Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: Backpains on August 19, 2005, 04:04:23 pm

Title: hot is your tub......
Post by: Backpains on August 19, 2005, 04:04:23 pm
in the winter..for all you that have had your tubs for a bit now..How high do you all normally go in the winter time?

I was thinking about this..right now if I go any higher than 99 I'm toasted within 15 min..can't even make it for 15 min at I was kinda thinking on what temp to keep it in the winter me gang!
Title: Re: hot is your tub......
Post by: windsurfdog on August 19, 2005, 04:21:22 pm
96 in summer--it usually hovers around 97-99
99 in winter--it's always 99 then...... 8)
Title: Re: hot is your tub......
Post by: tony on August 19, 2005, 04:58:20 pm
102 in the summer.
102 in the winter.

When my spa was new, I kept it at 98 in summer and 100 in winter.  Now I can't bear the thought of less than 102.
Title: Re: hot is your tub......
Post by: vlady on August 19, 2005, 05:19:36 pm
Mine will be cranked to the max.  I'm a southern gal and I don't like the cold.
Title: Re: hot is your tub......
Post by: Vinny on August 19, 2005, 05:24:33 pm
Planning on at least 102 in winter.
Title: Re: hot is your tub......
Post by: orlandoguy on August 19, 2005, 05:27:04 pm
Mine never goes below 102, and that's in Florida, where the heat index makes it feel like 106 all Summer.  It is a hot tub and should be hot.
Title: Re: hot is your tub......
Post by: TrikkeAddict on August 19, 2005, 06:03:23 pm
101 is what I enjoy in the winter
Title: Re: hot is your tub......
Post by: PaulMc on August 19, 2005, 06:06:21 pm
  We're just under a month into ours so no winter experience yet, but we run at 101 now and plan on 103 when the snow flies.   paul
Title: Re: hot is your tub......
Post by: CalicoskiesNC on August 19, 2005, 06:53:59 pm
94 in summer about 100 in winter
Title: Re: hot is your tub......
Post by: Haynes on August 19, 2005, 08:44:46 pm
102 in the summer but on hot days it creeps up to 104-105.  On cool nights we like 104.  You get use to it be real hot after you had your tub a while.  The hotter the better .It  helps the aches and pains.
Title: Re: hot is your tub......
Post by: obi wan on August 19, 2005, 10:29:16 pm
keep heater at 99 so that means 101-102 in the summer. keep it at 102-103 in the winter.
i must agree with earlier post. for a cool refreshing dip, get in the pool. a hot tub should be hot.....
Title: Re: hot is your tub......
Post by: NE-Phil on August 19, 2005, 11:13:00 pm
...for a cool refreshing dip, get in the pool. a hot tub should be hot.....

I don't have a pool or even room for a pool. ;D
I've been keeping mine at 91. It's refreshing.  I plan for the winter time to have it up to 101.

Title: Re: hot is your tub......
Post by: Rachel on August 19, 2005, 11:54:40 pm
First timer and we live in the south for now. Ours is set at 100 degrees
Title: Re: hot is your tub......
Post by: windsurfdog on August 20, 2005, 07:00:05 am
It is a hot tub and should be hot.

And obi wan said:
....a hot tub should be hot.....

Thank goodness spa cops don't exist....;D
Title: Re: hot is your tub......
Post by: Payton3485 on August 20, 2005, 08:00:09 am
I am am 101 in the summer and will use 101 or 102 in the winter.
Title: Re: hot is your tub......
Post by: aquaman on August 20, 2005, 01:13:57 pm
97 or 98 in summer and 100-101 in winter.
Title: Re: hot is your tub......
Post by: ttodd1 on August 20, 2005, 02:06:33 pm
Try to keep it at 99 in the summer (been getting to 101 though)  102 in the winter.
Title: Re: hot is your tub......
Post by: HotTubMan on August 20, 2005, 02:49:11 pm
96 summer....102 winter....104 when the wife isnt around :P
Title: Re: hot is your tub......
Post by: jcmsrv on August 20, 2005, 10:46:31 pm
104 all the time!!!!!!
Title: Re: hot is your tub......
Post by: obi wan on August 20, 2005, 11:00:58 pm
And obi wan said:
Thank goodness spa cops don't exist....;D

you know.... i do know a cop who would check out your spa. he would dance around he spa, show all the ladies his handcuffs, and start taking off his clothes.... hmmmm
never mind ...... keep your spa at whatever temp makes it feel like your very own spatopia.....and always remember, smile................. it makes other folks wonder what you've been doing! ;D ;D
Title: Re: hot is your tub......
Post by: wmccall on August 20, 2005, 11:32:08 pm
96 in summer--it usually hovers around 97-99
99 in winter--it's always 99 then...... 8)

Florida people should not be allowed to comment on anything related to winter.  The only thing they know about winter is the annual migration of the American  Grey.

for us the answer depends on why we are in the tub and how long we are going to stay.  Backpains. If  its 15 degrees out, you can just about stay in 102 degree water for an hour, you might find your self sitting on the edge cooling once in awhile.  We spent an hour inthe tub at 104 when the temp was 5F with no wind.   If we want a therapuetic massage in winter the tub is 104.  Most relaxing soaks are at 102. If its real cold and we want to be out a while, we start at 104, knowing its going to cool off as we soak.
Title: Re: hot is your tub......
Post by: drober30 on August 21, 2005, 12:42:57 am
101 in summer and 104 in winter
Title: Re: hot is your tub......
Post by: popsicle on August 21, 2005, 04:56:48 pm
92 in the summer...hard to keep it below 96 though.
100 in the winter.
I live in Maryland.
Title: Re: hot is your tub......
Post by: georgiapeach on August 22, 2005, 07:07:21 am
95 in the summer; able to keep it at that temps using tennis balls to prop the lid.... :-)
100-101 in the winter.  

Title: Re: hot is your tub......
Post by: Sunny on August 22, 2005, 07:24:42 am
103 since we purchased our tub in May.  My husband would prefer 104.  We’re in NY.
I have a feeling we’ll go to 104 in the winter.
We did temporarily set it to 96 when my DD had a daytime birthday party.  I really appreciated the “propping” tip I learned through this board.  It only took about 36 hours to cool down.
It’s hard for me to understand how people like anything below 100, but then I’m the kind of person that’s always cold.  Also, I have rheumatoid arthritis & the heat feels so good for my joints!
Title: Re: hot is your tub......
Post by: windsurfdog on August 22, 2005, 08:28:15 am
Florida people should not be allowed to comment on anything related to winter.  The only thing they know about winter is the annual migration of the American  Grey.

Touche!  Now that was a good shot....heck, even I agree with ya! 8)
Title: Re: hot is your tub......
Post by: SuziQ on August 22, 2005, 04:38:52 pm
We were wondering about this,and will probably opt for between 96-100.  We like staying in a longer time, and we'd be cooked in 15 or 20 minutes if it were any hotter!
Title: Re: hot is your tub......
Post by: Backpains on August 23, 2005, 01:07:43 pm
I'm thinking it will probably win out with 98-100 in the winter time..hubby isn't going to join me often I don't think unless I keep the tub at 98 degrees! LOL (he's not big on the hot water!)
Title: Re: hot is your tub......
Post by: rick_in_cleveland on August 23, 2005, 01:22:32 pm
Summer 99-100
Winter 101-103
Title: Re: hot is your tub......
Post by: dalop on August 23, 2005, 01:25:48 pm
I though I would not like the temp over 100 but I got to tell ya when there is snow on the ground 102 is the lowest I keep it.  You will feel the difference in the winter.
Title: Re: hot is your tub......
Post by: wmccall on August 23, 2005, 04:00:29 pm
I'm thinking it will probably win out with 98-100 in the winter time..hubby isn't going to join me often I don't think unless I keep the tub at 98 degrees! LOL (he's not big on the hot water!)

Lets see when he has real sore muscles from a workout or work, so has an injury of some sort.
Title: Re: hot is your tub......
Post by: scott10367 on August 23, 2005, 06:01:08 pm
99 Year Round!
Title: Re: hot is your tub......
Post by: Yorag on August 23, 2005, 07:09:43 pm
We keep ours set at 98-99 in the winter and set to about 97 in the summer months. In the summer with the cover on, the temp. will drift up to about 98-99 though. Located in California.
Title: Re: hot is your tub......
Post by: Mugsy on September 05, 2005, 07:52:04 am
102 24/7/365  8) 8) 8) 8)
Title: Re: hot is your tub......
Post by: dirtrubber on September 05, 2005, 09:13:48 am
101 is what I enjoy in the winter 90 in the summer
Title: Re: hot is your tub......
Post by: Bodyaches on September 05, 2005, 01:19:11 pm
Right now mine is 99 degrees.

Title: Re: hot is your tub......
Post by: aaahhh on September 05, 2005, 01:42:54 pm
99 in the summer, 100 to 101 in fall, increasing to 103 deep into northern Wisconsin winter.
Title: Re: hot is your tub......
Post by: Backpains on September 07, 2005, 03:29:24 pm

Lets see when he has real sore muscles from a workout or work, so has an injury of some sort.'s already starting to get a little cool here at night and hubby has been bumping it to 99. hehehehehe
Title: Re: hot is your tub......
Post by: Bill_Stevenson on September 07, 2005, 03:34:38 pm
92 degrees in the summer and 100 degrees in the winter.