Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: mheuple on November 21, 2005, 11:22:56 am
Any one have thoughts on the different cover lifters. We are getting a Vanguard (HotSprings). They want to sell me the Cover Mate 1. My wife is 5'2" and 110lbs. Can she open and close it with ease? Also which one is the lease likely to break?
What other cover lifter options are they giving you?
The CM I is a decent lifter but for larger sized spa I'd probably upgrade.
Any one have thoughts on the different cover lifters. We are getting a Vanguard (HotSprings). They want to sell me the Cover Mate 1. My wife is 5'2" and 110lbs. Can she open and close it with ease? Also which one is the lease likely to break?
I would go with the HotSpring Cover Cradle. It is so easy to open for smaller people. I can open and close the spa with one finger using the Cover Cradle. I have to use a little more "oommph" using the Cover Mate.
The Cover Cradle basically glides the cover back. The Vanguard cover is large and heavy. Cover Mate works fine on smaller spas. Cover Cradle costs a little more but will be worth it to your wife. :)
There are a couple of types of the Cover cradle. any major difference?
There are a couple of types of the Cover cradle. any major difference?
Well, there's the CoverCradle and the Uprite. I would go with the CC. You need 25" of clearance for it. The Uprite is great if you are putting it up against a wall as it only takes up 8". If you have the room, CoverCradle all the way. It's the best one on the market, in my opinion. :)
Please include pictures of your wife, dressed how she would be while in the spa, so we can properly determine what the appropriate cover lifter is right for her.
Thank you. ;D
I have the cover mate 1 on my tiger river, which is smaller than the vanguard, and have to say, the cover can be heavy.
Can you take her into the store, where she maybe able to try out the different lifters?
There are a couple of types of the Cover cradle. any major difference?
There is the cover cradle and cover cradle 2, cc has two gas shocks, cc 2 has 1 gas shock, you could use the cc2, which is the streamlined version, that allows a smooth operation of gliding the cover off the back of the spa, both require 24" of clearance. The cc2 is a little less cost.
Terminator, what do you charge for a Covercradle?
Well, there's the CoverCradle and the Uprite. I would go with the CC. You need 25" of clearance for it. The Uprite is great if you are putting it up against a wall as it only takes up 8". If you have the room, CoverCradle all the way. It's the best one on the market, in my opinion. :)
Cover mate 1 is $185 and the Covercradle is $395??? Here is the package that I am being quoted:
HS Vanguard, steps, Ozonator, Starter kit, cover, Delivered for 8k, Sound about right? Anything else I should have??
Mine is basically the same as the covermate I.
Personally, I think it's horrible........I can barely get the cover off by myself by standing at the side......I flip half of the cover back, then lifting from one side, I lift the thing about 18" off the tub and the whole thing is just flexing, the cover is still sitting tight on the far side.
And I ain't exactly scrawny.....@ 5'9" and 200lbs.
I'm thinking of ditching it....easier to flip top, then pull off the tub and gently slide it down the side of the tub onto the ground.....working from the side is no good.....
Catch 22 of spa ownership......I've had a bad back since the tub arrived, but at least I've got the tub to soothe the bad back.
Covermate I is really for smaller tubs or midsized at most. Anything larger and they're a bit unsurdy during opening (not really too difficult but a bit clumsy). You will end up wondering how well it'll hold up long term on the larger tubs as they really seem to get tweaked a bit during opening from the side. Any tub 7'x7' or larger and I'd definitely upgrade from a CM I to a surdier model. Unfortunately, very often the CM I seems to be the choice due to cost alone but while you save up front you loose with ease of use and length of life of the lifter IMO.
Mine is basically the same as the covermate I.
Personally, I think it's horrible........I can barely get the cover off by myself by standing at the side......I flip half of the cover back, then lifting from one side, I lift the thing about 18" off the tub and the whole thing is just flexing, the cover is still sitting tight on the far side.
And I ain't exactly scrawny.....@ 5'9" and 200lbs.
I'm thinking of ditching it....easier to flip top, then pull off the tub and gently slide it down the side of the tub onto the ground.....working from the side is no good.....
Catch 22 of spa ownership......I've had a bad back since the tub arrived, but at least I've got the tub to soothe the bad back.
I flip over half the cover, jump into the tub, and from inside the tub, lift the rest of the cover off. the tub, mostly from the center of the cover.
appreciate all the input. Sounds like the better the system the more $$. I will take the misses to the store and see what she can lift.
yeah, that seems to be the best bet.
Just realized mine IS a Covermate 1, but apparantly there's a customised side mounting bracket for Arctic, which is why mine looks a little different than others i've seen.
I've been looking at it, trying to figure out how to add hydraulic assist....
Terminator, what do you charge for a Covercradle?
$395, not a penny more!
I just put a lifter on yesterday but I'll be darned if I remember what it's called, something to do with Sundance as I like to support my local dealer. We went without a lifter for three or four months and did the manual process ... you flip half, get in and lift it over the back. To close we reversed the process, lifting it back on from inside. My wife didn't like this idea once the weather started getting cooler.
Two recommendations - go with the hydraulic lift, it's a wife-pleaser which is worth any price difference in my house, and second... when you install it, put on the little dial shaped knob that locks the hydraulics in place before you cut the tie-wrap. You won't worry about it flying up and you can then lock the lift arms part way up to ease sliding the two parts together. paul
We have a '05 Vanguard and purchased the covercradle. My wife is 5'1" and she has no problem removing the cover. Real easy.
I meant to say that it cost $350 and it is worth the money.
Is the cover genie pretty similar to the cover cradle I. I have a jetsetter and a lifter would be ideal because we have not place to lay the cover. If I flip it open and down it rests on dirt.