Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: Tatooed_Lady on February 13, 2006, 08:58:25 pm

Title: tub cover saver from lift stress gizmos
Post by: Tatooed_Lady on February 13, 2006, 08:58:25 pm
anyone tried one of those? That would be the little doo-hickamus that straps onto the portion of the cover lift (assuming your cover flops over the lift, and when airborne is supported by the seam) that holds the cover aloft while it's off the tub, by the way.....the tub we're getting has a cover butler (basically a glorified rectangle of aluminum tubing, very similar to a tarp arm on a dump truck), and I've seen the ads for this little gizmo that costs about $25, don't recall the name of it, but here's basically what it is and what it does......
2 "T" brackets that when in the cover "ON" the tub position rest peacefully on the edge of the cover that will eventually be hovering above the ground....2 nylon web straps that attach to the cross piece by the seam of the cover on one end (straps are adjustable length), and one each to the "T" bracket at the other end....the "T" bracket get attached (by velcro) to the edge of the cover, and that leaves a "lip" to cradle the OTHER half of the cover, when it's folded over and lifted into the upright and locked position...the whole idea is that the "T" piece will hold the weight of the cover, because the straps that are attached to them are also attached at the cross member where the seam normally rests...
Now, if this isn't clear, please feel free to flame me until I'm medium rare, flip me over and stick a fork in me...or, you could just figure that eventually I'll backtrack where I've gone the last few days and find that site again, along with my sunglasses. Last time I backtracked, I found $1.47 and a bunch of lint in the couch cushions! It's an ADVENTURE!  ;D
Title: Re: tub cover saver from lift stress gizmos
Post by: Tatooed_Lady on February 13, 2006, 09:17:58 pm
Title: Re: tub cover saver from lift stress gizmos
Post by: blizzard on February 13, 2006, 11:01:41 pm
I bought one for my cover. I personal think it is a good idea since a new cover can cost a few hundred dollars.
Title: Re: tub cover saver from lift stress gizmos
Post by: Tatooed_Lady on February 14, 2006, 08:22:08 am
that's what I was thinking....spend a few bucks to save a few hundred... How's yours working for ya? I imagine installation is a snap (looks like my son could do it easily) Are the "T" braces made well to take the weight of the cover even when it starts getting waterlogged?
I was considering making my own, just to see if I
Title: Re: tub cover saver from lift stress gizmos
Post by: Tatooed_Lady on February 15, 2006, 05:52:38 pm
blizzard? How is your cover saver holding out for you? Thumbs up or thumbs down?
Title: Re: tub cover saver from lift stress gizmos
Post by: Snowbird on February 15, 2006, 06:12:09 pm

Got one from Doc and it is an excellent item to have.  As the cover gets water-logged (and it will) the hinge will eventually give out.  Takes all the stress off the cover hinge and puts it on the bottom edge when open.

Doc also sells a little gizmo that connects a floating blanket to the bottom of your cover. It might be called a cover leash or something of that sort.  I sent two emails to them asking for more info but still haven't gotten an answer.  Maybe they are busy.

It allows the blanket to come up with the cover so you don't have to mess with the blanket every time.

The instructions say you have to poke 3 holes in the bottom of your cover.  Not sure I like that idea.  Anyone have any experience with this?
Title: Re: tub cover saver from lift stress gizmos
Post by: Tatooed_Lady on February 15, 2006, 08:18:52 pm
I've read about the blankets and the blanket leashes....I'm on the fence about that one....the old-style bubblewrap looking blanket supposedly doesn't hold up terribly well, and eventually flakes apart (I suppose the key would be tossing it out BEFORE it disintigrates)....and the "new and improved" blanket apparently rips easily...I recall one poster saying his was in no fewer than 4 pieces within a month or two. I think if I were to use the blanket, it'd be without the leash, simply because if they're that delicate, I'd hate to stress only 3 spots as opposed to more even distribution of tugging.
I've got an idea or two, but they wouldn't be terribly cost effective, I'm sure....or lumpy..or something.
Like.....reinforce the blanket with something else......shower curtain, maybe? could one be glued to the blanket using some marine grade silicone to give it added strength? Then use the shower curtain rings to pull the blanket and the curtain up from the water.......hey, this has potential.....potentially. ;)
Title: Re: tub cover saver from lift stress gizmos
Post by: stuart on February 15, 2006, 08:51:31 pm
A blanket will extend the life of the cover and a leash makes it easier on you by not fighting the blanket.

The cover saver is a great idea that seems to be hard to sell to people. I think that folks need to ruin a cover at the seem before they understand the concept.
Title: Re: tub cover saver from lift stress gizmos
Post by: Snowbird on February 15, 2006, 09:37:30 pm
Hi Lady,

Here is a pic of my cover saver.  The "T's" are velcroed to the edge of the cover and the straps are wrapped around the cross bar.  

When you open half the cover it folds over like normal.  But when you lift it up, the weight goes on the "T's" which transfers it to the cross bar instead on the hinge.  The hinge should never touch the cross bar.

I will admit it isn't as clean looking as it would be without them, but a ratty hinge would be far worse... and more expensive.

Regarding the blanket, when I bought the cover lifter from Doc he had a special that included a closed cell blanket.  I thought it was a good deal so I bought it even though I wasn't totally sold on the blanket.  After using it for a while I can see that it is a very good idea.  My cover stays almost completely dry.  If I would have been a ltitle neater cutting it to fit there problably wouldn't be any water on it at all.

When we open the 1st half of the cover I just flip half the blanket over top of it and let it drip for a minute or so.  This lets most of the water settle back into the tub.  When I lift the cover the other half hangs over the tub and drips into it.  After it is done dripping we tuck it between the cover and the spa.

I thought the blanket would be a watery mess indoors, but it is much drier than without it.  And since it's indoors there shouldn't be any trouble with it breaking apart.  It looks fairly strong but it probably won't stand up to abuse.  Like anything else, if you take care with it it should last.

Hope this helps.
Title: Re: tub cover saver from lift stress gizmos
Post by: Dr. Spa™ Ret. on February 15, 2006, 09:45:04 pm

Doc also sells a little gizmo that connects a floating blanket to the bottom of your cover. It might be called a cover leash or something of that sort.  I sent two emails to them asking for more info but still haven't gotten an answer.  Maybe they are busy.

heh heh heh......... See? Nothing ever gets lost, just misplaced for a while  ;D

I appologize..... I went on vacation and the person taking care of my email trashed everything I was saving that I hadn't yet finished. You wanted a copy of the instructions? Unfortunately, unless you have Quark Express, I don't have a way to convert the file to anything else readable.
Title: Re: tub cover saver from lift stress gizmos
Post by: Snowbird on February 15, 2006, 09:56:39 pm
No sweat Doc.  Thanks for the offer.  But after I had more time to consider it, I think I will go without the leash.  I would have called if I really wanted the info.  No complaints about your customer service.  :)

Now, if T-Lady would just order the cover-saver like we know she is going to sooner or later.  ;)

You need to carry the filters for Jacuzzi 385s.  I just paid 90 big ones for a pair at the dealer.  I couldn't find them on your web site and your customer service said they were still a dealer item.  Bummer!  :'(
Title: Re: tub cover saver from lift stress gizmos
Post by: Bonibelle on February 15, 2006, 09:58:06 pm
I want a cover saver and Doc, is that special still available for the blanket? I wasn't able to find it on your site.  Tatooed Lady, good thing you decided to get a spa, I am learning all kinds of stuff because of you!  thanks  ;)
Title: Re: tub cover saver from lift stress gizmos
Post by: Dr. Spa™ Ret. on February 16, 2006, 12:17:30 am
Special? Whick one?  :)

hmmmmmmmmm, maybe I should offer a discount on the leash, with a blanket?
Title: Re: tub cover saver from lift stress gizmos
Post by: Snowbird on February 16, 2006, 06:32:28 am
Special? Whick one?  :)

hmmmmmmmmm, maybe I should offer a discount on the leash, with a blanket?


covmat1-RHT     Covermate 1 - Cover Lift with 7' floating thermal blanket ............ $169.00

covsav     The Cover Saver .....................................  $24.93

Title: Re: tub cover saver from lift stress gizmos
Post by: Tatooed_Lady on February 16, 2006, 07:07:28 am
There ya go, advertising! *LMAO*
Okay, my tub's not paid for yet, nor here....but I DO believe I'll be in the market for a closed cell blanket and cover saver...POSSIBLY the blanket leash as well...

Bonibelle, NO PROBLEM...I'm asking questions as I think of them, which right now is pretty easy, since I'm laid off through March...lots of time to sit and think. *lol*
Title: Re: tub cover saver from lift stress gizmos
Post by: Snowbird on February 16, 2006, 12:33:38 pm

I been meaning to ask you about the hippo avatar.

Is he riding an air horse or practicing for his date tonight? :o
Title: Re: tub cover saver from lift stress gizmos
Post by: Tatooed_Lady on February 16, 2006, 02:00:26 pm
Snowbird, I think he's practicing for going to the club tonight.... "smack dat badunka-dunk" or something...?
Title: Re: tub cover saver from lift stress gizmos
Post by: Bonibelle on February 16, 2006, 03:06:32 pm
Snowbird, I think he is ordering another dish of Liver and Onions!