Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: st18901 on November 30, 2005, 01:57:53 pm
Why are we wasting so much time with sanitizers and acid/base chemicals?
Here is a solution that is so much easier.
Before buying such a product, please educate yourself and research pages such as:
what do you mean?
It's not going to work?
what do you mean?
It's not going to work?
No. It is not going to work.
Does it come with a coupon for a discount on the Brooklyn Bridge? :o
Does it come with a coupon for a discount on the Brooklyn Bridge? :o
No, but it comes with a free bus ticket to Westminister CO. home of junk spa science. :) ;)
damn, and being a DIY kinda guy, I already bought a whole bunch of magnets for a couple bucks and was going to start putting them around all my hot tub pipes.
Are you sure this doesn't work? Are you sure that chemical companies aren't just trying to keep the market cornered?
Okay, if magnets don't work, how about this?
Hate to be the barer of bad news guy. But the thing actually helps.
Before we started carrying them I was probably the most pessimistic of. But after talking to another spa dealer, that talked all his customers with water problems into using them I started coming around. He offered them with a money back guarantee if they didn't notice a difference in their water quality in 90. He was never asked for a refund.
I had a customer that was scientist with Lawrence Livermore Labs (previously with NASA) who wouldn't operate his spa without the magnets.
AND MOST importantly, my own experience ;D When I started using them, my son felt he never needed to take a bath, since he was in the hot tub almost every day. My water was pretty good, but always had a haze to it. 3 days after adding the magnets the water was, and has been ever since, crystal clear.
Ya know, my son hated ice cream.. untill he tried it ;)
I respectufly have to disagree with your conclusions that
any benifts seen are due to the magnets.
I remember when you added this to your product line. I thought I remembered you saying that people were asking for it, so you added it. (my memory sucks, so who knows) Oh, by the way, my MPS and Hardness Up shipment, just arrived promptly as usual, thanks)
But how many have you sold? Those kind of guarantees to me are like rebates, they hope the people just forget about it and don't want to deal with returns. I'll put this one in the category of the Gillette M3 power razor. It looks stupid to me, but if you want to send me one, I'll try it ;)
Oh, I visited my friend this weekend who bought one of your covers for his Cal spa more than a year ago. Still looks great. He tells everyone about it.
I also remember when you first tried them. I believe they would help. I don't believe they eliminate the need for sanitizers. Correct?
I remember when you added this to your product line. I thought I remembered you saying that people were asking for it, so you added it. (my memory sucks, so who knows) Oh, by the way, my MPS and Hardness Up shipment, just arrived promptly as usual, thanks)
But how many have you sold? Those kind of guarantees to me are like rebates, they hope the people just forget about it and don't want to deal with returns. I'll put this one in the category of the Gillette M3 power razor. It looks stupid to me, but if you want to send me one, I'll try it ;)
Oh, I visited my friend this weekend who bought one of your covers for his Cal spa more than a year ago. Still looks great. He tells everyone about it.
A lot of the "new" things we offer are requested. but ah, my memory is worse than yours, and I also don't remember.
I haven't a clue as to how many we've sold. And I'm too lazy to run a report and figure it out ;D . But I feel comfortable in guessing a couple hundred.
I figured the "rebate" deal as well. But, he claimed NO ONE at all ever returned one.......
Hey, believe it or not. It's your choice. Yes, magnets over the centuries have been claimed to do everything from turning lead into gold to curing the common cold... But that doesn't necessarily mean they don't do NOTHING.
I also remember when you first tried them. I believe they would help. I don't believe they eliminate the need for sanitizers. Correct?
Personally, I don't believe they eliminate the need for anything. I haven't reduced the amount of chlorine I use one bit. Do thay make the water easier to balance overall? I don't really know.......... ummmmmm, see, I don't really balance my water. I get rather lazy in that area. I do know though that my water looks better since I started using them. But, this is just me.
Personally, I don't believe they eliminate the need for anything. I haven't reduced the amount of chlorine I use one bit. Do thay make the water easier to balance overall? I don't really know.......... ummmmmm, see, I don't really balance my water. I get rather lazy in that area. I do know though that my water looks better since I started using them. But, this is just me.
Agreed. The original post insinuated that magnets take the place of sanitizers. I believe there is something to this magnet therapy.
do know though that my water looks better since I started using them. But, this is just me.
The forum looks better since we added Brook and Cappy, but, that's just me ;)
I have a rock that keeps tigers away.
The forum looks better since we added Brook and Cappy, but, that's just me ;)
Ahhh, thanks. :)
I just looked at doc's site. Now my question: IF I decide to give this a try (I'm a sucker...whoops, probably shouldn't have said that) do I need to buy 1 or 2 for a 450 gallon tub?
Ok, so I am a little slow. I just figured out that everytime you guys refer to the doc you are talking aobut an RH tubs guy.
I have been on their site alot lately since my new tub came in.
I didn't mean to pick on rhtubs with the link. It was just the first that was spa related to come up when I googled magnet, water.
Call me a trouble maker. I just couldn't resist.
Have you ever noticed though how things that 'magically' take care of problems, take care of ALL problems? Magnets are theoretically good for almost everything.
Not just a sanitizer, it's also a ph balancer, a water softener (or hardener, if you need it to be)
And, in case you didn't know - they also can be attached to your fuel lines in your car for better gas mileage.
I Oh, by the way, my MPS and Hardness Up shipment, just arrived promptly as usual, thanks)
Do you need a prescription for the Hardness Up?
I use magnets in place of Viagra, well, two magnets. It does the trick chemical-free, though it's painful when I walk by the refrigerator with my giblets exposed. :-[
no,no... there are hundreds of online sources that will fill your order for you.... ;) ;)
I use magnets in place of Viagra, well, two magnets. It does the trick chemical-free, though it's painful when I walk by the refrigerator with my giblets exposed. :-[
;D ;D ;D ;D
i wonder... if you reversed the position of the magnets so the polarity is changed, which would of course cause them to "swing the other way", would you wind up "attracted" to something othere than the fridge?? :o :o
I use the reverse polarity for "stretching excercises".
Ok, so I am a little slow. I just figured out that everytime you guys refer to the doc you are talking aobut an RH tubs guy.
I have been on their site alot lately since my new tub came in.
You are right. Doc is a valuable member here and helps out a lot of our members regularly. We try not to promote too many commercial sites here and Doc is great about not promoting his own site, yet topics like this one are great for all involved. I will add I buy regularly from that site (and others as well)
I just looked at doc's site. Now my question: IF I decide to give this a try (I'm a sucker...whoops, probably shouldn't have said that) do I need to buy 1 or 2 for a 450 gallon tub?
According to the manufacturer, 2 will handle a swimming pool.....1 should do. TELL YA WHAT I'M GONNA DO.. email me, I'll send you one to try out, no charge.
I use magnets in place of Viagra, well, two magnets. It does the trick chemical-free, though it's painful when I walk by the refrigerator with my giblets exposed. :-[
Be happy you don't have a steel floor like I do.....although, I must say. no, I better not
I use magnets in place of Viagra, well, two magnets. It does the trick chemical-free, though it's painful when I walk by the refrigerator with my giblets exposed. :-[
You got one of these? :)
80 gauge belt.
I don't think those are rated for spa use though, are they?
I believe it comes in a waterproof version as well.