Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: Guttboy on April 20, 2005, 10:01:50 pm

Post by: Guttboy on April 20, 2005, 10:01:50 pm
Hi Folks....

Our local sundance dealer has not been able to set up a '05 Cameo and wont for some time it seems.

They have set up the 04 Cameo for us and we will be wet testing Thursday night (less than 24 hours from now)....

To all you Sundance Reps/Dealers/Service/Owners....

Are there any differences in the feel and layout between the two model years 04 to 05?????

There appears to be some pump changes, filter change, waterfall....etc but would they feel the same...from my inspection it looks as though the layouts are identical jet and seat wise....

Thanks soooooo much because it is down to the Sundance and the Artesian now!!!!


Title: Re: SUNDANCE CAMEO '04 vs '05 NEED HELP ASAP!!!!
Post by: J._McD on April 21, 2005, 12:32:26 am
Here I go, I'm gonna get in trouble again.  No difference between '04 and '05 Cameo in performance, just the visual effect of the water fall that is driven by the circulation pump.  Both would give the same meaningful results in a water test.  Absolutely no difference, other that Waterfall and LED light, oh yeah price of the 05 went up.

Title: Re: SUNDANCE CAMEO '04 vs '05 NEED HELP ASAP!!!!
Post by: nrkissed on April 21, 2005, 10:07:50 am
Sounds like you might be able to get a killer deal on that '04.  I doubt you will miss the lights and waterfall if the demo price is right!  Just a suggestion..
Title: Re: SUNDANCE CAMEO '04 vs '05 NEED HELP ASAP!!!!
Post by: J._McD on April 21, 2005, 11:16:08 am
The lights are a retrofit in the '04 so the only thing that is different is the filter and waterfall.  No biggie in my book.
Title: Re: SUNDANCE CAMEO '04 vs '05 NEED HELP ASAP!!!!
Post by: Guttboy on April 21, 2005, 03:47:09 pm
Thanks for the help.  The 04 is one that has been sold for some time just awaiting the individual's home to be thats out....

They did come up with a compromise...well actually a good fix to the dilemna.

Instead of having to move things around they have set up the 05 cameo in the back because they could run power to it!  So we will be able to test that...and they left the 05 optima running in the showroom so we can compare them as well!  

Thanks for the help...from my research I didnt think there was much of a difference.
