Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: Brookenstein on November 11, 2005, 09:22:44 am
I asked my husband last night if I could get it, he said no... I held up a Big Bacon Classic from Wendy's and said how bout now, and he said sure. :D Okay, I watch way too much tv. BUT, it is a true story.
After trying for more than 10 days, calls to 3 different electricians I still don't have a firm bid on my electrical, but I said screw it. I know I need about 100 feet... so hopefully it can't cost that much (more than I have budgeted for).
The kids and I are going to take our suits and take the 100 miles journey up to see it this afternoon. Is there anything specific that we should look for, ask about, watch out for, etc?
I wouldn’t pay more that $200 bucks for the gazebo. I don’t think that gazebo costs the dealers much more.
The gazebo is built into the price of the spa... I agree it doesn't add much value. He says he paid $750 for it, but it doesn't look much different to me than what Target sells for a couple hundred. Though it does have misters and lighting. It also has sides that aren't on in his pics because where he lives its too windy.
Its an 04 J-385 with stereo that he's had since June of 04. He's got about $250 worth of chemicals that he's throwing in as well. He was asking $4500. I have him down to $4k.
That's the same gazebo they sell at Academy Sporting Goods for $110. Hogwash on the $750.
Definitely open up the equipment door and check for signs of rodent infestation (droppings, gnawed wires and plumbing). Bang on the side of the cabinet to see if bees or monkeys fly out. If they do, don't run, play dead! Look at the filter. If it is filthy, it might give you some indication of how well they took care of it. Check screws and fittings and make sure they're not rusted or broken. Lift the cover yourself and see how heavy it is.
Be careful on your trip and don't talk to strangers. Oh yeah, have a good time in the spa!
$4k is not a bad price for an 04 J-385. It is extremely reasonable.
Terminator, you are killing me. You realize that right. :) Everything in Texas might be bigger, but everything in Cali costs more. I over paid for my house by like $200k.. I could see overpaying for a gazebo by $600. :D
Chris, thanks for the input on the price. Thats reassuring.
Bring a trailer with you, looks like a nice deal if Monkeys don't fly out.
That's the same gazebo they sell at Academy Sporting Goods for $110. Hogwash on the $750.
I've seen that gazebo 100 times. they're decent for teh price which is in fact under $150 cause I've asked a few times.
$150 with the side panels, lighting and misters?
Guess even Target is overpriced. I was guessing it was worth at least $300.
$150 with the side panels, lighting and misters?
Guess even Target is overpriced. I was guessing it was worth at least $300.
OK, lighting and misters extra (make sure you let your electrician know you need power to those also). Lighting can be nice. Misters are overrated usually though if you live in the desert I'm sure they're handy part of the year.
I hope the wet test goes well $4000 US for a one year old tub seems to me a good deal considering a new 385 im looking at is about $5000 more in your dollars up here resales on hut tubs are very good ive seen people pay $4000 cdn for an 8 yr old tub
Best of luck
are you getting the disconnect with the spa?? if so, then any extra for the electrician is about zero. it will already be set up for the lights/mistres. if you are not geting the existing disconnect, then yes, you will need to inform the electrician that you will need an outlet with the disconnect. its not as bad as it sounds, so dont worry ;D good luck on your journey, drive safe, and try to take 5 minutes to enjoy the soak ;)
I haven't negotiated the disconnect yet. I figured I would try to do it in person. I figure cash in hand is a more serious bargaining tool than just over the phone when I haven't even seen it in person yet. I may also see if I can negotiate the patio furniture. :) (They are selling everything inside and outside the house...)
I just hope my bank branch is open with the holiday today... they are open on Sundays, so there is hope. I'm not sure I can get enough out of the ATM to leave as a deposit.
who knows, if they are selling everything, they might have already tossed the disconnect in with the deal!! but, as usual, you are right. cash in hand is a big barganing tool.
today is a holiday??? which 1??? if i knew it was a holiday i would have taken today off ;D
I haven't negotiated the disconnect yet. I figured I would try to do it in person.
Leave the kids at home and wear your skimpiest suit!
Leave the kids at home and wear your skimpiest suit!
could get a great deal at a stroe that way ;D sorry brook, had to say it lol
could get a great deal at a stroe that way ;D sorry brook, had to say it lol
Can I get an Epic or Reward for the same price SoCal? If thats all it takes I'll be there in 30 minutes. ;D
Get them to either clean the spot on the underside of the cover where someone obviously has been peeing on it or get a discount.
Can I get an Epic or Reward for the same price SoCal? If thats all it takes I'll be there in 30 minutes. ;D
i wouldnt want to spoil all your hard work over the last few weeks :o ;D
Get them to either clean the spot on the underside of the cover where someone obviously has been peeing on it or get a discount.
I noticed the stain too and was wondering what could cause it. You aren't being serious about it being urine are you?
i wouldnt want to spoil all your hard work over the last few weeks :o ;D
Ahh, you're all talk. :( :)
Wearing a skimpy suit in public would be hard work. :) Hey, I'd even go up $500 to cover my delivery charges.
Ahh, you're all talk. :( :)
Wearing a skimpy suit in public would be hard work. :) Hey, I'd even go up $500 to cover my delivery charges.
i could say sooo many things, and they would all be wrong :o so i will just keep my mouth shut before i get into trouble ;D
I noticed the stain too and was wondering what could cause it. You aren't being serious about it being urine are you?
Me, serious? Brooke, I'm offended. I'm obviously the only one on this forum who IS serious minded.
It's not pee, it's ozone residue. Mr. Clean Magic Eraser should eliminate it. If it won't, it's really no big deal.
Me, serious? Brooke, I'm offended. I'm obviously the only one on this forum who IS serious minded.
It's not pee, it's ozone residue. Mr. Clean Magic Eraser should eliminate it. If it won't, it's really no big deal.
It'll take some of the yellow away but you won't get back to the original vinyl color but don't sweat it.
I was more concerned about the fact that if these people pee on the side of their cover what else do they do to the inside of it? Glad you were just being a smart @ss. ;D
I was more concerned about the fact that if these people pee on the side of their cover what else do they do to the inside of it?
Well that part is pretty much a given. This falls into the don't ask, don't tell category.
So I guess my next question will be how do I de-yuckify it when I get it?
So I guess my next question will be how do I de-yuckify it when I get it?
Well, if it turns out it is pee, I saw a cool commercial for something called "Go Away, Pee" or "Scat Tinkle" or something like that. They had a black light that they used to illuminate where the cat had peed all over everything. You spray it on and no more pee! I want one of those black lights so bad! I'm sure it is amazing to look around the house and back yard and find all the places I've been.
I hope this helps. :)
Actually I meant, how do you santitize a used spa?
Actually I meant, how do you santitize a used spa?
Oh! :-[
Chlorine, new filter, black light. Fill, shock, drain, RE-FILL, heat, treat, SWEET!
Oh! :-[
Chlorine, new filter, black light. Fill, shock, drain, heat, treat, SWEET!
You have me heating an empty spa? Even this newbie thinks that sounds a bit dangerous. ;D
I'mm off... be back in about 6 hours dependign on traffic.
You have me heating an empty spa? Even this newbie thinks that sounds a bit dangerous. ;D
I'mm off... be back in about 6 hours dependign on traffic.
6 hours??? thats a vegas trip ;D wonder if its too late to say good luck ;)
i would buy it for that. i paid 3500 for my 385 without stereo. i would definately pay 500 more for the stereo. mine was delivered and set up, so thats worth some. the gazeb i wouldnt have at all for any price. it looks like junk. why would someone pay 10 grand for a spa then surround it with crap like that. take a trailer with you.
Well... my 6 hour journey became almost 8. UGH!!! I forgot it was a holiday and the traffic towards Vegas was bad. It took more than 2.5 hours to get the 98 miles. Anyway it was a long day.
I am back and believe it or not, I didn't buy it. Couple of issues, I don't know if they matter or not. I don't know if I will change my mind or not, but right now I'm happy I've got the cash still in my purse and I'm still looking....
Here were my issues:
1)The man is a jerk. His story is changing and he rubs me the wrong way. Originally I was told the asking price when he bought it was $12, he paid just over $10. He also told me that the gazebo was $750. Today the gazebo cost $400 and spa was $12 and since used spas should go for 1/3 he won't take less than $4k. He argued with me again about the warranty being transferable until he finally called Jacuzzi to prove me wrong, only to learn I was right. But then it didn't matter because Jacuzzi is the best, thats why he bought it, and it won't need the warranty. ::)
2) When I walked around the spa... the synthetic wood siding looks warped and it is not on straight. I swear every single panel is not lined up with the one next to it. They could be off by more than a 1/2 inch (left panel 1/2 inch higher than the panel to the right of it). Seemed odd to me. I pointed it out to him and he had never noticed. He assumed the warping was from the pumps underneath?
3) He reluctantly agreed to take the panel off the front for me and there was a loose hose dangling. Hmmm... apparently the ozonator hasn't been connected. We called Jacuzzi and were told to put it on the bottom of the blue box.
4) The gazebo is a joke. It's already rusting and the top is ripped in at least 3 places. The lighting is cheesy red, white, and blue rope lights they added. No thanks.
5. He wouldn't throw in the discconect/GFCI.
6. I find it odd that he's had other people interested in it and yet nobody has bought it. IME, the spas that are priced right are going quick... this has been listed for about 10 days.
BTW, Chauncey delivery was quoted at $450... but I'm guessing it will be higher. I didn't hit much traffic coming home and it still took 2 hours to go the 98 miles.
I'm beginning to think for $4500 (including delivery) I can find something better.
I don't know what we are going to do now.
Wow Brook, I'm sorry. Â It sure seemed like a good deal. Â Did you do this all by yourself? Â My wife wouldn't have spent five mintues doing something like this.
Dealers, give this woman a deal on a NEW spa please. Â Maybe she can do some Tammy modeling at one of the next spa shows for you. Â What a trooper. ;D
Yes I did it by myself. The husband makes the money, I do my best to spend it. ;D No actually he doesn't really care what we get, and I'm the one doing the research so he trusted me to make the decision. I think he was a litle dissapointed I didn't get it, cause it would have shut me up... but he agrees I shouldn't have any doubt or question. $4k might not be 1/2 of what a lot of people spend, but for us its a huge chunk of change. I don't want to have buyers remorse.
The seller said that the new owner would probably put in a spa, so he needed to leave it (the disconect) for him. I think its funny when you are selling an estate on 1.5 acres with a guest house in a private gated community that you don't sell the hot tub with the house. ??? That and you are concerned about $250. (I had been trying to get it for $250 less).
Funny thing though, when I was looking in the ads tonight, he readvertised it yesterday saying he paid 12k when he has told me multiple times he paid $10 for it.
Funny thing though, when I was looking in the ads tonight, he readvertised it yesterday saying he paid 12k when he has told me multiple times he paid $10 for it.
Give us his address and Terminator and I will drop in for a visit and make him an offer he can't refuse!
Anytime you are buying used it can be an experience. Just be patient, hold your line and see what happens. If it is meant to be, it will. I agree with the one third argument, but that would take the price down to 3500. I wouldn't worry about the spa disconnect. For a Jacuzzi Premium it is not an expensive item. For a HotSpring Spa, it would be worth while, but not here. The Jacuzzi cabinets seem to be pretty nice. The only thing that I could see that would cause warping would be intense sun. It would not be the pumps IMO. The alignment issue may be as simple as loosening some screws and tighten back up.
Give it a few days and see if his tune changes.
Glad to see you're taking your time,and not rushing it. The worse thing you can do,is let your emotions get involved with the decision making process.
If it doesn't feel right,it probably isn't.
How far do you live from Ventura? grin
He lives in the high desert so I guess it could be warped from the sun. I figure if he calls me in a week or two because he hasn't sold it, I may offer her the 1/3 he put out there... but of what he told me he paid, not this ridiculous 12k. Would the warped sides be covered under his warranty and worth fixing before he sells it?
Sorry Brooke, but to the best of my recolection the cabinet warranty is just 1 year from date of purchase/installation. In an earlier post you said..."Its an 04 J-385 with stereo that he's had since June of 04. He's got about $250 worth of chemicals that he's throwing in as well. He was asking $4500. I have him down to $4k... In perfect condition that year and a half old spa is worth $4500, but it sounds to me from reading your posts that this spa has been neglected, I'd probably take a pass on it.
He lives in the high desert so I guess it could be warped from the sun. I figure if he calls me in a week or two because he hasn't sold it, I may offer her the 1/3 he put out there... but of what he told me he paid, not this ridiculous 12k. Would the warped sides be covered under his warranty and worth fixing before he sells it?
Brooke, I'm sorry it went like it did. On the brighter side, you did not meet up with any spa monkeys (or else you wouldn't be here).
Why not try this...go to a reputable local dealer, find a spa you like, put it on lay-away, save some gas money, time, aggravation, frustration, and in no time you will have a brand new, hassle-free spa! :)
That's just my suggestion. Spa shopping shouldn't be this difficult, time-consuming, and expensive. Put that money into your spa! :)
Just my nickel's worth.
I may try to get the husbad to come shopping with me this weekend and see what a few of the stores have and at what prices. Or we may scratch the hot tub plan for a bit and redo the floors in the house. I was hoping to have the tub first as it would make the back feel a heck of a lot better with all that labor... but who knows.
At this point its all up in the air. I'll be gone for 3+ weeks in December, so I may end up just waiting till the new year and see what I find then.
Sorry it didn't work out. On the bright side I have a 1985 HS Classic in back that I'll deliver for $3000 :D
Use Detechtive and post a pic for me. I'm sure she'll be impressed!
Sorry it didn't work out. On the bright side I have a 1985 HS Classic in back that I'll deliver for $3000 :D
Use Detechtive and post a pic for me. I'm sure she'll be impressed!
Done! Greatest spa ever built (and I am serious, this sucker is bulletproof!)
The one we have is still heatin' n pumpin'. It's just ugly as sin!
I appreciate the offer/guesture and as tempting as it is, the man wants a lounger. :-/
I've got one more used option I'm considering, but other than that I may be getting a little burned out. If the man will go look with me this weekend, I will do it, but if he says no... I think I may take a break until after the new year (if I decide against this other used one).
All in the eye of the beholder, my friend. ;D
(Wish I was still heatin' and pumpin'.... :()
I've got one of those hideous things on my floor I just took in on trade. Selling it as is for 500 bucks cash and carry. MAN that dog dish is UGLY, somebody get it outta here!
Done! Greatest spa ever built (and I am serious, this sucker is bulletproof!)
Why not hold on, Jacuzzi is introducing their 400 series for model year 2006. I havent seen any of them yet, but I'm interested to see what they've coome up with. Also, why not find a dealer that will offer 12 or 24 mos. SAC, get spa now, pay money later! Or pay off in the 12/24 mos. and pay nothing in interest. You may have to pay a dollar or two more over all for the spa, but for the privlidge of "using their money..."
I may try to get the husbad to come shopping with me this weekend and see what a few of the stores have and at what prices. Or we may scratch the hot tub plan for a bit and redo the floors in the house. I was hoping to have the tub first as it would make the back feel a heck of a lot better with all that labor... but who knows.
At this point its all up in the air. I'll be gone for 3+ weeks in December, so I may end up just waiting till the new year and see what I find then.
bummer, when we bought our used 385 a few weeks ago, we wouldnt have gotten it if the owner hadnt been super nice. we were new to the hot tub thing. he told us the warantee wasnt transferable, but he would fix anything that broke for a reasonable amount of time. he is in the hot tub business, sells bullfrog. he couldnt have been more honest and friendly, he has even called and come by since the sale to offer advise. if the guy is a jerk i for sure wouldnt deal with him unless it was a steal. offer him 3k for the spa only tell him not to call you back unless he wants the deal. the panels on mine on the side where the equipment are are staggered about a quarter inch or so, seems like it is for ventillation of the pumps, there are four of them real close. i can send you some pix of ours if you decide to concider it. with the stereo and ozome i would sure get it. itd be a sweet deal for 3. r
I am so sorry it turned out like that. i was pulling for you. I think you did the right thing by walking away. Im a big believer in "gut feeling". and not to toss in the disconnect??? ya know, i am going to vegas in a few days....i could stop by and ...ummm, explaine things to him ;D
, the man wants
Now there is a woman with her priorities straight! ;D ;D ;D ;D
I mentioned Ventura as.......Chas,1 of the hot-tub experts on this board,has a few stores in that area.
It might be worth your wild to contact him,and possibly set up something as far looking at new/used tubs.
GL Brooke!
I've got one of those hideous things on my floor I just took in on trade. Selling it as is for 500 bucks cash and carry. MAN that dog dish is UGLY, somebody get it outta here!
Exact same price for the one I have!! I figured the extra $2500 would cover my vacation (I mean delivery!) to Cali.
Why not hold on, Jacuzzi is introducing their 400 series for model year 2006. I havent seen any of them yet, but I'm interested to see what they've coome up with.
Sundance announced they are introducing their 680 series for '06. Ya think they might be similar ;)
Now there is a woman with her priorities straight! ;D ;D ;D ;D
Hey, I know my place. We have the perfect 00 version 50's style marriage. I'm in complete control by letting him think we do things his way... I just make sure in advance his way is my way. Its rather complex, but I have it mastered perfectly. :D
You know what's kind of sad? That ugly old HotSpring is still more advanced from an engineering and design standpoint than many spas on the market today. :(
Brook, if you do decide to wait until after the New Year you may be able to get a deal on a 'leftover/floor model' from 05 that the dealer is trying to move out. I got a left over 02 in late Jan of 03. It was not a floor model, brand new, still wrapped all perty for about $1500 less than I was quoted on the same spa the previous May. Don't give up though. You will never regret the day you finally decide on your spa.
Brook, sorry the tub didn't work out, but I guess it's all part of the process, and was a learning expereince.
I have the remains of a 99 Nordic behind one of my sheds. You can have that for free. ;) The cedar skirt is missing. Actually it was firewood for a dinner party Sat night.
Drewstar! nice fire, what type of wood is burning?
"Hot tub" :)
Anyhow keep looking, you'll find the right deal.
I wouldn't think so. When Jacuzzi came out with the 200 series it was a lower cost option to the 300 series. When Sundance introduced their 780 series it was a step up from the 700 series, so in that line of logic, I think it would be safe to assume that Sundance is introducing a lower cost spa in their 680 series and Jacuzzi is introducing a step up in their 400 series. this is just my line of thinking though, I really dont know $#!t ;)
Sundance announced they are introducing their 680 series for '06. Ya think they might be similar ;)