Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: East_TX_Spa on March 09, 2006, 05:03:53 pm
Is it windy where ya'll are? The roof just blew off my warehouse!!!! Crikey!
:o what the :o you gettin ternaders already term??
couldy, light breeze here in (not so) sunny california
It started rainin' here at bout 1am this mornin' and hasn't stopped since. No wind though, 'cept what comes out of my mouth. Oh, sorry, thats smoke.
It started rainin' here at bout 1am this mornin' and hasn't stopped since. No wind though, 'cept what comes out of my mouth. Oh, sorry, thats smoke.
Your weather today is my weather 8 hours later. I'm hoping to golf tommorow as the ski slope closed today.
Your weather today is my weather 8 hours later. I'm hoping to golf tommorow as the ski slope closed today.
if thats true, golf is out.
i never got the hang of the sport.....more hack and chase for me. but its nice to go chase that darn ball around every now and then......especially with the bee uhhh i mean soda ;D
I don't even want to imagine what the repair costs are going to be. Looks like I'm having a warehouse sale. :(
I don't even want to imagine what the repair costs are going to be. Looks like I'm having a warehouse sale. :(
It doesn't look like it hurt those Tri-x filters sittin there or you would really be mad
It doesn't look big enough to hold too many spas.
Could you be branching out to a smaller model?
Yes, its pouring wind today.
Fortunately, my warehouse roof is FF so it should be ok.
Guess it was you guys that sent the very warm strong winds to us up north! It is 75 degrees today in Philadelphia and that wind has just dried 5 loads of laundry for me in record time. ;D
;DHey Term, You might be able to fit one of the small marquis rendezvous triangle units in that "warehouse". That is a big might though!! LOL :D
That warehouse is bigger than it looks, it's an optical delusion.
;DHey Term, You might be able to fit one of the small marquis rendezvous triangle units in that "warehouse". That is a big might though!! LOL :D
granted, its a small spa......but come on, could fit at least 4 in there ;D
I don't know, those brands of spa seem to cause people to catch Ranties.....and I've got enough problems right now, as you know.
John Doe
catch Ranties.....
John Doe
isnt that something mennonites come down with?
Actually, now that you mention it, wasn't the Marquis de Sade a mennonite?
Maybe he had bad electrolytes?
That's not a wharehouse, it's where term sleeps between customers coming in. And I thought that everything in Texas was bigger.
I should've been more specific: That's our filter warehouse.
I figured it was your mailbox.