Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: sunnydee on January 04, 2006, 05:51:57 pm
Presently, I have "cloudy" water. I also have a problem with metals in my water when I "top off"...I have to add metal out. After 2 days, I hose off my filters. I'm still having cloudy water, although all other things check out fine(ph, alk, ca). So, I guess my question is, should I try a clarifier? I've also had an intermittent problem with foam. I've tried shocking with Dichlor, with no improvement. Any ideas??? ???
I have used clarifier and it does work well with cloudiness. It can also cause foaming. Read the directions, I don't think you can use clarifier on the same day as metal out.
After using it and the tub clears, clean the filters and you'll have crystal clear water. I have a circ pump and run my main pump a couple of times to get the water to run through the filter more frequently.
As for foam, see the foam thread! ;D
If you're going to use a clarifier I recommend this one:
The SeaKlear clarifer is the best one I've used and it doesn't cause any foam problems. I had tried several others before finding this one and this is the only one I use now.
I would definately agree that Sea-Kleer is the best clarifier out there.
You mentioned that you sprayed the filters off, I would recommend using a filter cleaner as well, as this is the only way to remove greases and oils from the filter.
The clarifier link is not to the sea klear type of clarifier that Doc sells - 4 in 1 clarifier - is the 4 in 1 the same stuff you guys use?
I have some on order from Doc's and waiting for it to arrive.
I have been ordering from and in the past I've gotten the '4 in 1' and I think they've just changed the bottle and name a bit as I just recently ordered what I had before and got a different bottle this time. It looks like the one on the SeaKlear site.