Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: Mendocino101 on March 03, 2006, 01:54:01 pm

Title: Tough Day Yesterday
Post by: Mendocino101 on March 03, 2006, 01:54:01 pm
Yesterday I had to deliver a eulogy for my brother's wife she was only 36 and suffered from diabetes.... It was a sad day for our family as they shared a truly great and a most unselfish love...I hope if anyone uses their tub to aid them in the fight against diabetes that it does help as studies I have read indicated it can make a real difference in certain types...(I believe type 2)...If you do and have any success stories please share them here...I wish we could have gotten my sister in law into a spa but because of some other conditions she had we were not able to
Title: Re: Tough Day Yesterday
Post by: East_TX_Spa on March 03, 2006, 01:56:53 pm
I'm sure sorry to hear that. :(

You and your family have my sincerest condolences.

Title: Re: Tough Day Yesterday
Post by: drewstar on March 03, 2006, 01:56:56 pm
My condolences mendo.

I lost my brother in law to diabetes at about the same age. The sense of loss is numbing.  I wil lkeep you and your sister in law and family in my prayers.
Title: Re: Tough Day Yesterday
Post by: cappykat on March 03, 2006, 02:15:27 pm
I am so sorry to hear about your sister-in-law.  You and your family will definitely be in my prayers.
Title: Re: Tough Day Yesterday
Post by: Bonibelle on March 03, 2006, 02:24:59 pm
That is so sad, Mendo. Diabetes is a very dangerous disease that too many people don't take seriously enough. God Bless you and your family . I will also pray for all of you as you deal with this tragic loss.
Title: Re: Tough Day Yesterday
Post by: galen on March 03, 2006, 03:15:28 pm
I'm sorry about you and your brothers lost.  She was too young.  I do have a success story: I'll make it short. My brother has had diabetes for 15 years. Type 2, he has always been over weight. He went to see the family doctor, Jerry was having all kinds of health issues. His doctor said I can't do any more for you. Your going to die fairly soon. Jerry ask "what do you mean?" Well your life style is all wrong.  Any way Jerry went home and he and his wife, Cindy went on the South Beach diet. This was eary last year. He drove up to my business out of the blue. Jerry lives 165 miles away.  I didn't know who it was. He had lost so much weight that I didn't know my own brother. He told me he was no longer diabetic. He is a new man. If you want to talk to him, send me your email and I'll hook you up. I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes.  
Title: Re: Tough Day Yesterday
Post by: Vinny on March 03, 2006, 03:39:51 pm

Sorry for your family's loss!
Title: Re: Tough Day Yesterday
Post by: hamrhed on March 03, 2006, 03:52:18 pm

My condolences to you and your Family.

Title: Re: Tough Day Yesterday
Post by: socal on March 03, 2006, 03:52:57 pm

im sorry to hear about your siter-in-law.
You and your family have my sincerest condolences as well.
Title: Re: Tough Day Yesterday
Post by: bosco0633 on March 03, 2006, 03:53:53 pm
A loss of a loved one is a difficult and challenging times for any family.  My deepest condolences to you and your family during this time.

A very close friend of mine, just informed me that his 2 year old son was just diagnosed with childrens diabetes.  He is now taking 4 needles a day.  He was very ill and they took him to the hospital, to hear the news from the doctor that if he had waited another 12 hours, his son may have died.  The said his blood sugar was way out of wack and a very good chance that he would have not made it.  

We hear so much about illnesses, and truly can not comprehend the totality of a disease until a loved one is suffers.  

Title: Re: Tough Day Yesterday
Post by: Snowbird on March 03, 2006, 04:58:53 pm
I'm sorry for your loss Mendo.  Younger people always a greater sense of loss when they pass.  

Loosing my wife's sister was harder to take than her father's passing.

Time will heal, just rely on your friends and family.
Title: Re: Tough Day Yesterday
Post by: Mendocino101 on March 03, 2006, 09:36:19 pm
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.....
Title: Re: Tough Day Yesterday
Post by: Tatooed_Lady on March 03, 2006, 09:47:41 pm
Mendo, my sincerest condolences to you and your family...
Title: Re: Tough Day Yesterday
Post by: J._McD on March 03, 2006, 10:00:05 pm
Mendo, obviously our prayers are with you and your family, as we live our lives and hear about the loved ones that pass each day.  Where, but for the grace of God, go you, I and all others, to make this world a better place to be, while we are here.  

Diabetes 2 is something our product can help, but we can not cure it.  Life is one of those things we take for granted as we wake each day, as if we think there will be yet again another day.  That day will come that will be our last, so it's best to do good, before we pass.
Title: Re: Tough Day Yesterday
Post by: Snyper on March 04, 2006, 12:44:58 am
You know my prayers and best wishes are with you and your family during this most trying of times. Keep the faith, it will help you heal.

God Bless You!
Title: Re: Tough Day Yesterday
Post by: anne on March 04, 2006, 03:11:47 am
My thoughts and best wishes to you, your brother and the whole family. I cannot even imagine what it must be like to lose a loved one or a soulmate so early in life.
Title: Re: Tough Day Yesterday
Post by: SurgTec on March 04, 2006, 09:24:02 pm

I lost my older brother suddenly last year - in the middle of having 3 hurricanes damage my home - so I know a little of loss and the pain associated with it...

May the burden of pain ease to where you can leave it aside and continue forward with your life.  Life is for living and those who have passed would not want us to stop living.  To honor THEIR lives - we need to make the most of our lives.  LIVESTRONG and make them proud!
Title: Re: Tough Day Yesterday
Post by: Lori on March 06, 2006, 07:41:41 am
Sorry, I'm late!

My thoughts & prayers are with your family, as well.

Title: Re: Tough Day Yesterday
Post by: Mendocino101 on March 06, 2006, 01:46:20 pm
Thank you all again.....I have to say my brother for being so young (33) at the time she started home dialysis did this for her every night along with all of her daily shots and what not...I am not sure if I could have done the same thing....but neither of them ever complained..We have a large family and are close...I am the oldest of nine .....less than a week after she lost her leg , we had a gathering and she baked pies for us all...they simply never stopped giving and they did not have much but gave all they had....really I think the love they shared and the generosity of spirit was a blessing for many....and I again Thank you all for your thought and prayers....