Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: Tubaholic on February 21, 2006, 11:49:21 pm

Title: Indoor Hot tub Room Pics (Revised)
Post by: Tubaholic on February 21, 2006, 11:49:21 pm
 Just wanted to share a few pictures of my hot tub room......I did change the link and added a few more pictures.... Enjoy.........
Title: Re: Indoor Hot tub Room Pics
Post by: bosco0633 on February 22, 2006, 12:27:53 am
wow.  Looks amazing.  Did you do that all yourself or contract out.
Title: Re: Indoor Hot tub Room Pics
Post by: Tubaholic on February 22, 2006, 12:43:43 am
The room was part of the home when it was  constructed new and is a 4 season room but can be closed off from the rest of the house. Then we added all the toys.......This room also has hot /cold water spigots, TV, wood stove and the skylights open as do all the windows. This is nice if we want to open doors and skylights in the cold weather or in the summer and dont want to be bothered by  mosquitos or to be able to vent moisture. The wood stove also does a great job of getting rid of moisture if we want to keep the room closed on cold nights.
Title: Re: Indoor Hot tub Room Pics
Post by: rubiconruby on February 22, 2006, 12:52:31 am
wow ! nice!
Title: Re: Indoor Hot tub Room Pics
Post by: st18901 on February 22, 2006, 03:59:42 am
Great Spa Room!!!
I checked it out via the slide show.

Uh, are you with a few women, one of them being Jeanne Tripplehorn?

Title: Re: Indoor Hot tub Room Pics
Post by: johnvb on February 22, 2006, 07:14:20 am
Awesome room...makes mine look like a chicken coop ;D

What material & coating did you use for the walls?
Title: Re: Indoor Hot tub Room Pics
Post by: Tubaholic on February 22, 2006, 07:44:56 am
Not sure who Jeanne Tripplehorn is... ??? I just set up the pictures at that site last night for the first time and I guess if you do the slide show they add some sort of people pics at the end (not sure why) think its the site doing advertising. Mabe I should look for another storage site
The material is called carsiding  1x8 tongue and grove knotty pine and the finish  is stain and a couple coats of satin poly. It seems to have held up well as the house was built in 1990.
Title: Re: Indoor Hot tub Room Pics
Post by: luvmytub on February 22, 2006, 08:57:43 am
Very, very nice!  Enjoyed the show!
Title: Re: Indoor Hot tub Room Pics
Post by: cappykat on February 22, 2006, 09:03:54 am
Very nice!  HA...I did the slideshow and got Jeanne Tripplehorn too. That kind of threw me...I didn't recognize Bill Paxton and I thought "what...this guy is married to Jeanne Tripplehorn??!!

Very nice setup.  
Title: Re: Indoor Hot tub Room Pics
Post by: Tubaholic on February 22, 2006, 10:33:44 am
I think I will move my picture to another place.. Any suggestions??? Or how can I just add a photo to this site directly?
Title: Re: Indoor Hot tub Room Pics
Post by: East_TX_Spa on February 22, 2006, 12:36:33 pm
Tubaholic, those are fantastic pics!  I am so jealous... :(.

I host all of my pics at  It's free and makes pic posting very easy.

Congratulations on such a wonderful set-up. :)

Title: Re: Indoor Hot tub Room Pics
Post by: Tubaholic on February 22, 2006, 12:58:40 pm
Thanks for the help and kind words Terminator.
As you can tell by the # of my posts and the date I joined I have been just taking in all the good advice you and several others bring to this site. That is why my wife and I have had many hours of hot water enjoyment................ Thanks again.....
Title: Re: Indoor Hot tub Room Pics
Post by: East_TX_Spa on February 22, 2006, 01:59:52 pm
Well, I'm humbled and appreciative of your kind words.  Thank you.

It's funny, I helped out another member of this forum with some technical info and I received a nice, very nice package from UPS yesterday.  Spiman contacted me and asked for my address as he wanted to send me a thank you gift.  I told him as long as his name wasn't Mohammed and it didn't arrive ticking, I'd be happy to accept.  Lo and behold, 5 lbs of gourmet balogney arrived and I am about to make me a sammich!  Thanks Spiman, that was an awfully nice gesture and I am looking forward to enjoying your gift. :)

Title: Re: Indoor Hot tub Room Pics
Post by: Spatech_tuo on February 22, 2006, 02:33:14 pm
Well, I'm humbled and appreciative of your kind words.  Thank you.

It's funny, I helped out another member of this forum with some technical info and I received a nice, very nice package from UPS yesterday.  Spiman contacted me and asked for my address as he wanted to send me a thank you gift.  I told him as long as his name wasn't Mohammed and it didn't arrive ticking, I'd be happy to accept.  Lo and behold, 5 lbs of gourmet balogney arrived and I am about to make me a sammich!  Thanks Spiman, that was an awfully nice gesture and I am looking forward to enjoying your gift. :)


...and all along we all thought you were already full of bolonga.
Title: Re: Indoor Hot tub Room Pics
Post by: Tatooed_Lady on February 22, 2006, 02:34:42 pm
Sweeeeeeeet....... :o
I see all these fantastic setups, and think ours will look like a drunken monkey slapped ours together, at least initially....I'm getting GREAT ideas on landscaping, though...
Title: Re: Indoor Hot tub Room Pics
Post by: wmccall on February 22, 2006, 02:50:52 pm
First class.  You've got to look at this one.
Title: Re: Indoor Hot tub Room Pics
Post by: Tubaholic on February 22, 2006, 08:29:25 pm
I just wanted to thank everyone for the nice comments on my set-up. When I started looking for a tub I knew the room would be cool but never really thought it would turn out like it did.   Oh and Terminator I did go and open an account at . You were right about that place thanks.
Title: Re: Indoor Hot tub Room Pics
Post by: Brookenstein on February 22, 2006, 09:07:07 pm
Sweeeeeeeet....... :o
I see all these fantastic setups, and think ours will look like a drunken monkey slapped ours together, at least initially....I'm getting GREAT ideas on landscaping, though...

Thats exactly how I felt/feel about our set up.  But, the tub feels great reardless of its atmosphere.   :)
Title: Re: Indoor Hot tub Room Pics
Post by: luvmytub on February 22, 2006, 10:13:30 pm
Apparently mine was set up by a drunken! :D :o :-/
Title: Re: Indoor Hot tub Room Pics
Post by: Brookenstein on February 22, 2006, 10:22:54 pm
Apparently mine was set up by a drunken! :D :o :-/

Just the electrical, lol.   ;) ;D :)
Title: Re: Indoor Hot tub Room Pics (Revised)
Post by: Tubaholic on February 23, 2006, 08:31:28 pm
 Lovmytub if you look at my picture  named tub/stove you will see a brown box on the wall by the wood stove.   This is my circuit panel and acording to my electrician  he would not have installed it any closer than he did....... Other than the electric your setup looks like it works just fine...Happy Tubbin...
Title: Re: Indoor Hot tub Room Pics
Post by: anne on February 23, 2006, 11:18:43 pm
Lo and behold, 5 lbs of gourmet balogney arrived and I am about to make me a sammich!  

I didn't think that "gourmet" and "bologna" could be in the same sentence......

Oh, and that is a phonomenal room. I love the knotty pine and sky lights.
Title: Re: Indoor Hot tub Room Pics (Revised)
Post by: Tubaholic on February 23, 2006, 11:27:36 pm
Thanks ANNE  for the compliment
And I had the same thoughts about the bologna thing ..  
Title: Re: Indoor Hot tub Room Pics (Revised)
Post by: TMJ on February 24, 2006, 12:18:28 pm
Abosultely amazing! When is the party?  :)
Very nice job.
Title: Re: Indoor Hot tub Room Pics (Revised)
Post by: tanstaafl2 on February 24, 2006, 01:33:00 pm
Very nice indeed!

Would love to have something like that for my spa. Alas, sticking it under the deck will have to do. Had been considering at least screening the sides under the deck but will have to make do with the spa and the underdeck roof for now.
Title: Re: Indoor Hot tub Room Pics (Revised)
Post by: Tubaholic on February 24, 2006, 08:49:43 pm
Well the parties happen mostly in the summer when the pool is open.   But hey I am always up for a good party so who is bringing the bear and margaritas? Since we got the tub most of the neighbors now dont just visit in the summertime.......... 8)
Title: Re: Indoor Hot tub Room Pics (Revised)
Post by: njspence on February 27, 2006, 01:07:43 pm
Two questions:

What is the Size of your room?

Have you had any problems with the tile floor cracking/etc?

I am building a similar room and any hints you can provide would be helpful.

Title: Re: Indoor Hot tub Room Pics (Revised)
Post by: Tubaholic on March 02, 2006, 07:51:01 pm
Sorry it has taken me so long to respond to you but here goes... The room is 20x20 on a 8" concrete slab and was built with the house when new. The tile has cracked in a few spots but for the most part is in great shape. I wish I had a drain in the floor but other than that I feel the room is just what we wanted.  I do not have an exhaust fan in the room but with 5 sliders and 4 skylights that open we felt it was not needed. Also on the coldest days we dont open anything but do fire up the wood stove and that does the job of wicking away moisture. The room can also be closed off from the rest of the home so as not to add moisture or cold outside air to it through the hvac return vent. With the satalite TV and music it is as close to utopia as possible.....
Title: Re: Indoor Hot tub Room Pics (Revised)
Post by: pikergal on March 03, 2006, 08:19:37 pm
Hi, I too like all the other posts loved your pictures.  We just bought a used arctic spa (2yrs old) size husky - so its 5-6 people and we are going to put it in closed as well.  We live in northern saskatchewan and the addition was going to be probably more like 12 x 12 hooking it onto our sunroom as a seperate addition.  We were going to put cedar on the walls with lots of windows.  After looking at your pics i now want sky lights and was wondering if the wood stove is a good idea or not.  There won't be a whole lot of room but i liked what you said about removing the moisture.  What do you recommend?.....thanks again for the great pics
Title: Re: Indoor Hot tub Room Pics (Revised)
Post by: galen on March 03, 2006, 08:29:52 pm
When my tub grows up, this is what it should be like.
Title: Re: Indoor Hot tub Room Pics (Revised)
Post by: Tubaholic on March 03, 2006, 10:24:32 pm
Pikergal :
The woods stove was a wonderful addition to the room. It does add a alot of warmth but also wicks the moisture right out of the room. With the tub operating  without windows open or the stove fired up the room would be full of moisture and all the glass would be wet. Depending on outside temperature and conditions I either open a couple skylights if its not to cold or get the stove started about an hour prior to going in the tub and just let the stove dry out the room.  About a week ago it was -13 outside and I was able to sit in the tub room in a wet swim suit as it was over 80 in there with only burning two 5 gal. buckets of wood the whole evening. With the room set up this way we never get out of the tub into a cold space.....Plus in the summer the mosquitos are never a problem as it becomes an instant screen room with all the windows and skylights open. And we still can see the stars.