Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: hamrhed on December 07, 2005, 09:45:21 am

Title: Stain & Scale Control
Post by: hamrhed on December 07, 2005, 09:45:21 am
Should Stain & Scale Control be used every week as the dealer recomends? 3Tbls/Wk?  Spa is 395gal

What does stain & scale do, other than what the name suggests? How does it impact the water chemistry?

I no longer use Water Clarifier every week. Dealer recomended  1Tbls/Wk. I use it on an "as needed basis" now.

Title: Re: Stain & Scale Control
Post by: Soakin on December 07, 2005, 12:23:11 pm
I think the need for stain and scale, depends on your water chemistry.  If you have high hardness or high TA, regular applications are a good idea.  If those values are in the normal range, I don't think you need it, or at least not that frequently.

I alternate weekly between a stain and scale product and SeaKlear, which is supposed to clarify/remove metals and do 2 other things that I can't remember. :)  
Title: Re: Stain & Scale Control
Post by: Nitlion15 on December 07, 2005, 01:30:45 pm
I have the same type issue/question as hamrhed.

 I have high hardness from well water and have gotten brown staining on the jets.  I asked my dealer about Metal out or Metal Gone and he told me that Stain and Scale control was basically the same.  I have used Stain and Scale at the recommended amount on the package and it hasn't eliminated the staining.  Should I hit it with a higher dose or switch to the Metal Out type product?
Title: Re: Stain & Scale Control
Post by: Soakin on December 07, 2005, 01:57:33 pm
Metal removers are not the same as Stain/Scale.  Metal removers are usually added at start-up to sequester metals like iron and copper before they can do any damage.  Stain/scale works primarily on calcium and is added on a regular basis to keep the calcium from precipitating out.  It sounds like you need to use both.

If you still have trouble, you may also want to consider a product like SeaKlear as a part of your regular maintenance.  As I said above, it is supposed to remove metals in addition to clarifying.  I have also heard of, but never come across, activated charcoal filters to use when filling the tub.  They are supposed to keep a lot of the minerals out.
Title: Re: Stain & Scale Control
Post by: tony on December 07, 2005, 03:13:25 pm
Agree with Soakin.  They do two different functions.  Both are cheap insurance.  Stain & Scale will help protect your pumps and heater.  I use 2 oz. Spa Defender every two weeks.

Metal Gon should get rid of your stains.  Defender will not.
Title: Re: Stain & Scale Control
Post by: tony on December 07, 2005, 03:40:49 pm
A quick story from my experience.

I had a brown stain on a white part of one of my whirlpool jets which are the largest jets in my spa.  I thought at first it might be algae or just grime and tried scrubbing to get it clean.  No luck.  Realized that it was most likely an iron stain from topping off after letting water level get a little too low.  At next drain and fill time, I tried everything to get that cleaned.  Still no luck.  Resigned myself to the fact that this little white ring would now be brown forever.  Filled the spa, added Metal Gon.  Next day got more stain...white as could be.

So I have seen it work after the fact, but I agree it is better to prevent than to fix.
Title: Re: Stain & Scale Control
Post by: Nitlion15 on December 07, 2005, 04:02:43 pm
Thanks for the info.  I will get the Metal Gone and see how it works.

Title: Re: Stain & Scale Control
Post by: hamrhed on December 07, 2005, 04:59:36 pm
Thanks Soakin  

My Adjusted TA was 85 before adding Alkalinity Increase

My Hardness was 66 before adding Hardness Increaser

What do you think? Use Stain & Scale every other week?(3Tbls)

Title: Re: Stain & Scale Control
Post by: Soakin on December 07, 2005, 05:09:03 pm
You probably don't need it, but as Tony said, it is cheap insurance.  If it was my tub, I'd put it in as you suggested, just to be safe.  
Title: Re: Stain & Scale Control
Post by: hamrhed on December 07, 2005, 07:58:58 pm
Thanks fellas,,,, will do...
Title: Re: Stain & Scale Control
Post by: lawdawgva on December 07, 2005, 09:33:18 pm
Most Stain and Scale products actually do work on both scale formation and metal related stains and problems as well.  These products will chelate calcium, magnesium and other water hardness related ions to minimize any crystallization and scale formation on spa parts.  It will also bind iron, copper, manganese and other heavy metals to prevent them from staining your spa surfaces.  If you're like me, you need to add calcium hardness increaser when you fill because of naturally "soft" water.  But those who have hard water to begin with will be more likely to need the stain and scale control.  You can't remove the calcium from the water, but the stain and scale control just keeps it from precipitating in the water so you will have to add it as part of your regular water maintenance routine.  Hope this helps you understand the product better.

Title: Re: Stain & Scale Control
Post by: hamrhed on December 07, 2005, 09:47:55 pm
How often do you add Stain & Scale to your water Sarge?
Title: Re: Stain & Scale Control
Post by: lawdawgva on December 07, 2005, 09:56:16 pm
Well this last fill, I was in a hurry and made a snafu and added a bit too much calcium hardness increaser.  I normally just need enough to bring it up maybe 50 or 75 ppm and I added too much and brought my calcium hardness level up to about 300, sooooo I am now adding about an ounce and a half of stain and scale control per week to keep the high calcium level sequestered.   Take a sample of your tap water to your spa dealer and let them test it like that and then you will know what you're starting with when you fill your tub each time.

If your calcium level is low like mine out of the tap, just add enough calcium hardness increaser at fill time to get it to an acceptable level and unless you have metal issues with your water or add more water between fills, you probably won't need the stain and scale control at all.  I normally don't.  My tub is 355 gals.

Title: Re: Stain & Scale Control
Post by: brian_tr on December 08, 2005, 01:33:37 am
My bottle of stain and scale control fell one time and I did not realize it and some seeped out on concrete.  It ate a pretty good size hole in slab.  Made me wonder what was in it.  Have not used in a long time.  My water is very soft.  
Title: Re: Stain & Scale Control
Post by: Soakin on December 14, 2005, 12:04:24 pm
...I will get the Metal Gone and see how it works.
I changed my water yesterday and thought it'd be worth reminding you to pull and rinse the filters after you let the stuff work for a day.  If you don't rinse the filters, all the stuff that was sequestered can work its way back into the tub. :P
Title: Re: Stain & Scale Control
Post by: Nitlion15 on December 16, 2005, 04:22:05 pm

Thanks for the reminder.  It's time to rinse the filter anyway...