Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: Snyper on March 10, 2006, 02:21:00 am

Title: Bromine levels (how important?)
Post by: Snyper on March 10, 2006, 02:21:00 am
Just how important is it to maintain a "perfect" bromine level if you have an ozonator?

I would think you could run bromine on the low side, but not sure.
Title: Re: Bromine levels (how important?)
Post by: MarKee on March 10, 2006, 05:19:14 am
You can keep it on the low side but I wouldn't keep it any lower than 1 PPM.
Title: Re: Bromine levels (how important?)
Post by: Snyper on March 10, 2006, 11:23:38 am
I use the strips, so I wonder where 1 PPM ranks on the color chart?
Title: Re: Bromine levels (how important?)
Post by: Mendocino101 on March 10, 2006, 11:54:21 am
Between 1 and 2 is where you should be....I believe that it is the 2nd and 3rd square on the strip....
Title: Re: Bromine levels (how important?)
Post by: Bonibelle on March 10, 2006, 12:11:45 pm
I am so proud..since my water change, I have been able to keep my Bromine just at the level that you are suggesting, Mendo. I guess some us are slower than others since  it took me 3 months, but by jove, I think I've got it! ;)
Title: Re: Bromine levels (how important?)
Post by: Snyper on March 10, 2006, 12:19:48 pm
Between 1 and 2 is where you should be....I believe that it is the 2nd and 3rd square on the strip....

That's what I thought but wasn't sure. I sure have a hard time keeping it at that level with this dang Spa Frog. If I set the cartridge to #1, the level is too low. If I set the cartridge to # 2 it is too high. I am ready to give up on the Spa Frog!
Title: Re: Bromine levels (how important?)
Post by: Bonibelle on March 10, 2006, 12:53:49 pm
Sniper, I was at the point that you are now. I was ready to toss that darn frog and switch chemicals completely. I started clean and so far have finally been able to  maintain my bromine levels right where they belong. Actually, all of my chem levels have been just right....and my tub is crystal clear. I just took a bit longer than most to get to this point.  ;)
Title: Re: Bromine levels (how important?)
Post by: Mendocino101 on March 10, 2006, 12:57:25 pm

That's what I thought but wasn't sure. I sure have a hard time keeping it at that level with this dang Spa Frog. If I set the cartridge to #1, the level is too low. If I set the cartridge to # 2 it is too high. I am ready to give up on the Spa Frog!

place it in the middle of the those....
Title: Re: Bromine levels (how important?)
Post by: Snyper on March 10, 2006, 02:41:20 pm
Sniper, I was at the point that you are now. I was ready to toss that darn frog and switch chemicals completely. I started clean and so far have finally been able to  maintain my bromine levels right where they belong. Actually, all of my chem levels have been just right....and my tub is crystal clear. I just took a bit longer than most to get to this point.

I just did a drain and refill over the weekend and thought that may help, but as i write this, the bromine level is on the high side. I guess just trial and error until I get it figured out.

place it in the middle of the those....

I didn't think of that. I'll give it a shot. Thanks!
Title: Re: Bromine levels (how important?)
Post by: SurgTec on March 10, 2006, 10:33:14 pm
So - the test strips may say that 1 - 2ppm Bromine is "low" but with Ozone we are okay?  

I have the Spa Frog also - and I am experimenting with where I set the cartridge to.  I don't like too much bromine - but too little leads to cloudy water quickly!  

Title: Re: Bromine levels (how important?)
Post by: Bonibelle on March 10, 2006, 11:05:06 pm
That was the exact problem that I was having, either way too high or the bromine dropped like a rock and my tub clouded up. I have been shocking more often now and I think that is what is keeping me out of trouble. I found out how simple it is to drain and refill so I won't hesitate to start over if I run into trouble again.
Title: Re: Bromine levels (how important?)
Post by: Snyper on March 10, 2006, 11:44:50 pm
That was the exact problem that I was having, either way too high or the bromine dropped like a rock and my tub clouded up. I have been shocking more often now and I think that is what is keeping me out of trouble. I found out how simple it is to drain and refill so I won't hesitate to start over if I run into trouble again.

So how often and how much shock are you adding? Perhaps this is my ticket too. Thanks.
Title: Re: Bromine levels (how important?)
Post by: Bonibelle on March 11, 2006, 08:29:08 am
Sniper when I started  I shocked just once a week with 3 tablespoons. I was having so many problems I think because we used the tub so much and I was trying to correct my bromine by messing with the settings on the cartridge all the time. And trying to "gass off" the bromine when it got high. If I understand correctly, the bromine will be "bound up " with contaminants and the
shock frees it up and allows it to be useful again. so I started to just add my shock based on use. If we all (4 people) went in and the bromine was perfect before that, I put in a tablespoon of shock the next morning during the filtration cycle. I guess what I am really doing is oxydizing off the contaminants and seeing how much bromine I have before I add more bromine or change my frog settings. I had to put a white board by my door to write things down so I could visualize a pattern. And I am checking the bromine cartridge weekly because I think that logically that gets used depending on how often you use the tub and turn on the jets that inject it in the water. If the bromine gets really low then I shock it with the 3 tablespoons, leave my cover off about 10 mins. I think you have to find your own pattern depending on your usage. If anything I have said is not a good idea, someone please tell me, all I can say is that it is working and I don't hate the frog anymore! And I feel much more comfortable soaking with the low bromine levels.
Title: Re: Bromine levels (how important?)
Post by: Snyper on March 11, 2006, 11:28:29 am
Sniper when I started  I shocked just once a week with 3 tablespoons. I was having so many problems I think because we used the tub so much and I was trying to correct my bromine by messing with the settings on the cartridge all the time. And trying to "gass off" the bromine when it got high. If I understand correctly, the bromine will be "bound up " with contaminants and the
shock frees it up and allows it to be useful again. so I started to just add my shock based on use. If we all (4 people) went in and the bromine was perfect before that, I put in a tablespoon of shock the next morning during the filtration cycle. I guess what I am really doing is oxydizing off the contaminants and seeing how much bromine I have before I add more bromine or change my frog settings. I had to put a white board by my door to write things down so I could visualize a pattern. And I am checking the bromine cartridge weekly because I think that logically that gets used depending on how often you use the tub and turn on the jets that inject it in the water. If the bromine gets really low then I shock it with the 3 tablespoons, leave my cover off about 10 mins. I think you have to find your own pattern depending on your usage. If anything I have said is not a good idea, someone please tell me, all I can say is that it is working and I don't hate the frog anymore! And I feel much more comfortable soaking with the low bromine levels.

What you say makes alot of sense to me. I will try your suggestions and see what happens. Thanks!