Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: Tatooed_Lady on February 27, 2006, 11:11:50 am
Maybe it's just me, but I've got a brochure from HS ('05 models) that claims the Grandee is a "Super Energy Efficient Model", whereas their webpage has it listed as a "High Performance Model".....Is it both??
All the other tubs are listed the same in the brochure as online....
Guess it's just a curiosity thing, since it's not going to change my purchase.
You probably have an older brochure. The website is correct. It is a HP model now except when purchasing the Endural finish.
Maybe it's just me, but I've got a brochure from HS ('05 models) that claims the Grandee is a "Super Energy Efficient Model", whereas their webpage has it listed as a "High Performance Model".....Is it both??
All the other tubs are listed the same in the brochure as online....
Guess it's just a curiosity thing, since it's not going to change my purchase.
Consideriing they are both terms they made up and are complety subjective, yes, they can be both.
Watkins does make some tubs that are Energy Star rated and do put that logo on the spas info that qualify. On other tubs that are not Energy Star Rated, apparently have these "other" symbols ("Super Energy Efficent" or "High Effcienty Power" ) that look simmillar to an Engery Star logo , yet I could never find any info on them. They give the impression these spas have some type of rating system that can be verified, but other than Engery Star, I don't belive there is any such independed rating system exists.
So I think HS is just making it all up.
I bought a supercalifrajalistic energy model and it is rated as expialidocious for power and therapy. ::)
You probably have an older brochure. The website is correct. It is a HP model now except when purchasing the Endural finish.
Ok, I'll be a little less sarcastic. ;) and take it that HS rates it's tubs on certain criteria, and in order to help the consumer compare HS tubs to other HS tubs, tries to classify them as Energy efficent or High Perfomance. (Relative to each other).
However, what changed on the Grandee that they would change thier descriptive rating?
How does the Endural finish effect performance?
So I think HS is just making it all up.
They came up with two distinctly different types of tub, and they came up with a simple way to tell which type of tub you are looking at. The HP models have bigger jet pumps and can thereby run more jets at the same time. As a result, they usually come equipped with more jets overall. The EE models often have fewer jets, though not all do, and through the use of diverters you can still get the same jet pressure but just not through as many jets at the same time.
The Grandee WAS an EE tub until a mid-year model change. They swapped in Tim the Tool man pumps, re-arranged the plumbing, added twin Moto Massage jets, etc. etc.
And then they sent out a rivised page which we dealers are supposed to hand out with the brochure, but which we sometimes forget about.
The Grandee WAS an EE tub until a mid-year model change. They swapped in Tim the Tool man pumps, re-arranged the plumbing, added twin Moto Massage jets, etc. etc.
Aaarhhh aaarrhhh arrrhh!!! Tim the Tool man pumps.... I'm buyin' seatbelts.
There are no Energy Star spas. The federal government has delcined to rate spas. I had a huge battle with my local M*****s dealer several years ago to get him to remove a claim that he got from the manufacturer that their spas were Energy Star rated. Turned out they use a foam from an Energy star company.
There are no Energy Star spas. The federal government has delcined to rate spas. I had a huge battle with my local M*****s dealer several years ago to get him to remove a claim that he got from the manufacturer that their spas were Energy Star rated. Turned out they use a foam from an Energy star company.
Stricly from memory, I could have sworn I saw an Energy Star symbol last year in a Tiger River Brouchure. Checking on line only shows the "E E" rating . I know I have destroyed quite a few brain cells, but damn, I could have sworn i saw it. I will check tonight if i still have the brouchure.
Stricly from memory, I could have sworn I saw an Energy Star symbol last year in a Tiger River Brouchure. Checking on line only shows the "E E" rating . I know I have destroyed quite a few brain cells, but damn, I could have sworn i saw it. I will check tonight if i still have the brouchure.
You were tricked, it was a marketing ploy. ;) ;D
You were tricked, it was a marketing ploy. ;) ;D
You think it's a conspiracy? To fool us naive shoppers? ;)
If I remenber correctly, The energy star symbol on the brouchure was back and to the right.... Back and to the Right.
In my opinion it does both very well for my wife and I.
In my opinion it does both very well for my wife and I.
misleading marketing ploys or the Grandee? *wink*
Thanks, Tubaholic. *lol* I'm doing all my planning and arranging now, I hope to have half as nice a setup as many on this site do, by the time I'm done.
Stricly from memory, I could have sworn I saw an Energy Star symbol last year in a Tiger River Brouchure.
Yes you didn't. They do have an emblem proclaiming them "The Energy Smart Spa," and it is printed in mostly yellow and red, but it's not an Energy Star.
Loooks alike dis:
SEE Drew, I told you. ;)
I guess with my tub being indoors it would use less energy than say if it were on my deck here in the chicago burbs. But I have yet to notice hardly any increase in my elec bill. And we are in it every night. Actually I just got out.......
Yes you didn't. They do have an emblem proclaiming them "The Energy Smart Spa," and it is printed in mostly yellow and red, but it's not an Energy Star.
Loooks alike dis:
These are just Jedi mind tricks. I'll search tonight for the brouchure and blow the whole lid off of this. ( I forgot last night.)
These are just Jedi mind tricks. I'll search tonight for the brouchure and blow the whole lid off of this. ( I forgot last night.)
I'm sorry, my young apprentice, but Chas IS your father.
I'm sorry, my young apprentice, but Chas IS your father.
Nooooooooo! ;)
Luke... JA is your father......
NO. NO. Nooooooooooooooooooooo! Save us Obi Wan Terminator.