circ pump will be noisy until all the air works itself out. Most of the time this take just minutes, but from time to time we will get one which takes a few days to get that last bubble out.

Can you put a garden hose into a filter tube or something? Works for us, don't know exactly how your tub is set up.

Title: Re: Air in the lines?
Post by: hottubdan on May 17, 2006, 10:38:46 am
Sometimes running the jet pump sucks the air out.  What is your fill procedure?
Title: Re: Air in the lines?
Post by: joshua45 on May 17, 2006, 02:42:47 pm
I filled the tub this time, the same way it was initially filled by the dealer.  I removed the filter from where the circulating pump gets its supply of water (the jacuzzi has 2 filters) and filled the tub through that opening (directly into the plumbing) rather then just filling with a hose directly into the tub itself.
Title: Re: Air in the lines?
Post by: hottubdan on May 17, 2006, 03:12:38 pm
I filled the tub this time, the same way it was initially filled by the dealer. ÊI removed the filter from where the circulating pump gets its supply of water (the jacuzzi has 2 filters) and filled the tub through that opening (directly into the plumbing) rather then just filling with a hose directly into the tub itself.

Onwer's manual used to say to fill half of spa from each filter return.  Does it still say that?  That way you are pushing water through all the pipes.  Are you sure you were on the circ pump side?
Title: Re: Air in the lines?
Post by: joshua45 on May 17, 2006, 03:58:50 pm
Yes definately on the circulatory side.. even felt the suction with just the circulation pump going.  No the manual does NOT say to fill each of the two returns..but that would indeed make sense to push out all water from the lines..... I don't know if it would make a difference since the 'other side' (as well as the circulatory side (output) work fine with the pump on low and high (but then again, I wouldn't hear any 'quiet girgling sound with the pump going...