Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: Joma on November 23, 2005, 02:05:12 pm

Title: Maxxus heater question
Post by: Joma on November 23, 2005, 02:05:12 pm
I love my new Maxxus.  It has been essentially trouble free.  I've had on small issue which, as the weather cools, may become more problematic.

The water temperature reaches one degree of the temp I've set and then the heater stops until the water drops a degree.  In other words, when I set the temp at 101, the heater stops at 100 and then works only to maintain 100.  I placed my first service call today and I'm being told this is normal.  Frankly, I think this is BS!  I understand that temps fluctuate but that the thermostat should function until the pre-set temp is reached.  Am I wrong or is the dealer being a bit lazy?  This is an issue because I can't get the tub to hit 104 and I'd like to reach that number.

Any input would be appreciated.

Joma ??? ??? ??? ???
Title: Re: Maxxus heater question
Post by: Brewman on November 23, 2005, 02:14:38 pm
Not sure.  My Optima water reaches the temperature I've set it for.  Maybe it's just a simple calibration or adjustment issue.  
Title: Re: Maxxus heater question
Post by: SerjicalStrike on November 23, 2005, 03:08:45 pm
The only thing the dealer can do to try and FIX the problem is replace the circuit board and hope that corrects the situation.  If that doesn't help, there is a fairly easy compromise.  Always keep the set temp a degree higher than what you want it at.  To get it to stay at 104, your dealer may need to install the jumper to allow the spa to go up to 108.  That way, you can set the spa at 105 and the spa should stay right at 104.  That would definitely be the easiest thing to do.  
Title: Re: Maxxus heater question
Post by: tony on November 23, 2005, 04:13:33 pm
What actually happens is your heater will heat to set temp.  When that temp is reached the heater shuts off.  It turns back on when the temp drops two degrees.  If you set your temp at 101, most of the time the digital readout will show 100 because the temp range is 99 to 101.  You should not see 99 for more than a moment if at all, but on the other end it will stay at 101 only as long as it can stay there without the heater on.  This is more of an issue in cold weather as your water will cool faster without the cover on so you probably are not seeing 101 for very long, especially with the large volume of water the Maxxus holds.
Title: Re: Maxxus heater question
Post by: Joma on November 23, 2005, 05:41:19 pm
OK.  The service guy calls back and says there's no problemn.  He has an old Maxxus that does this two.  The story is that there are two temp sensors.  On shows a reading of 103 but actually the water is hotter so the sensor that controls the heater has shut off.  This sounds like BS to me.  What do you think?

Title: Re: Maxxus heater question
Post by: J._McD on November 23, 2005, 08:41:07 pm
It is a "new" maxxus and you seem to se somewhat synical about the dealer and service tech's response being BS.  I would give it a couple of weeks to use it, enjoy it and give it some time to break in.

Technically, it is within the perameters of + or - 1%, however, like you, I too would expect it to read the "number" that it is set for.  In a coulple of weeks, if there are any other issues you would like the dealer to check out, maybe he could address this issue while he is there.  

I can understand there not wanting to drive out to service the tub over 1°.  Give it a chance to breakin and see if it continues to be problematic.  If it is bad it may get worse, if it is not bad, it may just work itself out.

Are you wired for 50 or 60 amps.  Also, keep in mind, you can use the overide to go over 104°.  
Title: Re: Maxxus heater question
Post by: ssbraun on November 24, 2005, 09:26:48 am

My Maxxus is set for 104.  The display usually reads 103,but periodically will read 104 just before the heater shuts off.  I think you'll find that the temp it reaches when 103 is displayed is plenty warm for all weather conditions.  Remember the saying "Don't sweat the small stuff---and it's all small stuff!" ;)  Enjoy your great tub!!

Title: Re: Maxxus heater question
Post by: Ronnie526 on November 24, 2005, 09:28:09 am
Joma ....
    As mentioned above, it may be that you're wired for a more "cost efficient" way which shuts off the heater when 1 or more jets are on.  My Optima has 3 options ... 30A, 50A or 60A .... I opted for the 60A way, which lets the heater run regardless of how many jets are running.  If your breaker panel has the capacity, I guess in my opinion I would suggest that way, especially considering your temp concerns.  
    Lastly, Have you NEVER seen 104? You may be glancing @ the display "mid cycle"? I believe my owner's manual states that the "differential" on my temp sensor is 1.5 degrees.  In other words, when temp is set @ 104, temp would drop to 102.5 before heater kicks back in to recover temp.  My readout doesn't display 1/2 degrees, so this may be deceiving also.
Title: Re: Maxxus heater question
Post by: Brewman on November 25, 2005, 11:15:38 am
The amperage isn't an issue.  The heater is either on or off.  If it's on, it should heat the water to whatever temperature the tub is set to.  I've seen my set temperature plenty- but usually when I open the cover to check the water or when we just get in.  Within a couple minutes, the water temperature reading drops, especially in the winter.  
This may not be as true when you are actually using the spa.  During that time a lot of other factors come into play.  The air temperature, how many pumps are on, the blower, and the wind all play into how fast the water looses heat and how fast the heater can replace it.  The pumps will add a bit of heat to the water too.
And if you are running the pumps and have this spa running on less than a 60 amp breaker, the issue will be even more noticible, but only when running the pumps.

If service does come out, let us know what they say or do, and if it works or not.

Title: Re: Maxxus heater question
Post by: Joma on November 25, 2005, 08:31:07 pm
Thanks for all the responses.

Ronnie, I have 60 amps but my heater shuts off when all three pumps are on.  I assumed that there was nothing I could do about this.  Last night, cold here in Philly, the tub started at 103 and had dropped to 99 by the time we got out.  Is this right?

Title: Re: Maxxus heater question
Post by: ssbraun on November 25, 2005, 09:47:37 pm
60 amp service will run 2 pumps with the heater on the Maxxus.  When the 3rd pump is on, the heater will shut off.  A long soak with all 3 pumps running would definitely result in a temp drop as you describe.  I've spent a max of about 1 1/2 hours in my tub, and have never seen more than a 2 degree drop, but we haven't had much cold weather here (yet!)
Title: Re: Maxxus heater question
Post by: Brewman on November 25, 2005, 10:56:55 pm
How long were you in the spa, and how cold was it?

Title: Re: Maxxus heater question
Post by: Joma on November 26, 2005, 09:44:01 am
About 20 degrees and windy.  I was in the tub for @ 1 hour.  I wasn't particularly co0ncerned about the temp dropbut was interested in your input about the heater going off with all three pumps on.

Thanks for the input.


p.s.  I love the Maxxus and have not had any other problems.
Title: Re: Maxxus heater question
Post by: wmccall on November 26, 2005, 10:16:00 am
It sounds like a design issue to me. For the amount of money you pay you expect things to work with some level of common sense.   If I set my tub to 104, or whatever temp, it runs for a period of time after hitting that temp.  If I set it to 104, when I open the cover it is 104.  Now, the heater won't come back on till it drops to the 1 degree point.  In warmer weather, the tub may go to 1 degree higher before shutting off.  Maybe all Maxxus do this the way yours does, but I would disagree with this being small stuff.  When you use for tub for a long period of time you can feel a 1/2 degree difference.  We had a hot tub at work when I worked at CompuServe and after some time we could tell the temp of the tub to a 1/2 degree with pretty good reliability.  The way my tub works I can set it to 104 and expect some decent soak time before it drops below that.
Title: Re: Maxxus heater question
Post by: Brookenstein on November 26, 2005, 10:50:45 am
When I wet tested the used J385, it was set for 102.  As soon as he took off the cover and showed me a few things (before we were even in) it was 101... by the time we got out about a half hour later it was 99 and I was feeling a bit nippy.  I could feel the heater working, but the temp was still dropping. It was a cold day for us (about 55 and very windy...)
Title: Re: Maxxus heater question
Post by: ssbraun on November 26, 2005, 11:58:11 am
I would disagree with this being small stuff.  

Bill, I guess it's all relative.  When I'm in my tub on a cool night, soaking in clean hot water with great therapeutic jets pounding my sore back and legs, a cold beer beside me, and my wife and/or kids enjoying the evening as well, it doesn't get much better for me.  I spent a lot on my tub, and I've had (more than?) my share of problems ;) but I still am very satisfied with the product, and the heater has not dissappointed me despite LONG soaks, and cool weather.  If I find it too cool for me as winter sets in, I'll set it for 105!  Just my $.017 ($.02 Cdn ;D)
Title: Re: Maxxus heater question
Post by: AAAAAAA on November 26, 2005, 08:50:49 pm
I have an 05 maxxus..same deal. I would tend to think it is normal.
Title: Re: Maxxus heater question
Post by: samhunter on November 27, 2005, 09:02:38 pm
I also have an '05 maxxus & my temp always reads one degree lower than the set temp. I am a 101 degree kind of guy so it does not bother me. I never looked at it like I was being short changed a degree HMMM.
Title: Re: Maxxus heater question
Post by: ssbraun on December 03, 2005, 01:08:16 am
Just finished a nice late evening soak.  It's -5 F, and I spent about 40 minutes in the tub.  The temp is set for 103, and held steady at 102 the whole time I was in.  I think this was a pretty good test for the cold weather use of this tub.  I have no complaints!  It was a crisp night with little wind...gotta love it :)

Title: Re: Maxxus heater question
Post by: Brewman on December 03, 2005, 03:08:23 pm
Your spa helds it temperature quite nicely, especially given the temperature.

Title: Re: Maxxus heater question
Post by: tony on December 03, 2005, 04:43:37 pm
There is someone over on Doc's board with the exact concern as the original post here....except it is on a Caldera spa.