Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: luvin_tubin_sqezin on March 16, 2006, 12:21:01 pm

Title: Love this site!!!  Tomorrow's the big day....
Post by: luvin_tubin_sqezin on March 16, 2006, 12:21:01 pm
becoming a new tub owner for the first time.  Thanks to all of you for posting because you've saved us much time and deliberation.  Dealer is 5 minutes away with a sparkling rep, 26 total stores in a 3 state area and no BBB complaints in the last 3 years.

We've decided on a Sundance Bahia (smaller version of the Optima...same basic layout with foot pod in center).  

I do have a question:  the model (2005) and particular tub we're interested in is a floor model that has been on display for about a year, much of that time wet.  It still comes with 5 year parts/labor warranty etc.  Any pros/cons regarding buying a floor model?  

Also, $6k a decent price?  

One more for now:  need to reinforce a section of my current deck.  Any sources you can suggest for some guidelines (dealer says 80 lbs per sq ft...but not sure how that translates into actual construction).  

Thanks in advance!  
Title: Re: Love this site!!!  Tomorrow's the big day....
Post by: East_TX_Spa on March 16, 2006, 12:24:48 pm
Congratulations and love your handle!

Regarding buying a floor model, no cons whatsoever.


Title: Re: Love this site!!!  Tomorrow's the big day....
Post by: drewstar on March 16, 2006, 12:25:51 pm
I breifly looked at the Baha, as it appeared very similliar to my Caspain.  I think you are going to love the foot pod!   :D\

Congrats! and 6K seems like a very good price.
Title: Re: Love this site!!!  Tomorrow's the big day....
Post by: Guzz on March 16, 2006, 02:40:35 pm
If the floor model has been empty for some time, several weeks, you will have some small amount of stagnant water left in the plumbing, just flush this out before you fill, if it has just been drained no problem.
Title: Re: Love this site!!!  Tomorrow's the big day....
Post by: hymbaw on March 16, 2006, 03:08:35 pm
Great spa. Great price.

The Bahia isn't smaller than the Optima, both 7'5"x7'5"(though it is slightly shorter) The Bahia just has a few less features than the Optima. (waterfall, Microclean II filter, blower,etc.)

Good luck and good tubbin'
Title: Re: Love this site!!!  Tomorrow's the big day....
Post by: luvin_tubin_sqezin on March 16, 2006, 03:33:38 pm
 ;)  yes, true.  The bahia isn't smaller.  I was thinking in financial terms!!!  

Great!  The floor model it is...also comes with the stereo/cd player.  My son and I have some work to do this weekend on the deck.  

Again, any ideas about modifing the current deck to hold the tub?  

Man, we're only a couple weeks away from the first dip!!!
Title: Re: Love this site!!!  Tomorrow's the big day....
Post by: hotelier on March 16, 2006, 03:47:43 pm
Hot Springs has a deck designer on their website,

You also might want to do an internet search on "Span Tables" to get an idea of what kind of loads various beam and joist configurations can handle.
Title: Re: Love this site!!!  Tomorrow's the big day....
Post by: Tatooed_Lady on March 16, 2006, 04:54:33 pm
I tried using the HS deck design hasn't worked for me at that I mean I try to start a plan, and it never does anything...I get ticked off and shut down...think I'll do MY deck plan with LEGOS. ;)
Title: Re: Love this site!!!  Tomorrow's the big day....
Post by: luvin_tubin_sqezin on March 17, 2006, 08:23:52 am

Thats funny TL!  Same thing happens to me on that site.  They tell you to download Java and I do and install it yet the screen just flashes and nothing!

I'll do some looking on the SPAN TABLES...that's one I haven't  thought of.  

I hope they'll hold the tub 'till the deck is done...I'd hate to pay another $200 for a 2 stage move.  

Title: Re: Love this site!!!  Tomorrow's the big day....
Post by: wmccall on March 18, 2006, 08:18:41 am

How did it go? I assume your in the Cleveland area? I imagine your water was in the 40s when  you first started.  I'm missing my tub while out of town this weekend.
Title: Re: Love this site!!!  Tomorrow's the big day....
Post by: luvin_tubin_sqezin on March 20, 2006, 09:46:41 am

Friday was the first of many BIG DAYS as we actually signed on the dotted line!!!  Thanks to all for your feedback.  The deal was as follows (mostly posted for use as a benchmark for others shopping):

Spa purchased:  SUNDANCE BAHIA 2005 FLOOR MODEL w/stereo and cd (listed at $7749)

Warranty:  Full factory 5 years parts/labor & lifetime shell (which in Ohio is 7 years).  

Items included:  Had them throw in cover lifter and hold until April 14 so we can prep the deck.

Financing:  Got 12 months same as cash.

Price:  $5999.99 + tax.  

So, ripped the deck apart and pleasantly surprised at how well the previous owner built it.  Must add a couple 4x4's and 1 double joist and should be all set.  Won't be until April that the next BIG DAY happens!!!  

Yes...I'm afraid of that "not wanting to leave town" thing as we have a get away place in Hidden Valley 4 Seasons Resort in Pa!!!  Hopefully, you aren't gone too long!!!

Title: Re: Love this site!!!  Tomorrow's the big day....
Post by: drewstar on March 20, 2006, 09:52:46 am
I think you did very, very well. Enjoy!  :D