Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: ajoy1216 on September 15, 2005, 07:30:49 pm
Alright - Here went another 8 hours of spa shopping - I have seen Artesian, Marquis, Sundance, Resort Spas, Master and others. I really like the asthetics of the Master Spa. Yet, I live in MN and every other dealer turns red when I mention Master. They say that they are the worst tub built for the cold. This is because they are not full foam insulated. Yet, the master dealer says this is a better way to insulate. He claims they are the only spa correctly built for the cold. I am a single mom not wanting to make a huge mistake. Please help! Some hot tub expert tell me your opinion on the insulation! I want to make a decision and be rid done thinking about it.
They say that they are the worst tub built for the cold. This is because they are not full foam insulated. Yet, the master dealer says this is a better way to insulate.
Your Master dealer may think that is a better way to design a spa and you'll get opinions both ways including my own. However, the more important question is does Master build a good thermopane spa relative to energy efficiency in the first place or is it a thermopane that won't insulate well. My opinion has always been that a full foam spa insulates well and while it may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer they all work pretty similarly assuming the foam is there. With a thermopane spa I think they CAN insulate very well but while some spa makers may have the method down pat and produce a well insulated spa a poorly built thermopane spa can be a real energy pig. I really don't have enough experience with Master to make that judgement so let's see what other spa people say out there.
Let me tell you, do not buy from that particular Master dealer.
Bad News Dudes........
My problem with Master is that they offer both...some may say it is good to have choices.....I say ***%%%@**** that a maker should know the best way to build and what they feel is best and stick to it ......and since your cabinet is the same on both, how can both be done right....I just can't buy into that without changing the cabinet both will work effectively. ( please I am not slamming Master here just a real question that I think is genuine )
Let me tell you, do not buy from that particular Master dealer.
Bad News Dudes........
Check the BBB and local courts on that dealer!!!! >:( >:( ??? ???Beware
- there only one Master dealer in Mn? ???
I own a master spa and I love it. I have never had a problem with mine nor the service that my dealer has provided to me. I love the neck and shoulder seat, great for the shoulders and sitting out of the water when it's too warm.
I would make the same choice again, and again.
- there only one Master dealer in Mn? ???
There is one on HWY 394 in Golden Valley, I work practically across the freeway from them. Not sure if this is the Master dealer in question or not.
I own a master spa and I love it. I have never had a problem with mine nor the service that my dealer has provided to me. I love the neck and shoulder seat, great for the shoulders and sitting out of the water when it's too warm.
I would make the same choice again, and again.
That is good to hear and I wish you many years of Happy soaking..... :D
It's not the up front cost to buy the spa, it's what will it cost you to operate it for the next5,10,15,+ years. In Connecticut, we winterize PLENTY of spas that the first winter were running the homeowner $150. month to operate. What recourse do you have when any dealer can say- ya, it costs a dollar a day. And then it doesn't.
A full foam spa is best. Do companies make beverage, food coolers with dead-air spa to insulation? NO, they use foam!
It's best to buy a spa from a dealer who you feel very comfortable with. Ask neighbors, or ask for a list of other people in your immediate area you can ask questions to. Make an educated decision.