Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: Anoroc on November 09, 2005, 02:13:17 pm
Hey all you experts. I am new to the spa thing. In fact I have been lookin on and off for 18 months but just couln't bring myself to spend big $$
Recently I ran into these three options and I am looking for advice.
Option 1- 2004 jettseter for $4800(I think he will come down $100)
Option 2- 2006 Solana SX for $4500(don't think it will be available till Jan.
Option 3- 2000? Solana SX for $1500-$2000
Any advice will be appreciated.
also, I live in Iowa, should I go with 110 or 220 wiring?
Hey all you experts. I am new to the spa thing. In fact I have been lookin on and off for 18 months but just couln't bring myself to spend big $$
Recently I ran into these three options and I am looking for advice.
Option 1- 2004 jettseter for $4800(I think he will come down $100)
Option 2- 2006 Solana SX for $4500(don't think it will be available till Jan.
Option 3- 2000? Solana SX for $1500-$2000
Any advice will be appreciated.
also, I live in Iowa, should I go with 110 or 220 wiring?
Are the 2000 and 2004 units from a dealer so you know they should be in good working order (and maybe come with a 30 day warranty)?
Thanks for replying:
The 2004 is brand new on the dealer floor and the 2000 is a trade in that they are currently cleaning up and getting ready to sell. I assume the 2000 would come with some kind of warranty but I did not ask.
The Solana SX has just been updated with a moto massage and is available now, you do not have to wait for it. The jetsetter 04 is a great spa with some great features. The 2000 solana is nothing like the 05/06. and is actually called a Hotspot slx and he's asking too much for it. The best deal is the jetsetter, take the other $100 off and negotiate for a full five year warranty.
What Guzz said! Jump all over the Jetsetter quickly. No comparison between the two. Hurry! Quit reading....GO!
I appreciate your reply. The 2004 has never been sold it has been on their floor so I assumed it came with a full warranty. I will make sure to confirm this.
One vote for the Jettsettr 2004...thanks again!
The Solana SX has just been updated with a moto massage and is available now, you do not have to wait for it. The jetsetter 04 is a great spa with some great features. The 2000 solana is nothing like the 05/06. and is actually called a Hotspot slx and he's asking too much for it. The best deal is the jetsetter, take the other $100 off and negotiate for a full five year warranty.
If the 04' Jetsetter is brand new on the floor, he won't have to negotiate for a 5 year warranty. That 5 year warranty kicks in at the end of 05' whether sold or not. The 2000 SLX seems like a fair price as long as it is accompanied with a year warranty part and labor. You are getting much more spa with the 2004 Jetsetter vs. the 06' SX for not much more dough. ;) What dealer in Iowa? I may be able to put in a good word for ya... ;)
If you can get the five year warranty with the 2004 Jettsetter, that would be the way to go. Has this dealer explained the warranty to you?
We sell the Jetsetter for $6100. Haven't sold one for 4800 in about 4 years. GO! GO! GO! ;D (I'm not much of a cheerleader but I'm givin' it my all!)
Your next post should read , Proud owner of a 2004 Jetsetter. One hellava spa at a great price!!!
Just spoke with the sales guy. He said the warranty is the full five year warranty. This one has been on their floor since September of 04(I think thats what he said)
Any suggestions on the wiring? This will be placed outside in Iowa. It can be a 110 or a 220 I am told.
220, 220 Go Go Go! ;D
Just spoke with the sales guy. He said the warranty is the full five year warranty. This one has been on their floor since September of 04(I think thats what he said)
Any suggestions on the wiring? This will be placed outside in Iowa. It can be a 110 or a 220 I am told.
What store in Iowa???
Terminator- I appreciate your engery! I just printed all of these responses off so I can show my wife. I think this will make the difference.
One final question. He also has two of the Jettsetters from 2005 that he is selling for about $100 more. Is there any difference in the model?
pkud- is it ok to say. I don't want to cause any problems with hotspring dealers if they are priced too low.
;D I'm just kind of wound up today.
Dad gum those are EXCELLENT prices from a consumer's standpoint. I would go ahead with the 2005 for $100 more. I can't think of any differences in the 04 and 05 at the moment. My mother and father have had a Jetsetter since 2000. Dad uses it 3 times a day. Great little spa.
pkud- is it ok to say. I don't want to cause any problems with hotspring dealers if they are priced too low.
I would just send him a PM.
pkud- is it ok to say. I don't want to cause any problems with hotspring dealers if they are priced too low.
You can PM me if you would rather not, and hotspring dealers can do as they choose with pricing. I just know the dealers in des moines and carrol very well. ;)
When you are only talkin 100 bucks for a spa that will last you a very long time, you should be in the car right now and on your way to purchase a 2005 HotSprings Jettsetter! You are making a GREAT choice!!
Thanks all. I had a feeling this was going to be a good site to post on.
I will let you know how it goes.
I just printed all of these responses off so I can show my wife. I think this will make the difference.
Great idea! 8). When I want to convince my wife to come over to my way of thinking, I'll just pose the question here and if people agree with me I'll print it out and show it to her!!! I'm set now! ;D
That should not be a problem. You can talk about prices all you want. If it ends up being a problem, let me know and I will apologize to you.
Grahamtasia, put the bottle down, it's too early in the day.
Grahamtasia Are you talking to me???
What are you talking about?! Where I am, happy hour starts at 4:30!!! Where you work must be strict!
In the spa buisness all our hours are happy, right!
But we only drink at work on weekends.
To get back on track, I would choose the 2005 Jettsetter for the extra 100 bucks and 5 year warranty.
We just shopped for months as well
We went with the Solana TX and it was delivered last Friday. We went in for our forst time Sunday and it was great. It fit our space great for the two of us for some time alone and fit our budget right now. We also considered the Jetsetter as well and had a great deal on a floor model for $4600 delivered set up etc
The TX just fit us better for now
I had to go to Orlando on business until Sat night
Looking forward to relaxing in it for the weekend
Good luck
Update on Jetsetter spa
My wife and I wet tested the tub and put our 10% down to hold it until we get its location figured out.
Final terms: $4,930 plus tax. I tried to talk him down some but they would not budge.
They had two 05's boxed up and one demo but by the time I got back there they had sold their floor model and one of the boxed up ones. I told my wife it would not last till the weekend so we took the plunge