Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: Vinny on August 15, 2005, 09:05:12 pm

Title: What Constitutes A Heavily Used Tub?
Post by: Vinny on August 15, 2005, 09:05:12 pm
Obviously having a party, but other than that what does it mean?

Reading labels they all use that phrase to some degree and when I think back on shopping for a tub I remember the D1 dealer saying that the Vision system is good without chlorine if you use the tub every other day.  

Is a heavily used tub - 1 person using it 20 - 40 minutes a day, 2 people under the same scenario, a family of 4 using it every day or every other day or something else.

I think that my tub gets "normal" use, 5 - 7 times a week with 2 people normally for 20 min and possibly 1 person for 50 min. At least from what I read on people soaking here!

Inquiring minds want to know ...
Title: Re: What Constitutes A Heavily Used Tub?
Post by: Mendocino101 on August 15, 2005, 09:43:59 pm
from what I have read the average seems to be 1-2 people... 3-4 times a week for about 30 minutes
Title: Re: What Constitutes A Heavily Used Tub?
Post by: Vinny on August 15, 2005, 10:51:06 pm
Thanks Mendo!!
Title: Re: What Constitutes A Heavily Used Tub?
Post by: Rayman on August 16, 2005, 08:45:07 am
That is a very intersesting question.  I always read Backpains posts and she thinks her tub is being used the most frequently and she is right to a certain extent....but my family of 5 uses it twice a day during the week and upto 4 times on weekends with freinds over as well.  So 1 person X 5 times per day X 7 days = 35 people per week.  My tub even if only used twice a day gets 5 people X 2 times per day X 7 days =70 people per week.  On top of that once you go in the tub that many times in a day how much bacteria can come off after the first time.  This is just my opinion and it hasn't answered your question, see how fast your TDS rises and change water out at 2000.

As Gandolph the Grey would say "Keep it clear, keep it safe"

Title: Re: What Constitutes A Heavily Used Tub?
Post by: Vinny on August 16, 2005, 09:52:13 am
It isn't only bacteria but things like sweat, dead skin and I guess other body gunk.

My dealer believes in N2 and shocking once a week for "normal" use, but shock more frequently if the tub is heavily used. Spa Perfect says to use it once a week for normal use and more often if heavily used. MPS says to shock once every 2 weeks or once a week for a heavily used tub. ...

Interesting that you mentioned going into the tub a lot. I had a party and everyone who went into my tub was in my pool before going into my tub. They went from pool to tub without drying off. I thought I was safe from the the cooties since they were in 2 -3 PPM chlorine for at least a half an hour. Well the tub did a better job at getting rid of the cooties than the pool did. I found out about 3 days after with the tub getting cloudy.

As for measuring TDS, I never have in my pool and was just going to go with the 3 - 4 month water change unless the water acts weird - which in my case it has been acting weird since day 2.

-- If your in an insane asylum, who is acting "normal", the patients or the care givers? --
Title: Re: What Constitutes A Heavily Used Tub?
Post by: Backpains on August 16, 2005, 11:08:03 am turn to put my 2 cents in here. I was told by my dealer if you use your hot tub once a day every day you have a heavy use hot tub. Now with that said...I use my tub 5-6 times per day 7 days a week which with Rayman's calculations = to

1 person x 5 yimes a day x 7 days =35 (I was never good at math and Ray sorry hun it looks good enough for this illerate) also have to include that hubby uses the tub with me at least 2 x a day sometimes more on the I don't know what or how much I and him use the tub but it's alot!!!

BTW...just for your laughing pleasure.....BP has developed Hives! God I got to stop worrying about stuff!
Title: Re: What Constitutes A Heavily Used Tub?
Post by: Mendocino101 on August 16, 2005, 03:03:06 pm
from what I have read the average seems to be 1-2 people... 3-4 times a week for about 30 minutes

When I shared from I have read is industry and manufactures research that I was referring to ....
Title: Re: What Constitutes A Heavily Used Tub?
Post by: Rayman on August 16, 2005, 03:16:33 pm
Quote turn to put my 2 cents in here. I was told by my dealer if you use your hot tub once a day every day you have a heavy use hot tub. Now with that said...I use my tub 5-6 times per day 7 days a week which with Rayman's calculations = to

1 person x 5 yimes a day x 7 days =35 (I was never good at math and Ray sorry hun it looks good enough for this illerate) also have to include that hubby uses the tub with me at least 2 x a day sometimes more on the I don't know what or how much I and him use the tub but it's alot!!!

BTW...just for your laughing pleasure.....BP has developed Hives! God I got to stop worrying about stuff!

I just can't believe it took you 2 hours and 23 minutes to reply.   Just used you as an example cause I knew EVERYONE would now who I was speaking of.  Hope you don't mind.

Another example "If a train is travelling eastbound at 50 kilometers an hour (30 miles an hour for those countries backwards enough to be using imperial measurements) and you are walking westbound at..............  oh never mind.

Title: Re: What Constitutes A Heavily Used Tub?
Post by: Vinny on August 16, 2005, 03:38:09 pm

Another example "If a train is travelling eastbound at 50 kilometers an hour (30 miles an hour for those countries backwards enough to be using imperial measurements) and you are walking westbound at..............  oh never mind.


Aw come on, bring it on, I got a high C average in Math.  ;D

OK, so IF I take your use and Back Pains use then I guess I have light use!
Title: Re: What Constitutes A Heavily Used Tub?
Post by: Rayman on August 16, 2005, 03:51:32 pm

Aw come on, bring it on, I got a high C average in Math.  ;D

OK, so IF I take your use and Back Pains use then I guess I have light use!

Hey man we haven't even gotten into body mass times hair folicles per sq inch (shaven or not).

Title: Re: What Constitutes A Heavily Used Tub?
Post by: jsimo7 on August 16, 2005, 03:55:02 pm
I guess we have light use we use ours 3-4 nights per week myself and wife for 20-30 min. We used it more the first month or so but now have settled in to a routine that is a little less use. Can I stretch the shocks a little farther apart than 1 week. I have been doing the shocks about 10-12 days apart for the last 2 months and all seems well so far. I use 1 tsp of dichlor after soaks and a 5 tsp dichlor for shock. Will I have any problems with bugs doing this? The last few days of posts about skin problems have me concerned that I will have problems if I am not careful.   Thanks!!
Title: Re: What Constitutes A Heavily Used Tub?
Post by: tony on August 16, 2005, 05:24:38 pm
I shock only when needed...when total chlorine measures more than my free chorine.  You cannot tell as closely using strips, but with a test kit when my free chlorine measures close to zero and I test for total chlorine and it turns pink, its time for me to shock.

I do raise my chlorine level to 5 ppm once per week if I do not shock.
Title: Re: What Constitutes A Heavily Used Tub?
Post by: Backpains on August 16, 2005, 05:26:25 pm

I just can't believe it took you 2 hours and 23 minutes to reply.   Just used you as an example cause I knew EVERYONE would now who I was speaking of.  Hope you don't mind.

Another example "If a train is travelling eastbound at 50 kilometers an hour (30 miles an hour for those countries backwards enough to be using imperial measurements) and you are walking westbound at..............  oh never mind.


Yeah Yeah ya brat! Surrre I was just convienent now huh? geee I feel sooo soooo violated! LOLOLOL
Title: Re: What Constitutes A Heavily Used Tub?
Post by: HotTubMan on August 16, 2005, 05:28:30 pm

Hey man we haven't even gotten into body mass times hair folicles per sq inch (shaven or not).


This is exactly why everytime I use a spa it is considered "heavy use" 220lbs and a very high follicle/inch ratio.

Title: Re: What Constitutes A Heavily Used Tub?
Post by: Vinny on August 16, 2005, 06:25:24 pm
This is exactly why everytime I use a spa it is considered "heavy use" 220lbs and a very high follicle/inch ratio.

Oh man, you're a light weight at 220. I haven't seen that weight in about ... hummm ... hummm ... too long to remember. I do know most of my hair wasn't grey though!
Title: Re: What Constitutes A Heavily Used Tub?
Post by: Rayman on August 17, 2005, 08:06:32 am

Yeah Yeah ya brat! Surrre I was just convienent now huh? geee I feel sooo soooo violated! LOLOLOL

as the Ramones would sing "Beat ona  brat with a baseball bat oh yeah, oh yeah ooo"
