Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: splasher82 on November 16, 2005, 11:56:57 pm

Title: Jacuzzi diverter stuck
Post by: splasher82 on November 16, 2005, 11:56:57 pm
We replaced an Ortega 2" diverter valve and its handle.
After a day or so, it became much harder to turn. Now, it won't turn at all, with or without the jacuzzi on.
We asked the folks at the pool supply store we purchased it from, and they have no idea why we have this problem.
The size and model of the diverter is correct, and there aren't a whole lot of ways to put it in, so I am very interested in having a solution to this puzzle.
Does anyone have an idea about what we might have done incorrectly?
One good turn deserves a thank you.
Title: Re: Jacuzzi diverter stuck
Post by: hotubinn on November 19, 2005, 12:40:25 am
You more than likely have debris catching, thus making it hard to turn.  Remove inner portion of valve and use an emory sand paper to smooth out.
Title: Re: Jacuzzi diverter stuck
Post by: splasher82 on November 22, 2005, 05:52:24 am
Thanks for the response to my diverter problem.
I will take a closer look at the condition of the inside of the housing, and make sure that it's smooth. I hope that this fixes the problem.
Thanks again!