Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: anne on February 11, 2006, 01:01:01 pm

Title: to all the dealers and dealership owners out there
Post by: anne on February 11, 2006, 01:01:01 pm
I have a plea to dealers....those of you reading this forum may not be the ones who need to hear this, but pass it on to your employees, associates, whatever.

I'm trying to buy a hot tub, and have been to D1, HS, Caldera, Marquis, LA spas, and Arctic. At every one of those stores, I have had to listen to negative, vindictive, snide comments about the competition. When asked "where else have you shopped?" I answer honestly, hoping that the answer will indicate that I am looking around, and give them an idea of my purchase needs. Instead, I am immediately inundated with a detailed list of  what is wrong with those spas. I understand any dealer wanting to emphasize why his/her product is better than the rest, but DO IT BY TELLING ME ABOUT YOUR PRODUCT  NOT BY DISSING THE COMPETITION.

And it seems to get personal, too- if they know a particular dealer, they'll say, "hmmm, you *liked* him, huh?" with a knowing nod. Or, "So he's still managing to sell spas, huh?" etc, etc, etc,......

I'm about ready to give up and fill my bath tub with water.

I know that this is not a new topic, but at least where I live, it needs to be addressed. I'm sure it is tempting, when you know that the guy down the street is talking #@!!$ about you, to add your two cents about him, but all it does is damage your credibility and honor, and bring you down to his level. Your customers are smart. Give them all of the facts about your tubs, why they stand out, and sell your product based on ITS accolades, NOT your competitors' faults. ( really was the first word I though of....hehehe, sorry)

I'm not blaming any one of the above brands of spas- I have really liked some of the units I have seen and wet tested. And at a couple of stores, I had some wonderful help one day, and then the above experiences on another day, so I know there are good dealers out there- but the buying experience is wearing thin.

Title: Re: to all the dealers and ealership owners out th
Post by: HotTubMan on February 11, 2006, 01:13:07 pm
I have a plea to dealers....those of you reading this forum may not be the ones who need to hear this, but pass it on to your employees, associates, whatever.

I'm trying to buy a hot tub, and have been to D1, HS, Caldera, Marquis, LA spas, and Arctic. At every one of those stores, I have had to listen to negative, vindictive, snide comments about the competition. When asked "where else have you shopped?" I answer honestly, hoping that the answer will indicate that I am looking around, and give them an idea of my purchase needs. Instead, I get in response, "hmmm, you likedhim, huh?

I understand how you feel. I also feel giving an honest price / discount shows more integrity.

Unfortunately, not all dealers feel the way i do, and not all consumers think the way you do. Otherwise the Spa Depots and International Pool & Spa's of the world would disappear.
Title: Re: to all the dealers and ealership owners out th
Post by: anne on February 11, 2006, 01:28:38 pm
hot tub man caught me in the middle of editing- that is why his quote doesnt fit what you see above.
Title: Re: to all the dealers and dealership owners out t
Post by: Bonibelle on February 11, 2006, 02:56:46 pm
Anne, the sales person that I ultimatley bought my tub from was a total class act!  She showed me everything that I asked to see, no pressure, made useful suggestions and showed me the bottom line price on the tubs that I was interested in. When I left that first day, I felt confortable with her and much better educated. The next time I went, I took my husband and kids to wet test. My husband is easily turned off by high pressure and negative sales people. He took to this sales person instantly because she was honest and thoroughly knew her product lines. Before we made a final decision that day, I told her  that we were heading to check out one final tub before deciding. She had the sales brochure from that company and her only suggestion was that we compare apples to apples. We looked over the brochure (I had seen it before) and it helped me to realize what I really wanted and what her tubs offered.   Then, bored with all my questions, my husband and kids asked to wet test a tub that we hadn't seriously considered (the Epic) and the rest is history!  I can honestly say this sales person made our purchase a very positive experience and her honesty and knowledge are a reflection of the entire dealership.
I guess I was really lucky!
Title: Re: to all the dealers and dealership owners out t
Post by: MarKee on February 11, 2006, 03:02:29 pm
Bonibelle: What dealer did you buy your Epic from?
Title: Re: to all the dealers and dealership owners out t
Post by: Duffman on February 11, 2006, 03:07:02 pm
Seems like a lot of dealers in your area were "winning" the Tic-Tac-Toe game from the "how to buy a hot tub" report I shared with you.  ::)

Your observations are unfortunate, but represent an all too common practice in this market. From my own experience I know there are exceptions. Like you I just wish there were more of them.

Best of luck to you in your search. Having found my own little spatopia I assure you that your patience will pay off.
Title: Re: to all the dealers and dealership owners out t
Post by: dpgtech on February 11, 2006, 03:11:39 pm
I agree with you anne.  I never negative sell against the competition.  there is no need I know I sell a good product at a fair price.  The first thing I say if someone asks what do you think of spa brand "x" is, they make a good tub but here are some of the differences between the two and proceed with my products benefits and features.  I personally like to hear about another dealer or salesperson bashing my spa's it tells me their worried about me.  there are many good spas out their to fit the many different needs of potential customers
Title: Re: to all the dealers and dealership owners out t
Post by: Wisoki on February 11, 2006, 04:53:30 pm
High pressure sales is low pressure steadily applied.

Anne, the sales person that I ultimatley bought my tub from was a total class act!  She showed me everything that I asked to see, no pressure

Title: Re: to all the dealers and dealership owners out t
Post by: Bonibelle on February 11, 2006, 07:48:49 pm
but I said No pressure..she only showed me what I asked about and she let me walk out the door...she didn't chase me  ;D
Title: Re: to all the dealers and dealership owners out t
Post by: fatman on February 11, 2006, 08:57:16 pm
High pressure sales is low pressure steadily applied.

Gotta disagree with you on that one. High pressure is high pressure and it sucks.
Title: Re: to all the dealers and dealership owners out t
Post by: drprwnap on February 12, 2006, 07:55:19 pm
hang in there and keep looking. i was extremely lucky in that i looked a number of spas and got none of what you experienced.  do you own research and try to get objective opinions on the brands that interest you. maybe then you can turn a deaf ear to the negative sales people. good luck

drprwnap  8)
Title: Re: to all the dealers and dealership owners out t
Post by: Bonibelle on February 12, 2006, 07:57:29 pm
Hey Drprwnap..where have you been? Did you go to Disney World too?  ;D
Title: Re: to all the dealers and dealership owners out t
Post by: anne on February 13, 2006, 05:17:15 am
I shouldnt have sounded so negative, but I did have just a horrendous couple of days out there shopping. Sorry to vent on y'all, and I honestly just wanted to help others shopping avoid what I experienced, and remind any dealers tempted to do to the dark side not to!! It was not all bad- I had 2 very good experiences, so I'll appreciate them all the more.
Title: Re: to all the dealers and dealership owners out t
Post by: spiman on February 13, 2006, 08:14:46 am
In the "for what it is worth department" I'd like to add my two cents...............

I personally can't stand to shop for anything, I figure out exactly what I am after, hit the puter, find the best deal and wait for it to arrive via snail mail.

There is not a large selection of spa dealers in Central Pa, so rather than travel non stop to find a bunch of dealers in a Ford F250 V-10, I did a lot of research via the puter, got a lot of input from people such as yourselves and decided on the Vanguard. I emailed the "local" dealer a few times, went down to the dealer, signed the paperwork and now I wait for the delivery. No mess, no fuss.

The dealer was knowledgable, friendly, non pushy. I was also told by other sources that I was getting a good deal on a 05 model. When the honest dealer told me he needed a sale and if I didn't mind waiting a couple of weeks, he give me the same price on a 06 model.

The good deal went to a great deal, so now I wait a couple of weeks.

Thats my story and I'm sticking to it.............. 8)
Title: Re: to all the dealers and ealership owners out th
Post by: orlandoguy on February 13, 2006, 08:52:02 am
Depots and International Pool & Spa's of the world would disappear.

I am curious as to what this means.  I have only dealt with Spa Depot once when buying a pump to drain my spa nad had a great experience with them.
Title: Re: to all the dealers and dealership owners out t
Post by: drprwnap on February 13, 2006, 09:20:04 am
Hey Drprwnap..where have you been? Did you go to Disney World too?  ;D

No, I didn't  go to Disney World.  But I would have put on those goofy Mickey Mouse ears in a heartbeat to ride with Hines and Bussie.  ;D ;D ;D ;D.  I've just been BASKING in the victory.  BTW, I've been a Steeler fan since 1971(when the drafted Jack Ham and BEFORE they won anything).  Went through the 70's (the glory years), the 80's (UGLY), the 90's and the first half of '00 (so close yet so far).  This one was SPECIAL.
Title: Re: to all the dealers and dealership owners out t
Post by: Bonibelle on February 13, 2006, 09:32:43 am
I know you are loving it!  I just wish Duce could have done something to contribute. He is a nice guy and I kind of had a soft spot for him because he is a relatively small player, but had so much heart! So have you painted that Steelers emblem on the spa cover? ;D
Title: Re: to all the dealers and dealership owners out t
Post by: rick on February 13, 2006, 11:20:21 am
The problem is that these kind of dealers are just like politicians.   They DO believe that the general public are a bunch of morons and so their negative ad campaigning is the way to go.  

When I go to the turnstiles,  I usually vote for the guy who did less negative stuff than the other.  

Title: Re: to all the dealers and dealership owners out t
Post by: dadofrad on February 15, 2006, 07:10:29 pm
i make sure that my imploies do not talkbad about other
spa companies. to me that only tells me that there is nothing to say about what you are selling. so only talk about what we have on our floor not what any body else has. and we will sell more.
Title: Re: to all the dealers and dealership owners out t
Post by: stuart on February 15, 2006, 09:15:44 pm
Anne, the sales person that I ultimatley bought my tub from was a total class act!  She showed me everything that I asked to see, no pressure, made useful suggestions and showed me the bottom line price on the tubs that I was interested in. When I left that first day, I felt confortable with her and much better educated. The next time I went, I took my husband and kids to wet test. My husband is easily turned off by high pressure and negative sales people. He took to this sales person instantly because she was honest and thoroughly knew her product lines. Before we made a final decision that day, I told her  that we were heading to check out one final tub before deciding. She had the sales brochure from that company and her only suggestion was that we compare apples to apples. We looked over the brochure (I had seen it before) and it helped me to realize what I really wanted and what her tubs offered.   Then, bored with all my questions, my husband and kids asked to wet test a tub that we hadn't seriously considered (the Epic) and the rest is history!  I can honestly say this sales person made our purchase a very positive experience and her honesty and knowledge are a reflection of the entire dealership.
I guess I was really lucky!

Sure you can say that about her now but just watch how backbiting she can get when another woman checks out her husband at a party!! ;) ;) ;)
Title: Re: to all the dealers and dealership owners out t
Post by: Bonibelle on February 15, 2006, 09:19:56 pm
you know that for a fact? ::)