Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: patorhank on April 11, 2006, 02:18:26 pm
Hi, and thanks for lots of help in the past. We were searching the forum for help with an error message on our Jacuzzi J350 (FLO2 message- we found we could shake the flow switch and it started working again) and we came across some references to jumping the temperature limiter and being able to go to 108 deg. We don't want to go that hot, but would like to be able to set the temp at 105 or 106, especially in the winter. I contacted my local spa repair guy (and authorized Jacuzzi tech ) and he didn't know anything about this mod. He called the Jacuzzi Rep. and was told it is possible, but they were not allowed to reveal how to do it. :o So can anyone here share with us how I can do this modification myself? Thanks
Hank and Pat Pfister
Copper Hill, VA
Don't know about Jacuzzi but there were a couple of threads on the subject recently.;action=display;num=1140416589;start=13;action=display;num=1140716453;start=13
Maybe that will be helpful? Others here may have more detailed info on raising the temp. Haven't had my own spa above 102 yet and don't know that I need it any higher, at least not now with the warmer weather already here.
Be carefull, there is a reason why U.L. specifies 104 degrees as the max. If you sit deep in the water for long enough, your temperature will be the same as the water. If you go over 104 you are hurting yourself. The higher the temp - the shorter the soak.
I live in Iowa and as you can imagine winter temps get pretty cold. I think changing your temp above 104 is bad news. I have mine wired as a 110 and I have not seen any reason to go above 104.
I think you are messing with something you don't need to.
Free country though......... :-/
I've done 110o for > 1 HR in one sitting.
True, it was 27o out with a 20 MPH wind and ice was forming in my hair (along with the 4 other people in my tub), BUT what a soak!
I wasn't really "HOT," after all 50% of body heat is lost through your head, but when I got out my muscles were like jelly. When I hit the bed, I couldn't even feel my body. The next morning, I woke up so refreshed I couldn't believe it.
Unfortunately, this winter didn't get cold enough to go to 110o. 107o was as high as I got it. I'd be careful going over 106o anytime it's above 50o outside. With cold air, I've found you can generally tolerate higher tub temperatures. If you try it, EASE into it gradually and drink plenty of water....
I had mine set at 102 degress,but it had to be around 108-110 because of a bad switch.....I would not go over 104......Anything over you will be burning in a pot of soup ...JT
We are aware of the dangers of soaking TOO long in TOO hot water. We don't intend to run the temp up to 108, but would like to be able to go to just 105 or 106 on some occasions. Or previous tub was an older Cal Spa and we could run it up to 110 easily, or even higher. When I would be particullarly sore after a very physical day, a few minutes at 108 or so sure did loosen up my sore muscles.
So is anyone willing to share the secret of jumping the temp limiter? ??? Please... :-*
Hummmm if yea have your spa up at 108 -110 I would think somebody should put a little salt and pepper in your spa and in 30 mins you will be done.......JohnnyT
I wish I could remember how it was done. I know it involves tripping the breakers on the circuit board.
In the cold of winter i had my tub at 107 and I loved it. It was really hot but very nice in the cold canadian climate.
The other day I dropped the tub down to 100 with the nicer weather
I just brought a J315 jacuzzi and asked the dealer about raising the temperature... they said it could be done but because of liabiliy, I would have to have a Doctors Rx... then I would have to contact Jacuzzi home office to sign liability papers and then it would be very costly.... Geez... And I LOVE it about 106.... Surely SOMEBODY on this board must know how to do it..
Can anyone refer me to any actual studies, documented medical studies (not opinions), showing the dangers of soaking in water above 104 degrees?
Doc, doesn't your friend Bob Lowry have some info on this?;action=display;num=1135753436;start=0
Can anyone refer me to any actual studies, documented medical studies (not opinions), showing the dangers of soaking in water above 104 degrees?
Here is a link to an article on the website of the CPSC.
It is an old article, but I believe it is still relevant. An excerpt from the article:
"Soaking in a hot tub with water heated to 106 degrees Fahrenheit, for example, can raise human body temperature to the point of heat stroke (or impairment of the body's ability to regulate its internal temperature). These conditions can be fatal even to fully healthy adults."
I ironically , I had a nice 20 minute soak at 106 today. Somebody accidently bumped the panel getting out of the tub and turned the filtration up to 24 hours, so it was running overnight continously. Since it was in the high 30s this morning it felt great for my short soak.
I'm fine with the limit of 104 on the Optima, but it makes you wonder why that's such a big deal when anyone with access to their water heater could easily crank it up and fill their bathtub with 140+ degree water. Sure, it'd gradually cool down, but I bet you'd get a nice long soak at temperatures well in excess of 104. No warnings on the tub, and the only warning on the water heater are about scalding.
There has been plenty posted about the way to adjust the jumper on some Sundance tubs to get the temperature above 104, but I don't recall anything specific to Jacuzzi. If they have similar control boards, maybe the process is the same?
Can anyone refer me to any actual studies, documented medical studies (not opinions), showing the dangers of soaking in water above 104 degrees?
I think I might ask for some government grant money and do a study. Silly as it may sound, I just might get some of that grant money (Lord knows it wouldn't be the silliest study ever performed on the governement's dime).
You guys stay in touch, I may need some other participants. ;)
I really would like to jack up the temp slightly on my tub (when I get it next week)... and I just read that the thermastate itself has a 'manual adjustment' (to adjust the accuracy of what the prob reads and the actual temperature. Since I don't have my tub yet, does anyone know if that is the case (a manual 'adjustment' set screw (on the bottom of the thermastat? Since I haven't seen 'the guts' of the tub, I don't know if this is true (an allen set screw adjustment)... Does anyone know?
Mechanical thermostats do have an allen wrench adjustment on the back side. Most major brands these days use electronic controls with temp. sensors, circuit boards, etc. - no mechanical thermostat.
I think I might ask for some government grant money and do a study. Silly as it may sound, I just might get some of that grant money (Lord knows it wouldn't be the silliest study ever performed on the governement's dime).
You guys stay in touch, I may need some other participants. ;)
When you get to studying high temps combined with alcohol, let me know.
Funny story,
Just before we bought our tub, we stayed in a cabin in the woods that had one.
There was a log book of sorts in the cabin and prior guests had left comments over the years. I started reading this really hot story about 4 college girls and their exploits of the week. It was quite racy and it ended with "don't mix hot tubs and alcohol"
Suprisingly the 4 girls signed it, probably doubting anyone they knew would ever read it. I recognized the last name of one of the girls that worked in the President's office where I worked. I casually mentioned that I heard she had problems with hot tubs and alcohol in the past. It was months before I told her I read the entry.
I'm fine with the limit of 104 on the Optima, but it makes you wonder why that's such a big deal when anyone with access to their water heater could easily crank it up and fill their bathtub with 140+ degree water. Sure, it'd gradually cool down, but I bet you'd get a nice long soak at temperatures well in excess of 104. No warnings on the tub, and the only warning on the water heater are about scalding.
There has been plenty posted about the way to adjust the jumper on some Sundance tubs to get the temperature above 104, but I don't recall anything specific to Jacuzzi. If they have similar control boards, maybe the process is the same?
If Jacuzzi is using the Sundance 850 boards (and I think they do), I believe I know how to do it.
If you know the board and how to change the temperature setting.. Let me know.. either on here or via private message
106 degrees! MMMMMMMMM! Toasty!!
Golly...If you got a Watkins spa, you would push the up arrow on the temperture setting to achieve your desired temperature. ;)
I just remember having to switch the jumpers on 1 and 8 I think. I will try and find the email that I had for my tub.
Maybe that is just for the arctic, I dont know. Now I just have to hold the temp up button for 5 seconds and the temp overrides and goes up to 107.
106 degrees! MMMMMMMMM! Toasty!!
Well, NOW I can find out! ;D Thanks to a member here, I won't mention who, but I sincerly thank him, I was able to jump my temp up above 104. I'm going to try it at 106 now. My old muscles and bones get pretty sore when I work hard, and 104 just doesn't seem to penetrate deep into the muscles.
What I did on my Jacuzzi J-350 was cut off the power, open the electrical box in the tub, and found the little board labeled JP9. It has a bunch of pins, and the last set of pins is number 13. I jumped across number 13 pins with a bead of solder, and now I can set the temp higher, supposedly on up to 108. When I push the temp + button I get a strange message I can't interpret, but each time I press it it goes up one degree. So I pressed it twice and the heater came on and soon the temp was up to 106.
Apparenty this board in my Jacuzzi is the same as or similar to the Sundance board.
I don't want to name the poster that helped me with this due to liablility issues, but I do thank him!
Hank Pfister
Copper Hill, VA
What year is your spa? I ask because I don't see a J350 in their product line up (they have a 315,325,335,345, 355, etc. ... Is there a 'reference number' that identified the circuit board itself (the control board that you jumped).. I ask because I have an 05 J315.. and I am hoping they utilized the same circuit board... I am SOOOOO tempted to follow your set up but fear doing so if they are difference circuit boards.