Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: orlandoguy on February 08, 2006, 06:44:00 pm
I just did a refill and made a big mistake. I poured WAY too jmuch baking soda in and the alk is off the charts. I have been adding ph/alk down all day and have added nearly a quart. I knew there was a problem last night when I was itching like crazy.
I am wondering if it will straighten out or if I should just drain again?
I added almost half a small container of the baking soda!
if you use bromine, I would say leave it. Bromine drops you alk level alot over a couple of weeks. If not I would say drain it and refill
You could easily get into a chemical spiral adding one thing to compensate for too much of another and have your TSD levels way out of range. Being in Orlando, I'd drain and refill.
I think a drain and refill will be best. Thanks, and chalk it up to experience.
I use bromine and just shocked, which normally drops the alk. I will take another sample in tommorow.
How was your water before you drained it the first time? Was it in bad shape and thus the reason you drained it? ???
You could easily get into a chemical spiral adding one thing to compensate for too much of another and have your TSD levels way out of range. Being in Orlando, I'd drain and refill.
I agree. I think it was said here in this forum (and I think many times we forget) "water is the cheapest chemical you can add to your tub."
Chas, who doesn't pop in here near as much as he used to, (hint, hint), has been preaching that for as long as I've been hanging out here.
Probably longer.
My water had been in the tub for 4 months and was what I call "stale". It had the fizzing and other negative characteristics that say it's time to change.
With the Shop Vac and battery pump I bought from Spa Depot, water changes are done in a couple hours, so I guess I was just lazy.
After filling, I wanted to get the alk right then worry about the other levels. I was absent minded and poured too much baking soda in and the alk and ph went off the charts. I poured nearly a quart of ph/alk down in and shocked and boosted the bromine.
The end result was today all levels were perfect following a computer analysis. I will do the alk up in a slower fashion in the future.
One gallon of Muriatic Acid should do the trick.