Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: bosco0633 on January 01, 2006, 06:18:38 pm
I just finished work and came home to add my chemicals. When the tub was running on pump 1 first speed, I noticed a loud humming almost vibration sound coming from the pump area of my tub. It is an arctic tundra, im not sure if this is normal and maybe I am just over worried.
Before I call the tech tommorow, just wondering if this is normal or what possible porblem could be.
Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Time to clean the filter? Take the filter out and see if anything changes. P1 is your filter pump and if the filter is restricted the pump will labor and sound as you describe.
I just replaced my filter two weeks ago. I let it run a bit and it is not as loud now. So I am thinking that maybe i am just worrying about nothing. I will keep an eye on it. what else could be causing this
IF it is related to the pump/motor than it is either something about the motor itself of something in the impellar. A pump seal failure could lead to this over time, or IF you do not turn you pump/motor OFF when taking the filter out, you could have sucked something into the impellar. I really can't tell you some of the things that we have removed from the impellar of "noisey" motors, but one of them was "Barbie's slipper", and the most common is leaves.
We removed a rubber ducky.
The customer thought it should be covered under warranty. ???
Check to make sure all the bolts that hold the pump down are tight and the bolts that hold the mount to the tub structure. I have seen many that have come loose and make more noise because of the vibration. The customer didn't even notice untill the repair was made, then they were amazed. Can't remember if the Arctic has the pallatized equipment or not. In other words it's all mounted on a board that is mounted to the structure. My neighbors Arctic is kinda noisy all the time compared to alot of other brands anyway. But not enough for it to be an issue unless your not used to it.
We removed a rubber ducky.
The customer thought it should be covered under warranty. ???
Once removed a pair of panties from an irate customers' pump. Needless to say, that changed his tune real quick! I don't think that he was prepared to have that talk with his wife, if you know what I mean. His talk was lowered to a whisper.