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Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: keating on November 17, 2005, 02:40:22 pm

Title: Arctic Pure Refresh
Post by: keating on November 17, 2005, 02:40:22 pm
Anyone familiar with this product?

it's a shock, but the bottle doesn't list what it's made up of......can't seem to find it's composition online.
Title: Re: Arctic Pure Refresh
Post by: Spatech_tuo on November 17, 2005, 04:33:27 pm
Can you tell us what is supposed to do for you?
Title: Re: Arctic Pure Refresh
Post by: Tman122 on November 17, 2005, 05:38:53 pm
Can you tell us what is supposed to do for you?

Probably some type of MPS or Chrlorine or a combination of the 2. Re-labeled and sold as an Arctic product. Alot of manufacturers do this, it's a very lucrative way to make some money. The stuff is usually priced high. But I am just guessing. Maybe one of the Arcitc salespeople that hang around can hand us the pitch. (Scientificly balanced and mixed to produce better results than standerd shock)
Title: Re: Arctic Pure Refresh
Post by: bosco0633 on November 17, 2005, 05:44:07 pm
its just shock, spa boss re lableled and sold.  I am not sure about the make up but it is good stuff I use it.  I have three pales of it the big ones.  30 can for big jug. im only half way done my first jug.

just grabbed my jug  3kg

oxidizes contaminants, non chlorine

designed to destroy foreign contaminates which reduce the effectiveness of bromine and chlorine as a disinfectant.  It is completely soluble and will not alter pH.

it helps give a boost if your bromine is a little low.  great stuff I really like it, bottle does not say what it consists of but I remember reading that it is really spa boss chemicals.
Title: Re: Arctic Pure Refresh
Post by: tony on November 17, 2005, 07:38:26 pm
Sounds like buffered MPS.  Arctic markets its own brand of chems, but hard to find info on contents.
Title: Re: Arctic Pure Refresh
Post by: stl-rex on November 17, 2005, 07:54:36 pm
Tony nailed it.
Title: Re: Arctic Pure Refresh
Post by: fletch49 on November 17, 2005, 09:01:58 pm
What is the difference between buffered MPS and plain ol MPS?
Title: Re: Arctic Pure Refresh
Post by: Tman122 on November 18, 2005, 05:53:57 am
Peroxymonopersulfate has a PH of 6.8 or something like that. Buffered Peroxymonopersulfate probably has sodiumbisulfate added to raise it's PH to a more nuteral level. Again I am guessing.

Also I dout Arcit makes there own chemicals. Someone makes them for them and they are relabeled.
Title: Re: Arctic Pure Refresh
Post by: keating on November 18, 2005, 08:05:02 am
I had no disallusion about Arctic making their own chems.

I knew it was a shock product, but was just wondering if it was MPS, buffered MPS, or something else.

I won't be buying much of these Arctic pure products.
I'm not keen on something like their "Adjust Down" where the instructions read "carefully sprinkle over surface of spa water untill pH is below 7.6"

I'd much prefer knowing the active ingredient, and it's concentration, as well as instructions more like "to decrease pH by 1 point, add x amount of ingredient to y amount of water"...or at least if I knew the active ingredient and it's concentration, I could probably figure out the second part.
Title: Re: Arctic Pure Refresh
Post by: stl-rex on November 18, 2005, 09:25:28 am

Maybe one of the Arcitc people that hang around can hand us the pitch. (Scientificly balanced and mixed to produce better results than standerd shock)

Actually micronized down to 1 micron to produce the finest powder available with the BEST dissolution times and the BEST oxidation capability and to make sure it will make it all the way throught the 1 micron filter so it will oxidize and clean the filter to double filter life.  How's that?  ;D
Title: Re: Arctic Pure Refresh
Post by: Tman122 on November 18, 2005, 08:28:49 pm

Actually micronized down to 1 micron to produce the finest powder available with the BEST dissolution times and the BEST oxidation capability and to make sure it will make it all the way throught the 1 micron filter so it will oxidize and clean the filter to double filter life.  How's that?  ;D

Very good. Couple more big words wouldn't of hurt.
Title: Re: Arctic Pure Refresh
Post by: stl-rex on November 18, 2005, 08:59:46 pm
Hey I tried........
Title: Re: Arctic Pure Refresh
Post by: Tom on November 21, 2005, 05:13:57 pm
Anyone familiar with this product?

it's a shock, but the bottle doesn't list what it's made up of......can't seem to find it's composition online.

According to a water treatment presentation by James Keirstead (one of the owners of Arctic Spas), Arctic Pure Refresh is made from potassium monopersulfate (MPS).

Arctic Pure, like Spa Boss, is manufactured by Capo Industries of Burlington, ON, which also does other private brands.   The chemicals for the two lines are not necessarily identical, and Arctic Pure has changed the formulation of some products from time to time.

I have asked our supplier for updated information to be sure the answer is accurate.  Will let you know if it's any different from what I reported above.

Arctic Spas
Title: Re: Arctic Pure Refresh
Post by: Tman122 on November 22, 2005, 05:28:58 am
Thanks Tom....we had this information but it's nice to hear it from the source.