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General => General info Somewhat hot tub related => Topic started by: Chas on February 28, 2005, 11:18:41 am

Title: Enterprise
Post by: Chas on February 28, 2005, 11:18:41 am
Well, I read that Enterprise fans are pooling their resources and actually trying to pay the studio to keep the program on the air.

I find that odd - I guess they don't uderstand how important the ratings are: if a show doesn't get good ratings, it can't charge enough for advertising. And if it can't charge enough for advertising, the studio will very simply replace it with a show that can and does. It's all about numbers, and those numbers have to be absolutely huge.

I enjoy the few episodes I have seen, but if the viewers aren't there, then the viewers aren't there.

Now - here's a better idea: come up with a story line that gets people upset. Sort of like what happens here when people say that TP is better than FF or something. Get some controversy going. Look at what happened when Ellen Degenerate 'came out,' etc.

Just a thought.

Title: Re: Enterprise
Post by: wmccall on February 28, 2005, 11:50:51 am
Nobody ever asked me if I watched so they are obviously off by at least one.   You baiting me?  Another way to look at it, what else does UPN have? Tell me about the cost of each episode.  With 800 channels, few programs are going to make a audience share.  Some networks should never try to be number one, they aren't going to get there.   Unless they start showing naked chearleaders shooting automatic weapons whatever they replace it will not do as well.
Title: Re: Enterprise
Post by: steve771 on February 28, 2005, 12:14:21 pm
Oh sure Chas, I can see it now... Archer:  Y'know T'Pal, FF is MUCH better than TP, even if "TP" are your initials!  Now warp factor 22!  Yeah, sure, THAT will bring 'em in in droves!  ;D ;)

Seriously, I really do enjoy the show, and I'm among the ones who aren't counted (makes you wonder who IS being counted sometimes, but that's another topic).  The show started off kinda slow, but picked up the pace.  I think the writing has gotten better as it has progressed and I don't buy that "we have run out of ideas" excuse.  This is sci-fi for goodness sakes... how can you run out of ideas?!?   Hope the show hangs on somewhere, 'cause it will be the first time we won't have a weekly Star Trek fix in awhile.   :(
Title: Re: Enterprise
Post by: Spatech_tuo on February 28, 2005, 12:46:29 pm
Now - here's a better idea: come up with a story line that gets people upset. Sort of like what happens here when people say that TP is better than FF or something. Get some controversy going. Look at what happened when Ellen Degenerate 'came out,' etc.

Just a thought.

I say they have a episode where Enterprise goes into the future and meets up with Voyager. Archer starts to fall for teh lovely Seven and out of jealousy we have a catfight (preferably in a steel cage) between T'Pal and Seven for Archer!!  Now THAT will get the ratings going.
Title: Re: Enterprise
Post by: Chas on February 28, 2005, 12:46:42 pm
Nobody ever asked me if I watched so they are obviously off by at least one.
Alright, here we go:

Bill, do you watch Enterprise?

I don't, but only because we don't have a TV. We will buy the various seasons as they are released on DVD - just as we have with TNG, Voyager and DS9.

I enjoy all of them, and I sure was not trying to bait you.

But if I was, did it work?

Title: Re: Enterprise
Post by: autoplay on February 28, 2005, 04:22:24 pm
I would love to see an episode of Star Trek....with a hot-tub scene involved (preferably all females).  Would be interesting to see 200+ years in the future...what brand the greatest ship of the federation,uses :)

Also....someone could come back in time,and possibly slap some sense into Conjuna?
Title: Re: Enterprise
Post by: Brewman on February 28, 2005, 04:39:20 pm
Also....someone could come back in time,and possibly slap some sense into Conjuna?

Maybe they could do a parallel universe thing with him.
He'd be the largest most successful Hot Springs dealer in that universe.

Title: Re: Enterprise
Post by: Spatech_tuo on February 28, 2005, 05:03:56 pm
He'd be the largest most successful Hot Springs dealer in that universe.


Good one. Star Trek has done a couple alternate universe type shows and that would be classic. I'm thinking Ernest Borgnine can play Jim and Kathleen Bates can play Sandy.

Title: Re: Enterprise
Post by: Dr. Spa™ Ret. on February 28, 2005, 06:21:48 pm
The biggest mistake they made was moving it to Friday night and putting in up against SG1 on the Si-fi Channel..........

Both are good (I record one and watch the other), but both can't survive running at the same time.

Spatech t.u.o.! You're almost have it right............... but I think I'd prefer to see them wrestling in jello!!!! YEAH! That's it.
Title: Re: Enterprise
Post by: wmccall on February 28, 2005, 07:15:33 pm
Alright, here we go:

I don't, but only because we don't have a TV.


That explains a lot!
Title: Re: Enterprise
Post by: steve771 on February 28, 2005, 11:40:10 pm
I don't, but only because we don't have a TV. We will buy the various seasons as they are released on DVD - just as we have with TNG, Voyager and DS9.

No TV?  Don't you find it kinda hard to watch the DVD by staring at the shiny disc?   ;D   ;)
Title: Re: Enterprise
Post by: Chas on March 01, 2005, 09:15:21 am
No, we have a big bright monitor, and a sweet 6.1 surround-sound system, one remote which does it all, and we are about to upgrade to a video projector and 8' screen.

We 'tossed the TV" around 20 years ago - no broadcast TV since my son was born. We do watch DVD and in the old days, VHS - but that gave us total control over what our kids view.
Title: Re: Enterprise
Post by: wmccall on March 01, 2005, 09:18:29 am
Also....someone could come back in time,and possibly slap some sense into Conjuna?

Maybe they find out the DAIT system's downfall is that it unknowingly acts as an interplexing beacon, which summons the BORG to earth before the Federation is even formed.
Title: Re: Enterprise
Post by: zzaphod42 on March 01, 2005, 11:51:42 am
No, we have a big bright monitor, and a sweet 6.1 surround-sound system, one remote which does it all, and we are about to upgrade to a video projector and 8' screen.

We 'tossed the TV" around 20 years ago - no broadcast TV since my son was born. We do watch DVD and in the old days, VHS - but that gave us total control over what our kids view.

Except when they go to visit with their friends. :o
I guess you could always screen the parents and inspect their homes ahead of time...Maybe not.

My little guy is only 1 1/2 years old and it already scares me to think about the things he will be exposed to which are completely out of my control.

The internet is probably the worst...I guess I will have to look into getting one the many programs which screens out all of the bad stuff.

Title: Re: Enterprise
Post by: Chas on March 01, 2005, 11:54:52 am
So - how do you think the Borg got started? Did some poor schmoe fall into an industrial blender and they liked what came out?

Did some early Borg doctor do a botched nose job and the patient ended up with a cortical implant?

And how did the hive mind develop? Were there two Borg who thought it would be cool to connect their minds? Perhaps it was originally an easy way to cheat at the Friday night poker game?

I don't get it.

Title: Re: Enterprise
Post by: wmccall on March 01, 2005, 12:04:14 pm

My little guy is only 1 1/2 years old and it already scares me to think about the things he will be exposed to which are completely out of my control.

Two arguments - censorship and parental responsibility.

I'm not for censorship, but I think its up to the parent to decide when they explain erectile disfunction, not up to a few greedy pharmaceutical companies.

We talk about Enterprise not being able to make it because their market share isn't enough, but Cialis has afford to spend money on superbowl ads when probably 1% of the viewers will ever use thier product.

Boy, if I ever get a hold of that "Bob" guy, I'm going to kick his backside even if he is only an actor. And I've never hit a woman for any reason, but that "My man uses Levitra" woman might have it coming.

The internet is probably the worst...I guess I will have to look into getting one the many programs which screens out all of the bad stuff.

Agreed, but they don't work real well, and the idiots sending out the crap are buying the same programs and finding ways around them. They don't mind sending pornographic pictures to 1 million kids if it reaches 1 potential customer.
Title: Re: Enterprise
Post by: Spatech_tuo on March 01, 2005, 01:14:27 pm
So - how do you think the Borg got started? Did some poor schmoe fall into an industrial blender and they liked what came out?

Did some early Borg doctor do a botched nose job and the patient ended up with a cortical implant?

And how did the hive mind develop? Were there two Borg who thought it would be cool to connect their minds? Perhaps it was originally an easy way to cheat at the Friday night poker game?

I don't get it.

I think HAL started it all and created the Borg.
Title: Re: Enterprise
Post by: HotTubMan on March 03, 2005, 02:50:01 pm

I think HAL started it all and created the Borg.

Perhaps it was a holo-deck gone wrong.
Title: Re: Enterprise
Post by: Chas on March 07, 2005, 10:19:03 am
Well, here's some news on this final frontier:

Money pledged to fund a fifth season of Star Trek: Enterprise today announced that three anonymous contributors have stepped forward with a $3 million pledge toward the campaign to ensure a fifth season for the recently cancelled Star Trek: Enterprise.

Paramount Network Television and the United Paramount Network (UPN) jointly announced on Feb. 3 that this would be the last season of Enterprise on UPN. Fans pooled their skills, time and finances to form in an effort to fight the decision by raising money themselves to pay for a fifth season of the on-going space adventure.

The benefactors also added a statement explaining why they believe this campaign deserves such a substantial contribution:

"We think Star Trek and especially its latest incarnation, "Enterprise" is the kind of TV that should be aired more often. The people responsible at Paramount think this is just a show and we want to tell them, it is not. We are in the commercial space flight industry and would like to testify that at least one out of two of all the actual entrepreneurs involved in this industry has been inspired by Star Trek; and we are not only good at watching TV sci-fi , we are also good at writing checks, big checks. The people airing this kind of TV have a responsibility; inspiration. Star Trek has inspired us, and particularly Enterprise, with its superb theme song that tells so much about our struggle to move space travel forward and closer to the public, this inspiration is so self evident, that Virgin Galactic has ordered a 5-sub orbital ship fleet from Scaled Composites, a 100 million dollar investment, and the first one being built is going to be christened ‘VSS Enterprise.’ Now doesn’t that ring a bell in Paramount’s ears? Now, canceling the series so bluntly, for the sake of just ratings, tells very much about the kind of thinking going on inside Paramount. If we thought the same way, Paul Allen would have never funded the SpaceShipOne program. Sir Richard Branson would never have funded Virgin Galactic and Space Adventures would never have put two space tourists aboard the International Space Station. Instead, we would all be at home watching Survivor or some other reality TV show. Enterprise needs to be renewed, for the sake of fan loyalty, for being quality TV, for bringing imagination and hope for a better future to our homes, but over all that, for inspiring us so strongly that we have fought all our adult lives to bring that future closer to our children and to us."

TrekUnited Director Tim Brazeal also stated contributions like this one brings the campaign much closer to its goal. "We are overwhelmed at the generosity of these fellow Star Trek fans," Brazeal said. "We believe that Enterprise deserves a future. With contributions like the one from these generous individuals and those of millions of other Star Trek fans worldwide, we will succeed."

Under the terms of the TrekUnited charter, the campaign will be able to give the money to anything that will guarantee a fifth season of Star Trek: Enterprise.
Title: Re: Enterprise
Post by: wmccall on May 13, 2005, 08:27:23 am
On this historic day, I'd like to offer $100 to the first person who walks into the offices at Paramount and whizzes on the reception desk.
Title: Re: Enterprise
Post by: Dr. Spa™ Ret. on May 13, 2005, 05:38:31 pm
If I lived near them I'd offer to do it for free.
Title: Re: Enterprise
Post by: steve771 on May 14, 2005, 01:37:40 am
Ditto here.  Man, that last episode sucked big time!  ::)
Title: Re: Enterprise
Post by: wmccall on May 14, 2005, 09:34:51 am
Gee, I guess the best thing on UPN now is Brittany and Kevin.   My set won't be on UPN anymore.
Title: Re: Enterprise
Post by: Dr. Spa™ Ret. on May 14, 2005, 02:01:32 pm
I rather thought the last 4 episodes, maybe even the last 6, sucked quite badly.

Since the was the only thing worth watching on UPN I think I can just remove the channel from my TV............. Now if only the new season of SG1 and SG Atlantis would start.
Title: Re: Enterprise
Post by: wmccall on May 14, 2005, 05:53:31 pm
I rather thought the last 4 episodes, maybe even the last 6, sucked quite badly.


I looked on those less critically because I knew it was all we had. But given the disjointed nature of the last 4, its clear where the writing staff was when they got the word.  I guess based, on the writing of the finale, nothing happened in the last 6 years of Enterprise's tour. Just boring diplomacy stuff.
Title: Re: Enterprise
Post by: Chas on May 14, 2005, 07:19:38 pm
So your saying that I shouldn't rush out and buy the DVD set right away?
Title: Re: Enterprise
Post by: wmccall on May 15, 2005, 08:14:18 am
So your saying that I shouldn't rush out and buy the DVD set right away?

Only the first season is available.
Title: Re: Enterprise
Post by: Chas on May 16, 2005, 12:37:20 am
Yeah, but you know what happens then: I buy season one. I enjoy it. I enjoy it again. Then I decide to buy season two when it comes out.

And then it happens: instead of making season three available, they put together a box set. For ten bucks less than I paid for the first two seasons, I could have gotten all three.

Welcome to my life.....
Title: Re: Enterprise
Post by: wmccall on May 18, 2005, 03:43:24 pm
Or in the case of Star Trek, I get them all on VHS and then have to buy these new fangled DVDs.
Title: Re: Enterprise
Post by: JcDenton on May 18, 2005, 06:41:15 pm
Or in the case of Star Trek, I get them all on VHS and then have to buy these new fangled DVDs.

Then you can stack them next to all your 8-Tracks. ;D