Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: newtubber1 on June 21, 2005, 03:46:07 pm

Title: First timer going at at.....
Post by: newtubber1 on June 21, 2005, 03:46:07 pm
First timer spa searcher.....just started looking last weekend and plan to go out again this weekend.

Spas I looked at this weekend - 2 of them were recommended to me one was not.

Please give me your thoughts......

Jacuzzi - not recommended but knew the name.

Marqui - recommended by a friend.

Tiger River - recommended by a co-worker.

This weekend I am going to 2 more places:

Sundance - not recommended

Cal Spas - recommended by 2 neighbors.

If people are interested...I will post my Likes & Dis-Likes.

Title: Re: First timer going at at.....
Post by: Steve on June 21, 2005, 03:56:28 pm
You've got some great spas to look at and don't forget to take your swimsuit along too.

We look forward to your indepth report! ;D

Title: Re: First timer going at at.....
Post by: Backpains on June 21, 2005, 05:01:00 pm
Newtubber also if you have a Coleman dealer in your area look at theirs too, I got the 461, which is a 4 person hot tub for $5700.00 they are very nice hot tubs
Title: Re: First timer going at at.....
Post by: newtubber1 on June 21, 2005, 05:17:16 pm
Thanks for the tip - but the phone number in the yellow pages for the Coleman store is no longer in service.  I will check the Coleman web sight for a store near me.
Title: Re: First timer going at at.....
Post by: newtubber1 on June 21, 2005, 05:21:10 pm
I don't believe I have a Master spa store close to me and I know for a fact that I don't have a Dimention 1 store.  They were recommended to me by a family member in a nother state so I searched them and the store that did carry them is no longer around.  I must find a store that has been around a while...would hate to buy one and them have the store close.  

Thanks for the tips.
Title: Re: First timer going at at.....
Post by: AAAAAAA on June 21, 2005, 07:25:03 pm
From everything I have read.. sundance should ne on your recommended list.

Check out to get a feel of diffrent makes.
Title: Re: First timer going at at.....
Post by: JJ on June 21, 2005, 09:43:44 pm
 I must find a store that has been around a while...would hate to buy one and them have the store close.  

NewTubber - I personally think you are on the right track with this comment.  I wet tested almost every spa on your list.  Some I liked, some I didn't.  In the end I bought a Vita spa from a dealer who had been selling them since he went into business in 1992.  All of the other spas I liked but didn't buy were because the dealer carrying them only had them for less than 2 years, or because the dealer could only give me reasons why I shouldn't buy other spas, not why I should buy his.

I'm not going to claim the spa I bought is the best or the only one worth considering.  But so far, I will claim the dealer is.  Go test them all, ask us for advice, but buy from someone you trust.
Title: Re: First timer going at at.....
Post by: drewstar on June 22, 2005, 08:55:20 am

I just bought a Tiger River Caspain.  It will be dellivered this Monday, so unfortunately I cannot provide any real use info, but for what it's worth,  here some of the features that drew me to this tub:

Watkins/HS manufacturing,  full foam insualtion, 24 hr circ, Cd ozinator, strong warrenty,  established dealer, low operating costs (electrical).

Insualtion and electrical cost were a big concern since the tub will be used  outdoors, year round in N.E.

Priced relativly moderate. ( $7k: cover, lifter, steps, ozinator, chems, delivery)

Foot  pod.  My wife fell in love with the foot pod and this was one of the few in  our range that offered this feature.

Wet Test: fit my wife and I the best.  

Hope that helps.
Title: Re: First timer going at at.....
Post by: Backpains on June 22, 2005, 09:07:21 am

it's too bad that you don't have a Coleman Dealer in your area, they are really nice tubs and with the name of Coleman you can't go wrong (sorry guys I'm just gushing over Coleman hold your eyes tightly closed now!) I was amazed cause when I first got ready to go to the Coleman dealer I had in mind I would probably buy a HS but, when I walked in there it was WOW!
Title: Re: First timer going at at.....
Post by: newtubber1 on June 22, 2005, 09:11:59 am
Thanks to those with the good input......but I don't understand the 2 people that started fighting on here.  I will take the good input and use it, as for the 2 fighting - if you think this is helpfull than please don't try to help.

Update:  All three places I went to last weekend took my name and number and as of right now only one called me back and invited me to wet test - that was Jacuzzi.  I will for sure go back and wet test.  Good sign of customer service.
Title: Re: First timer going at at.....
Post by: Backpains on June 22, 2005, 09:33:20 am
Another thing to look for newtubber, good customer service, me myself if a company does not call me back (with the exception of my back doctor I just keep bugging them ;D ) I think gee do that really want to sell me a hot tub? Sales and customer service and a good company that isn't going anywhere is three of my top things I look for in all my consumer dealings
Title: Re: First timer going at at.....
Post by: doodoo on June 22, 2005, 09:48:16 am
Update:  All three places I went to last weekend took my name and number and as of right now only one called me back and invited me to wet test - that was Jacuzzi.  I will for sure go back and wet test.  Good sign of customer service.

Something to always keep in mind no matter which tub you choose is the dealer. Although mine is fantastic. There were others in the neighbourhood that were equal in client support so the hard part was choosing the tub that fit us best.
Title: Re: First timer going at at.....
Post by: Ritz on June 22, 2005, 12:50:46 pm
Be sure to check the BBB before putting any deposits down.  I lost a $1,000 deposit - 55 complaints, with most in the last 12 months scared me away from that dealer - the salesman was too good and I was too tired at the end of a home/garden show.  Went with another brand with the dealer that had a clean record, clean showroom and long history in the business.
Title: Re: First timer going at at.....
Post by: Lori on June 22, 2005, 01:07:02 pm

Schedule a wet test of any and all brands that you are considering!  That, to me, was THE primary evaluation that the rest of my shopping was based on!  If I had shopped on price, I would have a spa that I floated around in right now!  Be sure and take your honey with you (mine refused) and that way you will know what works for both of you (if you have a honey, that is)!  Also, take along a notebook and pencil, to record the experience for later reference!

Good luck!!!
Title: Re: First timer going at at.....
Post by: newtubber1 on June 22, 2005, 05:26:29 pm
Question -Could this be right? -

I called the Marqui store to see if I could wet test and the salesperson said they were not able to at this time due to health codes?????

I am going tonight to wet test the Jacuzzi...and Thursday I am going to try and wet test the Tiger River if they will let me.
Title: Re: First timer going at at.....
Post by: spaman-- on June 22, 2005, 05:34:46 pm
health codes?The Marquis wasn't even safe to wet test?Whats this about? :o
Title: Re: First timer going at at.....
Post by: Spatech_tuo on June 22, 2005, 05:49:00 pm
I am going tonight to wet test the Jacuzzi...and Thursday I am going to try and wet test the Tiger River if they will let me.

I'd call ahead if I were you to be sure its ready, they don't have someone/something scheduled at the time you're showing up and its at the temp you want (a soak at 95º is not the ticket IMO, I'd try 101º), etc.
Title: Re: First timer going at at.....
Post by: spahappy on June 22, 2005, 07:17:42 pm

it's too bad that you don't have a Coleman Dealer in your area, they are really nice tubs and with the name of Coleman you can't go wrong (sorry guys I'm just gushing over Coleman hold your eyes tightly closed now!) I was amazed cause when I first got ready to go to the Coleman dealer I had in mind I would probably buy a HS but, when I walked in there it was WOW!

I just love your posts Backpains! ;)
Title: Re: First timer going at at.....
Post by: Backpains on June 22, 2005, 08:06:25 pm
Everyone loves my posts newtubber seems I've become the hit of the party.....the jester in the kings court....the...ohh never mind lol I aim to please!
Title: Re: First timer going at at.....
Post by: newtubber1 on June 23, 2005, 12:16:18 am
first wettest:

Jacuzzi J-365

Liked:  -the bench seating,  it fit my wife and I very well.
          -it was easy to use.
          -the jets seemed to be placed in good spots.
          -seemed to be well made.

Didn't Like: -Where the filters are, they take up a whole seat.
                 -getting to the filters seemed like it would be a hassle. Large cover.
                 -had to fight between the jets on the feet and a seat with good jets.

Over all it was nice but kind of boring.

I am able to sit in the Tiger River Thursday night.
Title: Re: First timer going at at.....
Post by: Lori on June 23, 2005, 07:09:31 am
Sorry to you Marquis guys...just prefacing...

I wouldn't buy from the Marquis dealer, then.  I think a wet test is essential.  Yes, you can buy a tub without wet testing, I almost did, before visiting this website, but to really know what tub is right for you and your family, you have to sit in it wet!

The reason I say that, I floated in the Jacuzzi model I tested.  Other than the dealer closed his doors within a week of my wet test (Almost 2 years ago this coming week, he closed his doors for 4th of July weekend and never opened them again.), the price was good and I liked the tubs.  I would have tried another model (without a lounge) to see if another better fit me.

I would like to say, Marquis tubs are great, too.  Or so I have heard, a lot of people seem to buy them.  I didn't know I had Marquis available at first, and when I asked the dealer about them (he was also a Sundance dealer) he told me they had just taken on the line and he wasn't sure about them.  Last I heard, he no longer sells Marquis, he still sells Sundance.  Anyway, just letting you know, I am not down on the manufacturer, just the dealer!  I can't imagine if any dealer told me I couldn't wet test due to health reasons?  Just doesn't make sense, but all of my dealers were surprised I wanted to wet test, but were happy to oblige!

Sorry for the book!!  Got carried away!   ;D
Title: Re: First timer going at at.....
Post by: wmccall on June 23, 2005, 07:46:58 am
Thanks for the tip - but the phone number in the yellow pages for the Coleman store is no longer in service.  I will check the Coleman web sight for a store near me.

So where do you call home?
Title: Re: First timer going at at.....
Post by: Chas on June 23, 2005, 10:47:36 am
So where do you call home?
From a pay phone?


About the 'health code issues' - I have run into this from time to time when we travel and shop competitive dealers. I have been told that if the local county inspector gets the idea that a spa store is allowing lots of people into a spa, they will come in and demand that the spa meet the requirements of a 'public spa' or 'commercial spa.'  Opened our first store in 1986, never had it happen to me or any of the many dealers I have talked to.

Just for info: Most portable spas do not meet those stringent requirements, nor would you WANT them to. They would have to have: fixed handrails (you can't put an insulated cover on with the type of rails they want), depth markings, NSF-approved filtration, chlorine injection, flat deck level with the top lip of the spa at least four feet wide, equal spacing on the steps all the way to the floor of the spa - and more.

So the dealer may just be using this as a stupid excuse to not have a spa full of water for you - and trying to make the other local dealers who do look bad.  Or he could have gotten busted for allowing public use of his demo spa - you decide which is most likely.
Title: Re: First timer going at at.....
Post by: newtubber1 on June 23, 2005, 03:26:10 pm
Chas and Lori - thanks for the input.

Good point Chas about the wet test.

Testing the Tiger River tonight.