Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: hymbaw on April 22, 2006, 04:50:55 pm

Title: Super Deluxe High End
Post by: hymbaw on April 22, 2006, 04:50:55 pm
Apparently you can get into a Super Deluxe High End Spa for just over $13,000! That's over $7,000 savings! :o
Title: Re: Super Deluxe High End
Post by: East_TX_Spa on April 22, 2006, 04:55:12 pm
They look just like every other Super High End Deluxe do-it-yourself kit spa I see being sold on the side of the road or out of storage buildings, but more Super High End Deluxe expensive.

Title: Re: Super Deluxe High End
Post by: Chas on April 22, 2006, 05:37:53 pm
Oh Wow! $1600 + to ship to Oahu! Our dealers out there ship them over for a fraction of that - and they stock more than one tub at a time.

Of course, they also have the correct pictures and the prices are a bit less....

But then again, they are ETL-listed so perhaps we shouldn't try to compare....
Title: Re: Super Deluxe High End
Post by: Chas on April 22, 2006, 05:42:13 pm
Blue Champagne        
307 Keawe Street
Honolulu, HI  96813       
     Phone:       808-538-3665       
     Fax:       808-599-1488
Title: Re: Super Deluxe High End
Post by: salesdvl on April 22, 2006, 05:55:54 pm
Maybe he should hire Barney as a spokes person and then they could be "Super De-Duper High End"    ;)
Title: Re: Super Deluxe High End
Post by: Pathfinder on April 22, 2006, 06:24:26 pm
"It takes advantage of the thermal heat barrier insulation better than any spa on earth"

The best on earth well than it has to be best    ;)

But Im just wondering where in the Galaxy you can get the best spa  if his is the best only on earth  ::)
Title: Re: Super Deluxe High End
Post by: mattNY on April 23, 2006, 03:03:57 am
My favorite part is the "Who We Are" portion:

"Vince and Pacific Spa Sales are based in Kaneohe. There is no Hawaii store at this time. Sales and information are via telephone,email and internet.

Vince is not employed by the Spa Specialist/Haven Spas

In most cases, the customer purchases the spa and accessories directly from Haven Spas and all warranty work etc. is through Haven Spas. "

So what the hell is Vince doing?!   "It is our goal to handle as many calls and issues locally as possible. "  Yes - anything except sales, information, and warranty service.
Title: Re: Super Deluxe High End
Post by: hottub.pool_boy on April 23, 2006, 08:52:07 am
looks just like the spas sold by the silver-tongued salesmanfrom the dirty warehouse floor, and the classified add "new still in wrapper"
Title: Re: Super Deluxe High End
Post by: Zep on April 23, 2006, 09:21:57 am
Vince's personal Haven Spa in Kaneohe, HI



Title: Re: Super Deluxe High End
Post by: drewstar on April 24, 2006, 01:25:00 pm
Don't forget the $200 + crating charge, in addition to the shipping.   You will pay almost $2000 addiitonal to get the spa, not includeing steps, cover and all the goodies.

and this is so nice...

" you are required to help remove it from the truck. This is standard shipping practice. If this is your choice you, will need several strong friends to help remove it from the truck. A fork lift may be available that comes along with the truck for an additional charge.

and it keeeps getting better...(want help setting up the spa?O

there is a fee of $350 for this service which is available on Oahu only. Fee is higher for difficult deliveries depending on how much man power is needed.

And it will take several months.

and all you get for service is this Vince.  Who doens't work for Jim Butthead, only  just a 100% comminsioned mouth piece.

Title: Re: Super Deluxe High End
Post by: Vanguard on April 24, 2006, 01:32:52 pm
Well, suckers are born every minute, aren't they?  Someone has to sell to them.
Title: Re: Super Deluxe High End
Post by: Vanguard on April 24, 2006, 01:34:17 pm
Oops, I forgot, I'm not supposed to start a sentence with "Well."  Sorry salesdvl.

However, a sucker is born every minute, aren't they?  Someone has to sell to them.
Title: Re: Super Deluxe High End
Post by: Brewman on April 24, 2006, 01:42:01 pm
Wonder how much this poor soul shucked out to get his franchise?

And I think you guys are being too hard here.  Don't forget that each and every supercustomdeluxefallsapartwithdaitIV comes with a free sunbleached shell and cabinet.  You can't put a price on that.
Well you could, but it wouldn't be anywhere near the $13K he's asking (plus multiple shipping charges), let alone the $20K+ he claims they're worth.
Title: Re: Super Deluxe High End
Post by: Pathfinder on April 24, 2006, 03:47:31 pm
The view in Zeps last pic is great   except for the "spa" that is putting a huge damper on it

Million Dollar view  $1 hot tub
Title: Re: Super Deluxe High End
Post by: drewstar on April 24, 2006, 04:12:02 pm

In most cases, the customer purchases the spa and accessories directly from Haven Spas and all warranty work etc. is through Haven Spas. "

So what the hell is Vince doing?!   "It is our goal to handle as many calls and issues locally as possible. "  Yes - anything except sales, information, and warranty service.

100% commissioned sales.  

It allows Dingleberry to claim he has reps in Hawaii.

There is no value added. Some poor soul bought one of these and is now posing for Dingleberry as an "independent rep"  when in fact, it's a guy with no spa experice, still in the "honeymoon" phase of his purchase.  It's a great illustration on how the company is run.  Buy a haven spa, and the repair guy, delivery guy, or what have you can be some joe off the street.   ::).  

Didja catch how he refers to Dingleberry as "Master" in the super high end description?  I spit my coffee up laughing.
Title: Re: Super Deluxe High End
Post by: drewstar on April 25, 2006, 10:44:41 am
I thought this was  a great quote from the site too:

Some spa salesmen don't really know much about spas either. Their sales presentation is based on what they were told by their company.

Hmmmm. I can think of one sales man in Hawaii  ;)
Title: Re: Super Deluxe High End
Post by: Chas on April 25, 2006, 11:51:40 am
Well, not to start a hissy fight or whatever, I have mentioned to Jim that he is a spa salesman, and he usually strongly dissagrees with me.

He basically considers himself an engineer who just sits around and takes orders.
Title: Re: Super Deluxe High End
Post by: drewstar on April 25, 2006, 12:07:13 pm
Well, not to start a hissy fight or whatever, I have mentioned to Jim that he is a spa salesman, and he usually strongly dissagrees with me.

He basically considers himself an engineer who just sits around and takes orders.

No no no Chas.

Spa  Designer.  Not Engineer.   Designer   ;)

Don't you  remember hir tirade when he decalared himself the only person in the universe  as having a masters in Spa Design? (Since there is no such thing, he decalred himself to be it..  It was quite stunning.  I sat there reading it, my mouth agape..."this man is insane...:

Title: Re: Super Deluxe High End
Post by: Duffman on April 27, 2006, 08:29:54 pm
Before this thread gets moved to the "Beating a dead horse" section I thought I'd throw my hat into the ring. For anyone that does not know who I am, let me re-state that I'm just a consumer advocate. I'm not a dealer or affiliated with the spa industry in any way.

When I was working on my wet test report and "how to buy a hot tub" information. I was wet testing every spa I could find. At one point I was contacted by Jim after posting a question on his website. Between e-mail and a couple phone calls I made a choice not to wet test one of his spas for the following reasons.

I just want to reconfirm that I have no agenda here. I just wanted to share my observations from communications with Jim's company. It is fair to say that I was not at all impressed with his claims or his sales methods. To be fair though, since I didn't wet test his spas I can't state an opinion on their quality or performance.
Title: Re: Super Deluxe High End
Post by: East_TX_Spa on April 27, 2006, 10:17:21 pm
Outstanding post Duffman!!!!  My hat is off to you.  That is the most concise, well written post I have ever read regarding this character.

Once again, you have proven that if anyone deserves to be labeled Super High End, it would be you!  And I mean that with all due respect, sir. :)

Title: Re: Super Deluxe High End
Post by: Duffman on April 30, 2006, 10:35:08 pm
Coming from you East TX, that's quite a compliment. Thank you very much.   ;D

It's interesting that when I was in contact with Jim, he was complaining that anytime a post on his spas made it to this forum, they were immediately deleted or moved. Of course I never bought into his notion that there was a consipracy against him; just that his responses were so argumentative and abrasive that they had to be moved to the "Beating a dead horse" area. It's nice to see one of these discussions maintain civility

Title: Re: Super Deluxe High End
Post by: Tman122 on May 01, 2006, 05:50:00 am
50% of any salesmans success is based on his PR skills. Public relations is not something that can ever be dismissed in anyones sales approach. I have stated this to JA many times over the years and yet his methods seem to not include any PR skills. Maybe because his statements of not being a salesman are true, but if your ultimate goal is to be succsessful in selling your product to the public??? Then your relations with them need to include an aproach that relys on there comfort with you as a person.

I have a friend who could sell fire to the devil and not even know how to light a match. He is very successful because of his PR skills. So it would seem to me to be more important than your knowledge of the product.

Sigh.......try and give the man advice and you are labeled an idiot!!
Title: Re: Super Deluxe High End
Post by: spaman- on May 02, 2006, 03:30:19 pm
DOES THIS LINK HAVE TO STAY? I would hate for this site to be responsible for one inquiry to that site. Just askin? Good to be back!

Title: Re: Super Deluxe High End
Post by: drewstar on May 02, 2006, 03:33:44 pm

where the hell have you been?
Title: Re: Super Deluxe High End
Post by: Spatech_tuo on May 02, 2006, 04:28:35 pm
DOES THIS LINK HAVE TO STAY? I would hate for this site to be responsible for one inquiry to that site. Just askin? Good to be back!

did your probation officer OK your return?