Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: Brookenstein on November 30, 2005, 11:48:14 am
It was a brisk 45* sunny SoCal morning. I got up, made the boys coffee and then went and jumped in the new tub for the first time. It was 102* which was a little warm for a long soak, but it was so nice and relaxing. Even with the 5 yr old swimming and splashing it was a refreshing way to start the day.
Wooohoooo! It IS a nice way to start the day. I'm so glad you found the right spa for you and the family. Congratulations!
Congrats! Sounds nice.
I hear a lot of folks talk about a morning "soak" I never had the desire to soak in the morning (except once on a lazy Sunday morning and my back was killing me from Saturday yard work).
The hot water relaxes me too much and I'd end back asleep.
Do you find the morning soaks wake you up?
The water was too cold at 11 when I went to bed and I knew I couldn't wait all day to test soak, so I went for it in the morning. I feel very relaxed and happy (but that could be the after hot tub activities as well :D) I am a bit sleepy but I think that is from the youngun keeping me up 1/2 the night.
I may soak in the morning before the rest of the house gets up just so I actually get a relaxing soak. Most of the time I will have the 5 yr old bouncing off the walls and will be busy keeping the 19mo old from drowning.
The hot water relaxes me too much and I'd end back asleep.
Do you find the morning soaks wake you up?
Not to worry this time of year.....getting out of a 100 degree tub into a 40 degree morning more than wakes one up! 8)
Hey Brook....I missed what you finally ended up buying?
Happy tubbing.
I got a less than year old Hot Spring Envoy. :)
Sorry Termiantor... Springs comes naturally to me because I have to write it frequently.
Plus maybe I was trying to show ownership that the Envoy belongsed to Hot Spring and I just forgot the '. Wouldn't that work? ;)
Congratulations Brooke....You really worked hard to get the perfect spa for you and your truly deserve to have a long relaxing soak...enjoy!!! ;D
I got a less than year old Hot Springs Envoy. :)
Now, now, now.....since we are practically kin, henceforth onward please refer to your spa as a HotSpring Envoy (no "s" or you'll be sent to a reprogramming camp in Arkansas. You don't want that, believe me)
I feel very relaxed and happy (but that could be the after hot tub activities as well :D)
My wife and I had a tub in our chalet at the resort where we stayed for our honeymoon. Had lots of those mornings......which is why we bought a tub when we got home.
;D ;D ;D
congrats brook. welcome to spatopia (finally) ;D
Yes, Brooke it is a great way to start the day. You've got a good idea about getting an early morning soak by yourself. That way you can really relax and not worry about the kids. Enjoy and welcome to spatopia!
Morning soaks are great in that they are the only time my neighborhood is quiet. Congrats Brook. Photos to come? I'll start a password required section if needed. 8)
I'll start a password required section if needed. 8)
but is there a way to do this without you knowing the password?
We finally were able to do our first morning soak last week.... It was nice... Kids still asleep, beautiful morning, listening to the birds, and sippin' on a cup of java..
I soak almost every morning, early before everyone gets up. It is the only way I would be so consistant with my spa use. I have a great view from my back yard and it is very private so it is a very nice experience, especially watching the sun rise.
Congratulations on your new spa. I'm sure you'll be enjoying it many mornings... and evenings.
My wife and I had a tub in our chalet at the resort where we stayed for our honeymoon. Had lots of those mornings......which is why we bought a tub when we got home.
;D ;D ;D
Ditto. Except it was a 20 year anniversary get away.
but is there a way to do this without you knowing the password?
[glb]No[/glb] [/size]
Morning soaks are great in that they are the only time my neighborhood is quiet. Congrats Brook. Photos to come? I'll start a password required section if needed. 8)
Hmm, first off I've never claimed to be all that.. I think photos would be a dissapointment to most. Secondly, I can't find the darn digital camera.
I think photos would be a dissapointment to most. Secondly, I can't find the darn digital camera.
Then we'll just have to send somone over with a digital camera!!!!!!!!
Then we'll just have to send somone over with a digital camera!!!!!!!!
I just bought a new one last night. 7.2 megapixels, night vision capable, and shoots underwater. How cool is that!
I just bought a new one last night. 7.2 megapixels, night vision capable, and shoots underwater. How cool is that!
Now we just need a volunteer who is good at stalking and taking pictures. I think we have a few canididates.
Congrats, Brooke. We want pictures...the naughty ones you can put in that password protected folder for wmccall... ;D
Hmm, first off I've never claimed to be all that..
The best ones don't have to.
Filter cleaner - back on track.
Now we just need a volunteer who is good at stalking and taking pictures. I think we have a few canididates.
I'm fair to middlin' at both, but am too much of a Southern gentleman to be engaged in such dubious activities.
Hmm, first off I've never claimed to be all that..
I never let that stop me. Who's going to know otherwise on this site. Heck, I think of myself as a handsome version of Brad Pitt.
I'm fair to middlin' at both, but am too much of a Southern gentleman to be engaged in such dubious activities.
I could tell from all the Tammy photos.
Congrats Brook,
You deserve it. I'm glad the MILF is back. ;)
The water was too cold at 11 when I went to bed and I knew I couldn't wait all day to test soak, so I went for it in the morning.  I feel very relaxed and happy (but that could be the after hot tub activities as well  :D) I am a bit sleepy but I think that is from the youngun keeping me up 1/2 the night.
I may soak in the morning before the rest of the house gets up just so I actually get a relaxing soak. Â Most of the time I will have the 5 yr old bouncing off the walls and will be busy keeping the 19mo old from drowning.
This day started off so relaxing and it has now gone to hell. :'( >:( :(
Me neighbor and I went down to Lowes this morning spent $2500 on vinyl fencing. They couldn't deliver till Friday so we decided to rent the truck to bring it home. I went home, he stayedand waited. It took them 1.5 hours to load the truck.
He gets here and the truck looks 1/2 empty. The guys at Lowes didn't sufficiently tie up the truck after they loaded it and 13 of our 20 panels, plus the gate went flying off into the freeway. :o
$1000 worth of fence is now on the road. >:( :'(
After I make dinner, I'm going in the tub. I need that relaxing feeling back.
Lowe's is responsible for that mishap. Geez, Brooke, I'm sorry to hear this. Hope your stress level decreases with the great spa you have!
Brooke, I feel so sorry for you ..That fencing is so expensive. I actually went to look at the same fence you are talking about yesterday. I ended up buying 5 4X8 sheets of sheet rock to drywall a closet in my basement. I had all the seats in my van so the drywall didn't sit flat but drooped over the folded back seats. The guy that helped me load it said I should have no problem, that he would tie my tail gate to my hitch. I barely got out of Lowes parking lot when the whole mess started a backward slide. Thankfully, I had rope in my van and secured the sheets together and to tie downs and then tied the tail gate to the latch. I was making a lot of noise in that parking lot believe me!
Hopefully the flying fencing didn't cause any highway problems. I think Lowes has some sort of disclaimer about their responsibility. This was the first time I ever had a Lowes employee offer to tie anything down, they usually hand me the twine. I know I won't let them help me again!
Lowes let us buy new panels for $1 panel so for $15 (with tax) we ended up with 13 new panels and a new a new gate (though the last gate they had left in stock was total crap and missing the board reinforcements, but oh well).
Guess today I will start building me a fence. :)
Oh... I let the 19mo old in the hot tub before bed last night... he slept until 8am today. Normally he is up by 6:30 am. :) Should've done this long ago.
That's great...glad to hear it worked out. I have to ask...why did you have to pay ANTHING??
Over the phone they told us they would replace the 13 panels. Neighbor forgot to mention the gate. We knew all they had left in stock was the crappy gate, so we didn't worry about it (I had wanted 2 gates, we only bought one at the time because the 2nd gate was in poor condition)... my neighbor had told me he'd go to a different Lowes and just buy me another gate to replace it. Anyway when he got there, they told him he had to pay $1 panel, he said that was BS... he said what about my gate then. They said you didn't mention a gate on the phone, he said he wasn't going to worry about it, yadda yadda.. the guy said he had to show that we were willing to pay something, he couldn't have a 0 on the paperwork... my neighbor agreed and got the gate. I figure it will work as my 2nd gate and I'll get a good one for my real gate.
I'm guessing that by us paying a $1 it shows we took some amount of liability if there were any accidents or claims based on what happened... but I am only speculating. I really don't know. I'm just glad we weren't out $1000.
... I let the 19mo old in the hot tub before bed last night...
You probably already know this, but be careful with young ones and hot tubs. They don't have the ability to regulate their body temps as well as adults, have a smaller mass to heat up in the first place, and may not be able to determine when they are too hot. They shouldn't be in a 102 degree tub for more than a few minutes. The fact that kids are so active that they are often in and out of the water helps, but be careful. When our daughter was young, we kept the tub at 99 when she was in it.
Definitely $15 bucks is better than $1000 but it's still BS!!
Definitely $15 bucks is better than $1000 but it's still BS!!
I bet the $1 per panel was just so they could account for the additional panels in their system. $15 total is like Lowe's taking 98.5% resonsibility. Sounds like a great deal to me.
So glad that everything worked out for you. I hope (if my hot tub ever gets here) it has the same effect on me that it did on your little guy. I would love to get just ONE good nights sleep. Try to get some pictures of your tub and the fence.
We had the temp at 100 for the little one. He was in it about 15 minutes.
hey since we are talking about fences. I posted something a while back about building a removable fence. I found a website that sells the post sleeves so that a fence post can be inserted and removed again if needed.
I want to do this just to create a windbreak around my tub in the winter and than remove it in the spring.
Here is the site:
I haven't purchased it yet but I think I am going to buy them from the site and than buy the fence from Home Depot or Menards or something.
hey since we are talking about fences. I posted something a while back about building a removable fence. I found a website that sells the post sleeves so that a fence post can be inserted and removed again if needed.
I want to do this just to create a windbreak around my tub in the winter and than remove it in the spring.
Here is the site:
I haven't purchased it yet but I think I am going to buy them from the site and than buy the fence from Home Depot or Menards or something.
That's what I was trying to describe with my frined who has the horse farm! I am glad you found something. You might get a bit of a wooble or slop in it, since it's one section, but a shim should clear it up. Good luck!
Thanks Drewstar- you know the funny thing is I called the two biggest fence companies in Cedar Rapids and they both thought I was crazy. This one website is the only place I could find it.
I wonder if your friend at the horse farm rigged something up on his own. Farmers are known for being creative this way.
Anyway, Brookenstien- good luck on your fencing project!! :D
No. my friends are not that creative. ;D And they are not true Yankee farmers....more like executives with stables. ;) So I have a strong suspcsion that the fence was proffesionaly installed.
They have a post and rail fence around the rink. they remove the hrozontal rails, and lift up the verticle post out of the pocket in the ground and I drive my truck right in (I take the manuare for a vegitable garden.)