The problem with cover lifters in general is that the weight of the cover is transferred to the center hinge. Typically this is made of the same material as the cover and it is stitched together. After a while the weight of the cover resting on the cross bar of the lifter may cause the hinge to fail.
A Cover Saver is a device that transfers the weight from the hinge to two plastic "T" shaped pieces suspended from the cross bar. The hinge never comes in contact with anything and bears no weight. Instad the weight of the cover is resting on its bottom edge on the plastic pieces.
I have an 8 ft J385 with a Covermate I and a Cover Saver and it works like a charm everytime.
The twisting is natural. If you stand on one end on lift it, the other end will be a little lower until the weight transfers more towards vertical. No big deal.
However, I removed the sides of my tub and installed 2 x 10 cross pieces to the frame behind the area where the lifter is attached. This way the lifter screws and not just into the side pieces but go thru into the 2 x 10. I'm figuring this will save my side pieces, as well as the lifter.
Problem: When lifting the whole cover upward, if I hold it on the side where the handle is, the lifter bows, and it REALLY feels like something will break- either the lifter, or the brackets are going to tear off the skirt. I can do it evenly by lifting the first 1/2, then getting in and lifting in from the center, but that is a PAIN.
A simple way to take some stress off and actually make it easier to lift is if you enter your spa from the front and middle as most do......than just fold back the cover and than finish the lift when your in the spa again from the middle less stress on the cover, the lift and yourself..... :D
That's what I do with my CM1 flip half the cover up, then once in the tub lift it up from the middle. OTherwise, the CM1 will twist out.
Doc has the cover saver, and some pics that show what Snowbird is talking about,
for you clicking pleasure:
I remember last year when I first took delivery, I ordered every chemical, every aroma therapy, floating checker board, pillows, waterproof cards etc etc etc. Oh yeah, and I fell victim to the rubber duckies why why why.
The sides of our tubs, being real wood and not plastic, are so well made I dont see the hardware coming off or loose as being a problem
..............The bottom line is...............when you spend 10k on a tub, you get a pretty nice warranty with it as well. If something happens with the tub due to stuff that they gave you, your was free, and like someone else said, use it until it breaks. Why spend money that you dont really need to right now. stock up on some chemicals instead.
The dealer does not issue, provide or claim to "warranty" what could be considered neglect, misuse or the failure of an accessory item that may lead to subsequent damage to the Hot Tub or the Cover, which IF anything are all covered by seperate manufacturer warranty provisions that do not relate to each others products, nor are they necessarily covered with any labor provisions and may be a carry in item. :o >:(:(