Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: mxw128 on September 02, 2005, 03:22:45 pm

Title: Inspection passed
Post by: mxw128 on September 02, 2005, 03:22:45 pm
Had the county electrical inspector out today and passed with no problems.  Everything worked pretty well, I walked him through the installation and it only took 15 or 20 minutes.  I included a couple of flood lights that I installed on the deck as well.  Didn't have to bond the downspouts (I know that been a question on the board as of late..)  or anything like that but I did run conduit all the back to the service panel.

So now I'm offically legal and can close the install chapter and just enjoy the tub!!
Title: Re: Inspection passed
Post by: Brewman on September 02, 2005, 03:30:16 pm
Congrats!  Good job on the electrical.  Now it's soakin time.