Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: Bonibelle on November 16, 2005, 03:17:15 pm
Got good news today! My Epic is on the truck and headed east! My dealer says that it could take up to a week to get here but I'm still excited! I promised the poor electrician that I would have my basement storage area cleaned so he would have a straight shot for the electric...or at least be able to walk through..I think I may need a bulldozer! ;D :D 8) ::)
is there a way to track it? I know I would be checking on it hourly.
Got good news today! My Epic is on the truck and headed east! My dealer says that it could take up to a week to get here but I'm still excited! I promised the poor electrician that I would have my basement storage area cleaned so he would have a straight shot for the electric...or at least be able to walk through..I think I may need a bulldozer! ;D :D 8) ::)
Congrats. :)
Yup, get the basement cleared out. A happy electrician makes less mistakes, takes less time. A happy electirican is a happy spa owner.
Course, When my electrician got done, it looked like he used a bulldozer to run the lines. Talk about a mess. LEt's just say, I wouldn't recommend my electrician for "Delicate installations" ;D
I don't think so, that only works for Fed Ex and UPS!
She said don't get too excited yet because the truck has other stops to make and the weather could even be a factor....too bad I'm still excited.....
Congrats!! I know you are excited..even in route is better than sitting in the warehouse! We still do not have our soundsations hooked up. I called our dealer and he is going to have a tech call my husband to do it over the phone. Only problem is we still don't have the dolphin remote. Somehow he keeps forgetting that minor element. Guess I'm going to have to stay on him or go get it myself. Think he's been busy selling spas.
is there a way to track it? I know I would be checking on it hourly.
Gives me an idea for a commercial. Hopefully you have seen the original one for IBM.
Picture a truck heavily loaded down with spas. It comes over a hill and there is a lady in a desk in the middle of the road. The Clampett style truck skids to a halt and the person at the desk tells the driver. (Balding middle aged dufus looking type, that he is lost) After sometime he asks how the Help desk knew they were lost. The RFID tags in the spas! He, lets just call him Jimmy R Tuna, says, "Maybe we should let the spas drive."
Just a thought.
Ha ha, yep that would be a funny commercial. I just hope Jed Clampett isn't driving my spa truck! :-/
I have to tell husband called me on his way home from work a couple of months ago and said "I am following this truck full of spas and on the side it says JUST WHAT YOU NEED!"
That is what sent me to Marquis in the beginning, that statement on the side of the truck! It really is just what he needs..I made him move our wood stove this weekend and he hasn't been the same since!
My Epic is on the truck and headed east! My dealer says that it could take up to a week to get here but I'm still excited!
Congratulations! I wish I could say that. I ordered my Epic 2 1/2 weeks ago and I just found out today that it still hasn't been built.
I'm not really happy about this since my dealer told me it would be here in two weeks. I don't understand why people give unrealistic timeframes like this. If I know something might take 3 weeks I say it will be 4 weeks so my customer is happy if it only takes 3. I understand that orders can get backed up, but don't give unrealistic expectations to a brand new customer. I also return my customer's calls right away instead of making them wait days to hear back from me.
Am I asking for too much from a dealer that I just spent $10,000 with? Sorry for the negative post, but I am a bit frustrated!!
JD...I understand your frustration. We get so excited about the prospect of getting our spas. I don't think it was intentional on your dealer's part. You know stuff just happens. I know my dealer just had a sale on spas and he's really been selling Marquis'...maybe that's happening all over??
Anyway, hang in seemed like forever when we were waiting and now it's a distant memory.
Know what JD?, I ordered my spa on November 1st. I knew that it would take a while since the dealer said they try to ship several units to an area at a time. I just hoped that she would sell more tubs so I could get mine. She said I could expect delivery around the beginning of December but that they shut down the production plant in November and that may slow things down. She didn't give me unrealistic promises, just told me what factors were involved. So the call today was a surprise. I don't think they really know until they get the call that the tub has shipped. I kind of doubt that the dealer knows that the tub hasn't even been built yet..maybe the Marquis dealers on here could tell you better. And maybe they can tell you how to get things moving or at least how to get your dealer to be more considerate of you. Do you have a promised delivery date on your contract?
I kind of doubt that the dealer knows that the tub hasn't even been built yet..maybe the Marquis dealers on here could tell you better. Do you have a promised delivery date on your contract?
I've been bugging them, so they said they called Marquis today and they were told it hasn't been built yet. I was not given a promised delivery date. They said they sell a large volume so it would only be two weeks. I don't have a contract, just a receipt; I had to negotiate the final sale over the phone so that is all the paper work I received. I don't even want to get into how and why this occurred. Let's just say the dealer hasn't impressed me after the sale so far.
Let's hope delivery and support after the install improves.
Maybe the delay has to do with the shut down. I know my dealer reserved my tub before the shutdown because she said that the color that my husband wanted is being discontinued. Did you know they just offered a pretty good financing deal? No interest, no pay until Labor Day. Hopefully they will get your tub done this week and it will be on it's way to you soon.
Keep us updated, I'm sure it will be worth the wait.
lets hope it gets here safe. My tub was delivered on train and about half way here the train derailed. It delayed me about a week.
Hope it all works out, this is the hard part, once it has been ordered, you are just waiting. It is like waiting for you day at work to end and just looking at each second tick away. tick tick tick tick tick tick tick
Oh Boy, that would be my luck the truck would fall off a bridge somewhere! I just got done fixing the things that I didn't like on the deck. thank goodness my girlfriend's husband is a landscaper, he helped me. :oI'll just keep my fingers crossed, I don't want the tub until after turkey day anyway and I still have the basement....ever see HGTV mission organization? There isn't an organizer in the world that could straighten out my basement!
Hey Bonibelle,
I'll give you a run for your money on a messy basement.
Mine looks like a tornado went through it. Can't seem to find the time to get down there especially since I got my Epic! :)
drprwnap 8)
But if I don't get mine at least a little organized, my electrician won't be able to hook my Epic to my electric panel! You can't even walk in the storage area. I am a pack rat and just can't part with anything that my kids have made. I have filled 2 huge dumpsters last winter and we are still overflowing. My husband bought me a shed for my gardening things..guess what you can't walk in that either. This is depressing :-[
Now that you mentioned it..I think I may need a beer...there's some in the basement I just know it....
Now that you mentioned it..I think I may need a beer...there's some in the basement I just know it....
No matter how messy my basement is, I ALWAYS KNOW where the beer is! :D ;D :D
It must be pretty cold now where you are. We are in the low 40's and with the wind chill, it is in the 30's.
Are you enjoying using the tub even more now that it is so much cooler? I am really having a hard time trying to figure out something that will give us a little more privacy and shield the tub from the wind. Every time I think I know what I want to do, I change my mind. And I am running out of time....maybe I should put the tub in the basement!
Temps, wow. Got in the tub Tue. night and it was around 70. Got in last night and it was 30 with a wind chill of about 17. I don't mind the temps but the wind is a different story. Yeah, I plan on enjoying it more when it's cold and snowing. Forcast for tonight is low 20's. I'll be tubbin' later!!
drprwnap 8)
Ha..It is STILL on the truck! I guess the first "on the truck message "was really that my tub was physically on the truck. Apparently the truck didn't actually leave until last Monday. They told me today that I could get lucky and have it by Friday. Then called back with the news that the truck broke down in terrible weather and needed a major part to get going again. Oh well maybe next week ... See JDHeffer, don't feel bad, you may have your tub first after all! :'(
Sorry to hear about the truck problems! I'm still not counting on getting mine first. The way my luck is going it will be another couple weeks.
It sure would be nice to have a tub right now. Temps are in the low 20s and the snow is blowing!!
It's a race between jdheffer and boninelle...let's take bets on who gets theirs first...LOL!
It's so comforting reading your posts because not so long ago it was me. I'm laughing about your basements because even though the backyard is completed the inside of our house isn't. We're still waiting for a plasterer to finish the walls where windows were removed, we have to paint, put down new baseboards, rip-up old carpet and put down hardwood floors. Then it's paint the outside of the house, replace never ends when you own a house, especially an older home.
I'm anxiously waiting to see, "The Epic Has Landed" by either of you! Good luck!
We're still waiting for a plasterer to finish the walls where windows were removed, we have to paint, put down new baseboards, rip-up old carpet and put down hardwood floors. Then it's paint the outside of the house, replace never ends when you own a house, especially an older home.
I know what you mean about basements. I finished my last winter. Mine wasn't a remodel, I had a clean slate to work with. Clean other than all the junk I had to clean out. I did most of the work myself so I know how long a road you have ahead. Good luck!
Hey JD, I just realized from another post that we can download the manual to our Epics. So while we wait and wait we can just study every aspect...I guess I am starting to get a bit frustrated. I went to Lowes this morning and picked up 5 sheets of drywall that didn't fit into my van (I had all my seats in), tied it down somehow and unloaded it myself when I got home. My husband and son are making me a closet in the basement so I can store our off season clothes. In any case, I could use the tub tonight. I really pulled the muscles in my neck lifting the drywall.
Bonnie, calm down, you are suffering from spa anxiety, but relax, if your spa does'nt show up, I have lots of them in stock, I always get a truck load in before the factorys close down.....Love, Guzz
Hey JD, I just realized from another post that we can download the manual to our Epics. So while we wait and wait we can just study every aspect...I guess I am starting to get a bit frustrated. I went to Lowes this morning and picked up 5 sheets of drywall that didn't fit into my van (I had all my seats in), tied it down somehow and unloaded it myself when I got home. My husband and son are making me a closet in the basement so I can store our off season clothes. In any case, I could use the tub tonight. I really pulled the muscles in my neck lifting the drywall.
Thanks for the info, but I found those manuals the other day while I was looking through the Marquis site. Yes, I'm so tired of waiting I was looking at their site again last week.
I'm impressed about your trip to Lowes. Those sheets of drywall aren't light!!