Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: wmccall on May 13, 2006, 07:47:30 pm

Title: Water Report
Post by: wmccall on May 13, 2006, 07:47:30 pm
I know not many of you are in the Columbus, Ohio area, but I thought you might find this interesting. For the first time in the 29 years I have lived here the City of Columbus has mailed its citizens a water report. Specifically its titled Water for Living - 2005 Drinking Water Counsumer Confidence Report. As a spa owner I found a couple of things interesting and maybe a report like this is available from your munincipality. There are a lot of measurements related to drinking water but I'll highlight the ones for my area related to hot tubs.

Chlorine (PPM) 4 is allowed - actual average 1.69 with a low of .43 and  a high of 2.33

Hardness - No goals set - average 101 with a low of 92 and a high of 127

PH - Allowed range of 7.0 to 10.5 Actual 7.8 with a range of 7.7 to 7.9.  (I would have guessed from my test kit that it was closer to 7.3

There are 3 water plants supplying Columbus and the PH seems to remain pretty constant among them, but the one supplying my house has the softest water at 101ppm, with the other two around 120. That seems consistent with my usual tests.

Title: Re: Water Report
Post by: The_real_Clown_Shoes on May 15, 2006, 07:53:52 pm
I'd kill for that source water.

Our area consists of this...

Tot. Chlorine - 2.4
Free Chlorine - 0

pH - 8.2

Alk. - 60

Hardness (depends on softener) - typically around the 160 - 200 range.
Title: Re: Water Report
Post by: Brewman on May 16, 2006, 09:59:51 am
Our city has been sending out that type of report for quite a while- I'm thinking the state requires it.

Our water is right on the money for spa hardness, but it's pretty hard for water pipes, and most people in the area have softeners.  

Our tap water is very alkaline- at least double what the suggested range is for spa water.  

If you're on municipal water and don't get a report, ask your city or water utility- I bet they have the information available, even if they don't send it out as a routine.
Title: Re: Water Report
Post by: Vinny on May 16, 2006, 12:32:40 pm
My water company sends out "useless" information for it's water, such as lead, and other contaminents. :D
Title: Re: Water Report
Post by: wmccall on May 17, 2006, 12:21:56 pm
I've had my tub more than 3 years now, at it seems to be pretty consistent.  Water softeners don't sell well here as they are not needed. My mom loves to do laundry here  as our clothes get much cleaner.  My PH has always been consistent, I hope they never go to the allowed 10.2.  That would be hard to correct.