Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: NDfar on June 10, 2005, 03:05:53 pm

Title: Runway
Post by: NDfar on June 10, 2005, 03:05:53 pm
Here is a new problem I came across as I was soaking.  Birds.  They seem to have a flight path right over my tub.  The birds are fine its the droppings.  They are hitting the wall right behind my tub as they go over the roof of the house.  Is there anything that I can put up to devert this birds?  Flags, some color banner, fake owls or something.  And what would it do to my water if one hits on target?  :P ???
Title: Re: Runway
Post by: spahappy on June 10, 2005, 03:59:02 pm
In Dickinson we have quite a problem with pigions in our downtown area. The city invested in some of those fake owls but I think it was to stop the birds from roosting and nesting. I'm not sure if it would have any effect on their flying routes.

I've got a cat you can have. ;D
Title: Re: Runway
Post by: NDfar on June 10, 2005, 04:05:11 pm
Cat?  Never thought of that one.  Now if I could get it to stay on the roof I think I got a solution!
Title: Re: Runway
Post by: drewstar on June 10, 2005, 04:05:50 pm
Pellet gun.
Title: Re: Runway--New Junior Member!
Post by: NDfar on June 10, 2005, 04:06:09 pm
Hey alright I just became a junior member
Title: Re: Runway
Post by: J._McD on June 10, 2005, 07:35:30 pm
Hey goose leader, let's fly over that place again and see if we can hit the target in the bubbly little lake.  

OK, right wing formation and left wing formation, this is goose leader, make ready to do a turn about and drop your load.

Stand by, ready load for release.

Right wing leader ready.

Left wing leader ready.

Tight V formation, target coming up.

Abort, Abort bubble lake is covered target is gone.

Goose leader, I gotta go
Yeah me too.

We'll try again tomorrow.

Title: Re: Runway
Post by: hottubber on June 10, 2005, 08:17:11 pm
While soaking, take a slingshot with you. See how many you can pick off.
Just this morning, I'm soaking in my Sundance Optima, watching a mother bird or maybe a father bird, I can't tell the difference. Anyway, I'm watching them feed their newly born babies in a blue spruce next to my spa. It was like watching one of those nature movies where you can see the babies taking the worm from the parent. Worms don't look very tasteful at 6AM, as a matter of fact, I don't think they would taste good later either.

hottubber... ;D
Title: Re: Runway
Post by: Brewman on June 10, 2005, 09:01:00 pm
. Worms don't look very tasteful at 6AM, as a matter of fact, I don't think they would taste good later either.

hottubber... ;D

Only one way to find out for sure..........
Title: Re: Runway
Post by: Gman on June 11, 2005, 07:11:53 am
I used to have a problem with birds that would sit on my roof and crap on the side of my house in the process -- I bought a fake owl and it did the trick...  It's worth a try and only costs about $20 or so.