Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: jdheffer on November 23, 2005, 12:36:45 am
Just thought I'd drop a note regarding the status of my Epic. It's been 3 1/2 weeks and I'm still waiting! The tub hasn't even been made yet. My wonderful dealer actually called me today and said they should start building it next week.
Next week will be 4 weeks, which means it probably won't be delivered until week 5. Not even close to the 2-3 weeks the dealer told us.
I know it will all be a distant memory after it is hear, but it still makes me angry that the dealer gave us unrealistic expectations.
Everyone have a great holiday. Enjoy a good soak for me!!
Hi JD, Not that it will make you feel any better, but I haven't heard a thing yet either! Remember mine was on it's way last Wednesday? I am OK with it, since I wanted this Thanksgiving holiday out of the way first.
I would however like to have it before Christmas.
My husband and kids are like you, ready to get in to hot water. They come home every day and run to the back door expecting that I surprised them and the tub has arrived. I am using this extra time trying to learn everything that I can about balancing the water and keeping things right. I have also been collecting (that's what I call shopping) spa side things. I found this nice little Rubbermaid deck box and I am going to figure a way to keep our bath robes hot inside while we soak.
I also got patterns so I can sew everyone a custom robe out of material that they like. That's how I am dealing with my wait....Keep us you get yours before I do! :-/
Hi JD and Bonibelle! Not that it will make Either of you feel any better, but my tub ordered in June came 4 weeks later in July missing the stereo that was part of the deal (crane was actually in front of my house when I got the call!). My second tub came in late August with a problem requiring replacement of whole tub. My 3rd came last week ::). 68 F in town yesterday here in the "great white north" 8) 8) and I now have my pergola reassembled and deck mostly rebuilt. It is STILL very much worth any speed bumps along the way as you will both see ;)!
Hey JD and Boniebelle, I think Marquis underestimated how popular the Epic would become. My dealer has sold 5 since I took delivery in October. He can't keep one on his floor. I think this spa is taking the market by storm and the factory can't keep up. This may be of little consolation while you wait but you have purchased the best spa on the market, IMO. You know the old saying. Good things come to those who wait.
Boniebelle, you are on the right track with getting all the info on water balancing. Before your tub is delivered, take a sample of tap water to your dealer. If you need anything, buy it then. The start up kit gives you very little chemicals. For example, there is no calcium hardness increaser included. It's basically the bromine, minerals, a small bottle of shock, and a small packet of alk. up and down.
Hang in there and trust me when I tell you it will be worth the wait.
drprwnap 8)
Thanks Steve, I know you are right. I hope mine comes equipped with the sound system that it is supposed to have , and there is nothing wrong! if not then I'll be grumbling! I could have had it long ago if I was willing to take one with out the sound. I don't even have the electric ready, the electrician says he can do that the day they bring the spa....I did get the basement cleared for him.
I almost said have a great Thanksgiving, but I guess you guys don't celebrate that holiday...Have a great soak then and think of us tub-less folk eating turkey tomorrow! :o
Any link or model number on the Rubbermaid storage? Color? Size? I've been searching a little for the past several months for a small shed to put the chemicals in also (to no avail....)
Arrrrgh. Yea, your right, once it's all said and done it will be a distant memory, but what a pain in the butt.
Depending on where you are, at this time of year, 5-6 weeks makes a big differnece. I know that if I was supposed to get a tub Before thanksgiving, and now it could be New Year's. Arrrrrrgh. Here in Ma, in 5 weeks it could be below freezing outside. Not ideal installtion and filling weather.
Drprwnap, I am thinking, like you, that Marquis has been burried in orders. My dealer said she ordered one for herself this summer and because she was selling them so fast, she didn't get hers until October. Every one that came in, she sold to a customer. I always have a very difficult time with large purchases, and this was by far the most difficult, so I feel good that you think this is the best tub on the market.
I am going to inventory my extra pool chemicals because I bought a lot at the end of the season to close my pool. I submitted a water sample to my dealer when they did the site survey but it was neutralized, and softened through my water system. I wonder if I should take a raw sample to see if the natural minerals in the water would make it easier to balance. I think softened water lacks any buffering capacity...That is my biggest concern that the water stays balanced.
thanks so the way are you a Steelers fan?
the Rubbermaid deck box is 18X18X23H. It is durable plastic and what I especially like is that the lid seals down real tight. The only problem I see with the chemical storage is that it is a hamper configuration. I would think a cabinet might work a little better if you wanted shelves. I can't find a number on it and I threw the box away but I got it for about $12.00 at a place called Big Lots. I am thinking I may have to store most of my chemicals in doors because of freezing.
Let me try to post a picture of it and if you think it will work for you I will go back to Big Lots and see if they have any left.
There's a Big Lots right around the corner from me on Beach Blvd. I can check in there over the long weekend....
Ya'll hang in there! This is a crazy time of the year for the spa companies as all the dealers are scrambling to get their inventories up while the factories are re-tooling for next year's models. Your spas will be here before you know it and you'll forget all about the waiting once you settle in to your favorite seat with your favorite beverage and your favorite person. :)
Hey terminator I am going to post something on the BS forum for you to may win a 10 lb bag of Idaho Russets! ;)
Drprwnap, .by the way are you a Steelers fan?
Yes, I've been a Steeler fan since 1971.
Ok then, not only do you have MY hot tub, you also have my favorite football player...Duce! I sure hope he does well this year. :)
Ok then, not only do you have MY hot tub, you also have my favorite football player...Duce! I sure hope he does well this year. :)
Thanks! We like Duce but he's been injured a lot. It would be nice to get him healthy and on the field. Maybe I should tell him to buy an Epic....... ;)
Sorry, I didn't know he was hurt again. He had quite a serious injury when he was an Eagle and few expected him to return to football. We were just glad that when he had to leave our team that he stayed in Pa!
I guess I am getting us off topic, sorry
Hey terminator I am going to post something on the BS forum for you to may win a 10 lb bag of Idaho Russets! ;)
Alrighty, where's my taters?
Am I gonna get in trouble for getting off subject?
I have 10 lbs of tatters and am praying these kids don't do anything worse than mash them against some trees. I have no idea of what that contraption can do. They are going ram potatoes in the barrel and fill the chamber part with HAIRSPRAY and create a spark to launch the potatoes. I don't think this thing is UL approved!???? Your taters are on their way!
If they use enough hairspray, they can airmail them all the way to Texas. I'll forward my coordinates to you.
Be a little wary-many an emergency room worker can relay stories of home made "cannons" that have done substantial damage to the unsuspecting participants. Things that aren't made to handle explosives probably shouldn't be doing so... :-/
Ok then help me here. They made these things last weekend at a Boy Scout event. I am afraid of a gas grill so they had to do some convincing that this thing won't back fire and do any damage. You are saying that it could explode instead of launching the potatoes? Damn I wish this hot tub would come and they would occupy themselves with something less lethal.
Boy Scout event? With hair spray as propellant? ???
Odds are you'd never have an issue, but just a few minutes on the "stupid video" website can convince you that a lot of innocent fun and stunts can go wrong. Just my $.02
Be careful. Now that's not something you'll likely hear me say too often, but hairspray is very cumbustible.
Our neighbor was burning some trash in his burn barrel and, unbeknownedst to him, his wife had dumped a bunch of empty hairspray cans in the trash. They commenced to going off like bombs, rained fire down onto his barn, and burnt it to the ground. Who would've thunk it?
Arrrrgh. Yea, your right, once it's all said and done it will be a distant memory, but what a pain in the butt.
Depending on where you are, at this time of year, 5-6 weeks makes a big differnece. I know that if I was supposed to get a tub Before thanksgiving, and now it could be New Year's. Arrrrrrgh. Here in Ma, in 5 weeks it could be below freezing outside. Not ideal installtion and filling weather.
I hope it will be a distant memory soon.
I wish it was 5 weeks before it was freezing here. It is suppose to be in the low teens tomorrow night. Good spa weather I imagine!
Thanks to everyone for your words of wisdom! Have a great holiday for those of you that celebrate it!