Hot Tub Forum

General => General info Somewhat hot tub related => Topic started by: drewstar on January 24, 2007, 01:02:29 pm

Title: Re: I got an email
Post by: drewstar on January 24, 2007, 01:02:29 pm

Title: Re: I got an email
Post by: Spatech_tuo on January 24, 2007, 01:08:30 pm
So I received a VERY interesting email this morning from a VERY upset brother, of a "well known" spa salesman. Besides my suprise, I'm a bit perplexed as to what to do with it.

Was he just going off or was there a request of some kind?
Title: Re: I got an email
Post by: Dr. Spa™ Ret. on January 24, 2007, 01:13:18 pm
For the moment, I think I've already said too much. I need to at least verify it's authenticity first.

I will say this though, the email came from the SANE side of the family  ;D
Title: Re: I got an email
Post by: East_TX_Spa on January 24, 2007, 01:48:27 pm
When in doubt....


Title: Re: I got an email
Post by: pg_rider on January 25, 2007, 04:50:40 pm
Title: Re: I got an email
Post by: bosco0633 on January 25, 2007, 06:37:19 pm
im lost here, whats happened?????????????
Title: Re: I got an email
Post by: East_TX_Spa on January 25, 2007, 07:05:06 pm
My brother, who is the white sheep of the family, sent Dr. Spa an unflattering e-mail about me and my shenanigans.  Dr. Spa was obviously very upset as he holds me in the highest esteem, or at least he did until my loud-mouthed brother went and told off on me.

Anyway, nothing to see here.  Some of it was not even almost true.

Title: Re: I got an email
Post by: Tman122 on January 27, 2007, 05:48:37 am

This thread scares me. I'm leaving!!
Title: Re: I got an email
Post by: Dr. Spa™ Ret. on January 29, 2007, 12:15:25 am
As I don't feel comfortable re-posting someones email, even when they ask, I've invited the original sender of the email to post here himself. Prepare yourselves, for............. John Gruver.. one PISSED off brother.
Title: Re: I got an email
Post by: Gomboman on January 29, 2007, 12:35:50 am
Title: Re: I got an email
Post by: anne on January 29, 2007, 01:26:00 am
Is this some sort of theatrical trailer?
Title: Re: I got an email
Post by: ndabunka on January 29, 2007, 01:52:12 am
?Gruver? Wasn't that the REAL name of Ajuna (before he had his discussion with God)?  Oh-Oh, someone's not happy about the Spa Wars series....LOL.

It's almost funny that one guy who runs his own website as a Content-Nazi could actually take issue at another website's use of that same freedom of speech.  Oh well, someon please pass me the popcorn... this could get interesting!
Title: Re: I got an email
Post by: wmccall on January 29, 2007, 08:20:12 am
I found Jimmy Hoffa's body. More info after I ask permission to quote what I know.  ;)
Title: Re: I got an email
Post by: drewstar on January 29, 2007, 09:04:11 am
As I don't feel comfortable re-posting someones email, even when they ask, I've invited the original sender of the email to post here himself. Prepare yourselves, for............. John Gruver.. one PISSED off brother.

Well if he is pissed off about internet antics and hot tubs, he should take care of his own house first.  I could compile a list several pages long of direct insults, unwarrented  threats,  bold face lies, and scandelous and deceptive  business practices that his company's spokesperson has made.  

But then again, I wouldn't be surpirsed to see them pointing the finger at others for thier own problems and issues and getting pissed off at others, all the while they are the biggest con artists in the business. Thats typicalll of liars, addicts and small children to get mad at others for the problems they themselves cause.
Title: Re: I got an email
Post by: anne on January 29, 2007, 01:10:00 pm
Responding now after the letter: Interesting that we all assumed that the brother would be pissed *on behaf* of his brother, and not *at* him. Jim even manages to deceive and screw his own family.
Title: Re: I got an email
Post by: drewstar on January 29, 2007, 01:16:28 pm
Responding now after the letter: Interesting that we all assumed that the brother would be pissed *on behaf* of his brother, and not *at* him. Jim even manages to deceive and screw his own family.

That's exactly what I thought Anne.  I  was stunned when I read the letter.  So much so, I needed to confirm for myself that it was indeed John Gruver who wrote that letter.  Jim who claims to be a man of God, and have intgrity, and always speaks the truth would screw over his own brother makes me sick.    
Title: Re: I got an email
Post by: bohms on January 29, 2007, 01:29:06 pm
Ok, I'm confused.  Where is this letter and who is his brother???  Is Jim and John the same person?
Title: Re: I got an email
Post by: bohms on January 29, 2007, 01:36:40 pm
Ok, I read the other email.  I'm starting to follow now.  John's brother he the crazy guy from the "other" forum?
Title: Re: I got an email
Post by: wmccall on January 29, 2007, 02:12:34 pm

 Jim who claims to be a man of God, and have intgrity,    

Ask him a question he would rather not answer and be sure to include your email address.  Off line is where the true character comes out.
Title: Re: I got an email
Post by: bosco0633 on January 29, 2007, 03:04:15 pm
what other email??  Man I just dont get this
Title: Re: I got an email
Post by: Dr. Spa™ Ret. on January 29, 2007, 03:06:25 pm
See the thread titled "The Real Spa Specialist"...

THAT is the email I received on or about the 25th.
Title: Re: I got an email
Post by: bosco0633 on January 29, 2007, 03:11:46 pm
Got it.

WOW. His own family, I cant believe what an A S S Hole he is.  That just amazes me to think that people can practice buisness this way.

Title: Re: I got an email
Post by: East_TX_Spa on January 29, 2007, 03:25:54 pm
If you lie down with dogs, you're gonna get fleas.

I have no sympathy for this particular situation, sorry.

Title: Re: I got an email
Post by: Spatech_tuo on January 29, 2007, 03:30:20 pm
If you lie down with dogs, you're gonna get fleas.

I have no sympathy for this particular situation, sorry.


You can choose your friends but families are prearranged. I can't help but to have sympathy for someone who is taken for a ride by the very person that he should be able to trust the most.
Title: Re: I got an email
Post by: drewstar on January 29, 2007, 03:42:57 pm
I have now spoken with one person who has had a phone conversation with John Gruver. I have read a post from another person who has called and spoken with his wife and John himself.

I don't want to bother this person with another phone call from myself - I am convinced that this is legit. I'll take my lumps if it turns out to be a scam, but I trust the person I have spoken with completely and I have no real choice but to accept this at face value.

So now - is there anything on the planet that we can do to help this guy? I sure can't think of anything.

Even if we took up a collection and paid part of the debt, the amazing hurt would still be there, and would be very real.

One suggestion I have for John - try talking to your credit card company and see if they will work to help you collect the debt which you didn't actually incur. Then call Phoenix - Their number is 1-800-400-7727.

Or email them at:

Who knows? A little pressure from the people who make his tubs may get Jim to actually do the right thing.

It's worth a shot.


Jim probably has himself coverd by being incorporated,(house and bank accounts)  but I wonder if John could go after the corp and seize assests?  I doubt the property is listed as an asset  but the truck/camper and forklift and tools are probably listed as capital by the corp that John could sieze and auction off.

Title: Re: I got an email
Post by: autoplay on January 29, 2007, 04:01:38 pm

Jim probably has himself coverd by being incorporated,(house and bank accounts)  but I wonder if John could go after the corp and seize assests?  I doubt the property is listed as an asset  but the truck/camper and forklift and tools are probably listed as capital by the corp that John could sieze and auction off.

He's entitled to 25% of the assets,whatever those entail. Like you said,he could have those horsewrapped into another company/book.

I'm incorporated....anyone wanna buy shares in my company?  grin
Title: Re: I got an email
Post by: drewstar on January 29, 2007, 04:08:57 pm
B b b b b but Jim says he's an internet successs story!  

He warns everyone that all those other Spa companies are cooking the books and are on the verge of ruin!

He's a man of integrity!

I wonder if any of those fools who are "reps" (he had one in hawaii, and I think in Tn (his son in law maybe?) had to put any money up to his reps?

In addition to the "Farm" there is also a rented store front downtown  with some inventory....maybe.
Title: Re: I got an email
Post by: autoplay on January 29, 2007, 05:15:48 pm
Could use some help from Term or others. I did this on a quick whim...  It needs to be cleaned up and/or use a diff prog,as this 1 has watermarks etc.

Wish I knew how to do those fancy puter thangs lol.
Title: Re: I got an email
Post by: anne on January 29, 2007, 05:37:43 pm
John will likely never have satisfaction here, as it is emotionally disturbing as it is financially, but it would seem the most prudent to first somehow collect debts owed, and THEN put Jim's business in the tanker. Financial success would not erase the damage done, but it would lessen the insult. Anyone know any business lawyers who would do a bit of pro bono work, or wait for payment once things are settled?

Maybe Chas is right about going to the credit card company first, though if this has been a chronic issue, over years, they might laugh.

Maybe going to Phoenix, and convincing them to stop supplying him? Convince them of the legal nightmare they could avoid by disassociating with Jim?

If Jim relies on the internet to get customers, would it not be possible to make warnings about his company even more searchable than the company itself? I'm obviously not computer savvy.

Title: Re: I got an email
Post by: ndabunka on January 29, 2007, 06:59:27 pm
Looks like I dropped my ( I have not yet had the time to read the details but based on the posts here it appears that Jim Arguna (deceptor-especial) has used his brother's credit card to acquire equipment from Phoenix Spas?  If that is accurate, then isn't there at least a responsibility of that organization to validate that the card holder is actually the one ordering the spas?  You know, the typical "driver's license" routine?  Couldn't the brother go driectly after Phoenix spas for fradulent use of a credit card?  Now, where is that (  Hope the dog hasn't eaten it all...

Man - That was a lot of work just to get that little GIF filein there!
Title: Re: I got an email
Post by: Brewman on January 29, 2007, 09:48:56 pm

Jim probably has himself coverd by being incorporated,(house and bank accounts)  but I wonder if John could go after the corp and seize assests?  I doubt the property is listed as an asset  but the truck/camper and forklift and tools are probably listed as capital by the corp that John could sieze and auction off.

Unless they were already security for other loans, in which case the first secured interest would have dibbs, and only if the loan securing them went into default.
  If this is the case, the assets can't be sold unless the loan securing them is paid, and the collateral is released by the leinholder.  I'm wondering how much of any of the trucks, forklifts, etc... are owned outright, or haven't been used to secure re-financing?
  If there are any assets to seize worth anything, you'd have to prove a loan to the corporation went unpaid.  Sounds like a big stinky mess.
  I bet the books at that business are in really good shape. ::)

Title: Re: I got an email
Post by: autoplay on January 29, 2007, 10:50:28 pm

Unless they were already security for other loans, in which case the first secured interest would have dibbs, and only if the loan securing them went into default.
  If this is the case, the assets can't be sold unless the loan securing them is paid, and the collateral is released by the leinholder.  I'm wondering how much of any of the trucks, forklifts, etc... are owned outright, or haven't been used to secure re-financing?
  If there are any assets to seize worth anything, you'd have to prove a loan to the corporation went unpaid.  Sounds like a big stinky mess.
  I bet the books at that business are in really good shape. ::)

Wife and I discussed that at dinner.  We laffed and both aggreed debtors/leins have to be satisfied prior.

How much would Conjunas 16th B-day sweater be worth these days,on EBAY?  Would imagine lots as,it holds magical powers!
Title: Re: I got an email
Post by: East_TX_Spa on January 30, 2007, 05:28:52 pm
I will say this though, the email came from the SANE side of the family  ;D

It's not too late to do your best John Kerry impersonation, just so you know.

Title: Re: I got an email
Post by: Reese on January 31, 2007, 01:21:51 am
It's not too late to do your best John Kerry impersonation, just so you know.
Naw, Doc wouldn't do that -- he's a "Uniter, not a Divider"!  Besides, since he got the ball rolling... I'm sure:  "Mission Accomplished"! ;)