Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: mowgli1 on May 10, 2005, 10:22:41 am
I have heard Sundance has a new cover color called palamino that matches the new birchwood cabinet. Has anyone heard about it? Nothing on the Sundance website.
Check with a dealer, or call or email Sundance. They might take a while to update their website.
I just ordered my Sundance spa last weekend and got the palamino color cover. It's a multi-tone tan cover that has a darker tan color than the birchwood surround and some color that matches the birchwood. In my opinion, it goes very well with the birchwood....much better than the standard redwood color. The dealer had about 10 upgrade colors (including the palamino color) that you could get your cover in for about $100 more...
You were charged an extra $100 for a different color cover?
Can you post a picture of the cover? I just ordered my Majesta spa and would love to compare the color. Thanks!
Palamino is a new cover color coming. Dealers have not yet received any. A variety of custom colors have always been available and are usually ordered directly from the cover supplier and a seperate shipper so there is additional cost involved, unless of course your getting a replacement cover from Doc, he has a multiple of colors to please and satisfy. ;D ;D
Thanks J........... that's actually not a bad price if it has to be shipped seperately.
- there is additional cost involved, unless of course your getting a replacement cover from Doc, he has a multiple of colors to please and satisfy. ;D ;D
Glad to see you two have gotten past the great ozone divide! Who kidnapped J_McD while I was gone and replaced him with this kinder, gentler version? ;) (Although I see in another thread that shoppers buying on price alone can still get you going >:()
The Palamino color cover was always available through the cover manufacturer that Sundance uses. It is a great match to the birchwood cabinet. I reccommend this cover color to everyone that purchases birchwood.
As far as the price increase for it, I'm not so sure about that. ???
hottubber... ;D.
I just ordered my Sundance spa last weekend and got the palamino color cover. It's a multi-tone tan cover that has a darker tan color than the birchwood surround and some color that matches the birchwood. In my opinion, it goes very well with the birchwood....much better than the standard redwood color. The dealer had about 10 upgrade colors (including the palamino color) that you could get your cover in for about $100 more...
Thanks for the info. Do you know if they have synthetic steps to match the birchwood also?
Don't know about the steps since I didn't order them with my spa. The dealer said it would be $100 charge for the upgrade cover color but ended up giving it to me in the deal for no charge. I don't have any pictures of the palomino color but it looks alot like the palomino color on this site
second row, middle color.
Synthetic steps are coming soon. They really look good but they are not cheap it is going to be hard to make them a freebie unless that awful word (price) goes up to accomodate cost.
Thanks for noticing Soakin, it is just after soooo many years you get old and cranky when you are set in your ways and you find people that think different, go figure. There of course are two sides to every coin. Doc and I are just on different sides of the same coin and we are he to keep everybody honest and on their toes, both the buyers and sellers, right Doc? ;D
BTW, ozone really works better when it is understood. Mother Nature uses it exclusively, and without chemicals. It just seems we all have something to say about what we know or heard and that is what makes the wheel go around, sooner or later we get someplace and we learn something.
Maybe I should go over and stir up JA and see if I can get ozone on one of those super nova's.
Time for my meds. 8)
...BTW, ozone really works better when it is understood. Mother Nature uses it exclusively, and without chemicals.
I decided not to travel down "ozone road" today. We'll just have to agree to disagree, for now. As I recall from some lovely soaks in the mountains, Mother Nature uses a lot of sulfur in her own hot springs. Is that a chemical? ;)