Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: Orthofunk on March 26, 2006, 11:44:10 am
OK... so it's been a rough winter, and I have neglected the hottub.
Yesterday I notice there is slime around the filter, and a few slimy strands floating in the water... gross!
I did a super shock and got all may levels to the right place, but I am concerned there may be a bacterial infestation in my plumbing!
What is the best way to restore my hottub to health?
I promise not to neglect it again.
Look into a product called swirl away and use that. This will require a dump and refill, but it sounds like the perfect thing.
I promise not to neglect it again.
Since you promised ;) ... I would hit the tub with a cup of dichlor and let it sit in the tub for at least 24 hours making sure that you run the pumps for a minimum of 1 hour during that time. I would also make sure to turn every knob - diverter, air and what have you occasionally to make the water hit EVERYWHERE in the valve. I would also get a solution of bleach and water and wash down all the surface areas not in the water (maybe a couple of times).
I probably would use a tub cleaning product like swirl away to really clean out the plumbing. Then dump the water AND throw out the filters.
I would fill again, run the pumps to rinse and dump the water again.
Buy new filters, fill up the tub and continue with as new refill.
I probably would use a tub cleaning product like swirl away to really clean out the plumbing. Then dump the water AND throw out the filters.
I would fill again, run the pumps to rinse and dump the water again.
Buy new filters, fill up the tub and continue with as new refill.
This is what I'd do as well.
Buy a new hot tub ;D
I would hit the tub with a cup of dichlor and let it sit in the tub for at least 24 hours making sure that you run the pumps for a minimum of 1 hour during that time. I would also make sure to turn every knob - diverter, air and what have you occasionally to make the water hit EVERYWHERE in the valve. I would also get a solution of bleach and water and wash down all the surface areas not in the water (maybe a couple of times).
I probably would use a tub cleaning product like swirl away to really clean out the plumbing. Then dump the water AND throw out the filters.
I would fill again, run the pumps to rinse and dump the water again.
Buy new filters, fill up the tub and continue with as new refill.
Been there, done that.
Since you promised ;) ... I would hit the tub with a cup of dichlor and let it sit in the tub for at least 24 hours making sure that you run the pumps for a minimum of 1 hour during that time. I would also make sure to turn every knob - diverter, air and what have you occasionally to make the water hit EVERYWHERE in the valve. I would also get a solution of bleach and water and wash down all the surface areas not in the water (maybe a couple of times).
I probably would use a tub cleaning product like swirl away to really clean out the plumbing. Then dump the water AND throw out the filters.
I would fill again, run the pumps to rinse and dump the water again.
Buy new filters, fill up the tub and continue with as new refill.
Vinny nailed it, swirl away wont kill the bacteria di-clor the heck out of it first
and don't forget to clean the underside of the cover thoroughly, as well!
Do the vinnny treatment.
Had to do it to my Solana TX since I had not looked at it since Disney- 4weeks. I know better, but it happens.
ok sorry but that is what happens when you neglect your tub. I don't even bother adding and shock or anything your water is too far gone as far as I am concerned. Dont waste your time or chemicles. I would how ever add some swirl away to your tub follow the instructions (remove your filters) and run it a full cycle maybe two (in you case 2 maybe be better) then drain it rinse the tub and refill and run again with just the new water (no chemicles) then drain again. The reason I say drain again is I have used that swirl away and it is powerful stuff. Bascially it is a detergent. If you don't do the second drain you will still have some in your lines and it could get foamy.
Good luck
I agree with Nicker: don't bother to sanize this mess. Drain it and flush with Swirl away. Rinse a lot. Clean behnd the pillows, under the cover. Run the swirl away through all the lines (open and closing the diverters). Invest in some new filters.
ok sorry but that is what happens when you neglect your tub. I don't even bother adding and shock or anything your water is too far gone as far as I am concerned.
Yes the water may be too far gone but you MUST hit it hard with chlorine before draining because you will not be able to get 100% of the water out of the spa. If you're going to leave some behind you don't want it to be the slimy water but you want it to be sanitized slimy water.
Start with a good sized shock before your first drain.
Yes the water may be too far gone but you MUST hit it hard with chlorine before draining because you will not be able to get 100% of the water out of the spa. If you're going to leave some behind you don't want it to be the slimy water but you want it to be sanitized slimy water.
Start with a good sized shock before your first drain.
Deosn't the swirl away sanitize?
two weeks ago, I went outside and I hadnt added bromine in 6 days. i opened the tub and it was ugly. The water was very cloudy and the water almost looked milky.
I was about to shock it but said screw it. I drained it out, cleaned and refill.
why even risk it.
Deosn't the swirl away sanitize?
No it doesn't.
It will clean the tub (possibly 100%, possibly not).
I don't understand how anyone wouldn't nuke their tub before a drain after it's been neglected. I have negleted my tub once last summer and before draining, I hit it hard with dichlor.
How much does a cup of dichlor cost - about $1.00, not even. Piece of mind is worth $1,000,000 IMO. Will anyone catch Hot Tub Rash without disinfecting it - who knows.
As far what Spatech t.u.o. said about slimy water, I would hope that the swirl away would clean the slime and then the drain/refill/run pumps/drain would get rid of the slimy water.
Everyone is mentioning hitting it hard with DiClor.
I have Bromine concentrate and SpaShock.
Can I hit it hard with one of those before draining?
Everyone is mentioning hitting it hard with DiClor.
I have Bromine concentrate and SpaShock.
Can I hit it hard with one of those before draining?
Adding dichlor is a good idea in a situation like this when you are on Bromine. The bromine tabs are about 25% chlorine anyway so it's perfectly fine and works well and I would go that route rather than using the shock in this type of scenario.
BTW, I'll chip in if we're taking up a collection to entice Orthofunk to change his avatar, AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
thank god someone else brought it up. Dude please change that avatar, it is very disturbing. If that is your side profile, perhaps we can start a collection for some new teeth.
- know how much it cost to get him to USE that avatar??
thank god someone else brought it up. Dude please change that avatar, it is very disturbing. If that is your side profile, perhaps we can start a collection for some new teeth.
Awww... c'mon guys
I'm very sensitive about my grill. :-X
All I need is Zoom whitening and DaVinci veneers, and I'll be ready for Hollywood.
I'd like to know what Snyper's personal pic is all about.
I'm sorry but a messed up grill isn't half as disturbing as some green barney smacking an imaginary a** Tatoolady Barney must go ;D
I'm sorry but a messed up grill isn't half as disturbing as some green barney smacking an imaginary a** Tatoolady Barney must go ;D
Yeah but the Barney one got old after a few days whereas that missing link grill was a train wreck to my eyes at first glance.
alright, alright....blarney's gone. Happy now? ;D
I couldn't find Swirl Away locally, but I did find Spa System Flush
Will this do the same job as Swirl Away?