Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: tkruel on July 28, 2005, 06:34:03 am
Being new to the Hot tub scene.. I was wondering if filters are universal or if they are brand specific. I have a Master lsx (Yes I've read the Master-bashing) so do I need to make the trip to the dealer I purchased from or can I go to a closer dealer or ?? Also, if there are any Master spa lsx often do you change & what maintanence do you keep up on the filters?
Thanks for the help
You can buy filters at any Master dealer you want.
You can buy at any place at all that has your filters in stock, including many online sources.
The pleated filter for our Optima sells for about $60, so when it's time to replace, I'll be shopping around a bit.
Being new to the Hot tub scene.. I was wondering if filters are universal or if they are brand specific. I have a Master lsx (Yes I've read the Master-bashing) so do I need to make the trip to the dealer I purchased from or can I go to a closer dealer or ?? Also, if there are any Master spa lsx often do you change & what maintanence do you keep up on the filters?
Thanks for the help
To keep from confusing the 3 filter types used in the MasterSpas line:
Macro filter--the rectangular one that sits on top
Micro filters--the two big cylindrical ones
Mineral filters--the two small ones inside the micro filters
I have 2 sets of micro filters that I alternate usually once a week or once bi-weekly. I normally just hose/rinse them off and let them dry between uses.
I change the mineral filters every 6 months or so.
The macro filter only catches the largest floating bugs and, if I had trees around, leaves that float on the surface. I only rinse it off when I do filter maintenance.
I haven't had to buy any filters yet since I negotiated extra ones with the purchase of the spa just over a year ago. I'll be buying my first set of mineral filters in about 6 months or so. The 2 sets of micro filters don't show any wear after a year so I expect them to last several years. I think alternating them and allowing them to dry between uses plus rinsing them every 1-2 weeks is a good thing. I don't see that the macro filter will ever have to be replaced.
Hope this helps and that you are enjoying your LSX as much as I enjoy mine. 8)
- you also rinse off the mineral filters when you rinse the micro filters??
Sometimes.....if I see stuff in'em which is rare.....but never use a cleaning solution on them. Also, I alternate them from side to side.
Sometimes.....if I see stuff in'em which is rare.....but never use a cleaning solution on them. Also, I alternate them from side to side.
Hey he asked my question ;) . Hows things Windy? Do you or should you use any cleaner on the filters? I have cleaned them once and was going to wash them this weekend. I am wondering if this a good routine or not often enough. Its been about 2 weeks ......
Hey he asked my question ;) . Hows things Windy? Do you or should you use any cleaner on the filters? I have cleaned them once and was going to wash them this weekend. I am wondering if this a good routine or not often enough. Its been about 2 weeks ......
Hey Gar-Gar,
Things are going fine....getting ready to change my water....I've had it since February and it's still crystal but I think I've gotten my money's worth out of it....TDS is probably around 1500 or so by now.
I don't usually use cleaner on my filters but I think I will this time. Rinsing and alternating once a week seems to keep'em clean enough. Since I'm just past my first anniversary with the tub, I guess I'll break down and clean'em good. 8)
Do you guys have a good online source for filters?
I have two in my hot big filter I clean every 3 days...with a good deep rinse of the hose..then once every 2 weeks I use my filter cleaner to get out the rest of the crud I couldn't get out with the hose. Only have one big filter at the moment planning on getting a new one soon. Second filter is a pre-filter, it catches all the little particles first before they get to the big filter. I have a spare on those because it's only like 20.00 for two filters. This filter I clean every day just rinse it with the hose and throw it back in. When I do a 3 hour soak with the big filter I throw the little filter in to clean everything gets clean by ohhh about 10am...ooopps in's time to rinse filters now lol I hope this helps..BTW I soak in my tub alot more than most cause it's therapy for me so I'm in the tub 6 times more than most usually spend 5-6 times per day in the tub. Some around this board will tell you that I am a fish...I'm not I just like how the jets make my back feel a little better. so pbltttttt to the rest of ya :P
Do you guys have a good online source for filters?
No....since I'm buying everything else online, I'll buy my filters from the dealer....