Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: newriver99 on December 07, 2005, 01:29:59 pm

Title: Chemicals
Post by: newriver99 on December 07, 2005, 01:29:59 pm
I just had a visit from the Hot Springs tech on a valve replacement.  While he was here he noticed my chemicals.  He told me not to use Dichlor and just use MPS.  I was to use Dichlor when I filled the spa and when the water started to get bad (cloudy).  He said the Hot Springs spas are made to be used without chlorine.
Now the second thing he said which I can not believe is that I should only use the MPS from Hot Springs.  I had a container from Leslie's.  He said Leslie's would harm the spa.  I asked him why and he said it was the way it was formulated.   Same ingredients but different formulation.  Does this make sense???

Three reasons I buy from Leslie's:1. 25 miles closer than HS dealer, 2. They test my water, 3. $4/lb cheaper on MPS.
Title: Re: Chemicals
Post by: Guzz on December 07, 2005, 01:42:47 pm
You can use whatever you want, HotSpring spas are not designed to be chlorine free. Don't know why he a service tech would tell you that, other than the fact that he is a service tech and not a water test expert.
Title: Re: Chemicals
Post by: Soakin on December 07, 2005, 01:50:51 pm
I would disregard anything that guy told you.

MPS has no sanitizing abilities.  Without a sanitizer like dichlor or bromine, you will end up with a tub full of bacteria, so keep the dichlor in your routine.  Regarding your routine, I'm not very comfortable with using dichlor only as needed.   IMO it should be used prophylatically.  Most of the users here add a little after each use.  Search "dichlor" here or see the Vermonter post in the FAQ of the site for a good discussion on sanitation.  

Some brands  of MPS are pure, others have buffers to counteract the low pH, others are combined with dichlor to create an "enhanced shock".  If your Leslies MPS has the same ingredients as the HS version, it will work the same.

Title: Re: Chemicals
Post by: tony on December 07, 2005, 03:16:49 pm
I would disregard anything that guy told you.

MPS has no sanitizing abilities.  Without a sanitizer like dichlor or bromine, you will end up with a tub full of bacteria, so keep the dichlor in your routine.  Regarding your routine, I'm not very comfortable with using dichlor only as needed.   IMO it should be used prophylatically.  Most of the users here add a little after each use.  Search "dichlor" here or see the Vermonter post in the FAQ of the site for a good discussion on santitation.  

Some brands  of MPS are pure, others have buffers to counteract the low pH, others are combined with dichlor to create an "enhanced shock".  If your Leslies MPS has the same ingredients as the HS version, it will work the same.

Agree completely.
Title: Re: Chemicals
Post by: hymbaw on December 07, 2005, 04:00:15 pm
The tech is either a liar or an idiot, dont listen to him!
Title: Re: Chemicals
Post by: Dr. Spa™ Ret. on December 07, 2005, 04:09:22 pm
Only one company in the world manufactures MPS. Dow Chemical........ Everyone else buys it from them and repackages it. Some adding different things to it (to buffer it).
Title: Re: Chemicals
Post by: newriver99 on December 07, 2005, 05:52:22 pm
Thanks for the information.  I have had the Vanguard only for only two months so this is all new to me.  I hate it when people who supposedly work for the same manufacture say different things.  The dealer told us one thing.  The guy who installed the spa said another.  Now the tech guy said something completely different than the other two.  The installer was the closest to what everyone here is saying.