Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: rick on March 06, 2006, 04:36:33 pm
Been running my spa off a 50amp on the panel as well as 50amp on the GFI. It tripped maybe twice in the 2 years I've had it. Always when both pumps are on high, stereo on, lights, etc.
Couple of days ago, I'm running just both pumps on high for shock treatment. Left the area for a bit and came back to find the spa dead. Panel breaker had tripped. I flip the breaker and get a VERY loud bang and fireball at the panel! Scared the shhheeet outta me. This of course, tripped main breaker, and luckily after resetting him, everything else in the house is fine.
Stupid me, tries to reset spa breaker again only to be met with the same loud bang and fireball.
Uninstalled wires from breaker and removed breaker.
GFI never tripped at all during this.
Does this mean I had some sort of short in the panel breaker? Do I just replace with another?
The GFI not going off simply indicates that your ground is OK. The loud bang and all that indicates that something shorted in your control panel. You need your dealer's qualified service tech to come fix it. At a guess, I would look for melted wire insulation due to too high current draw somewhere in the control panel.
Bill is right. It sounds like under sized wire. or it has rubbed into. Under sized wire will heat up and melt the insulation, causing a short.