Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: Gary1911 on April 02, 2005, 05:07:01 pm
Thats my ??? ??? for today. Did you ever get rid of it and then get a new one later or just keep upgrading? :)
2 years, and no reason to get rid of it.
3.5 years and don't use it as much as before but still enjoy entertaining with it and a quiet soak now and again.
A little over 2 years now. After researching spas(which I should of done prior to purchasing my first spa) I felt very comfortable with my purchase.
I'll be happy to get 7-10 years out of the spa,and look at possibly replacing a pump/motor...when and if the time arises.
Very happy with my Caldera,and would purchase another Caldera in a heartbeat!
Lastly,my first spa I purchased,I paid 2500 for. I thought it was a great deal,but I ended up getting rid of it in 3 months. Looked pretty etc,but I failed to do a wet-test.....and learned the hard way. What I did learn was,take your time,research,and WET-TEST!
This forum and others was and has been a great help. The spa decepti0nist site is good for morning laffs while sippin coffee. Enjoy all thats out there :)
My first tub was redwood. It sat next to a redwood deck, under a redwood tree. No joke. It had one of those roll-up tops, a Rainbow six-tube cartridge filter, and an AOSmtih gas-fired heater - the really old round type. It had a timeclock and two pushbuttons - one for jets and one for the bubbler ring under the seats which was powered by a burial-type air blower.
The house belonged to some friends, and my wife and I house sat for them while they did a tour in Mexico. We came home from our honeymoon to this cute little place, and we used the top of the tree - visible for miles - as a landmark until we got to know the streets and roads. That was Sunnyvale, CA - the heart of "Silicon Valley," and my lovely wife worked at Intel Electronics in the R&D section. You can thank her - in part - for the speed with which we are doing some of this...
We moved from that place into our first house as soon as we could close escrow - which meant that we shared the house with the couple who returned several weeks before we could move out! But it worked out wonderfully, sharing the house and the tub, and 25 years later we're still great friends.
We bought the tub from them a few years later, but I made the mistake of dissassembling it to move it: I never got it to stop leaking again. Sold it to a guy with a wood shop who dried it, planed every board, replaced one or two, and did in fact get more use out of the thing.
My second spa was a Cal Spa - in-ground! And it was all-Fiberglass, no Acrylic. And no insulation, of course.
one week ;D
Beginning my 19th month!!!
This is my first spa and I'm still in love!!!
2 years, and no reason to get rid of it.
Mine is also celebrating its 2nd anniversary.
We've had ours for about 8/9 months now. I agree with Tman, we dont use it as much as we did when we first got it, but then, that was every night!!lol We prob use ours approx 2/3 nights a week - it's our first tub as well.
8 months now and LOVE IT! I use it at least every other day if not every day still. We purchased our tub months before we actually got it as we were in the process of moving and once we moved found out the wife was pregnant so she really hasn't be able to use the tub ( maybe once, twice for about 10 minutes each time). But in a few weeks she will be able to use it with me all the time so that will be nice and we will probably use it allot more.
I think once this one is had it I will for sure get another one.
On my 4th tub....much to wife's chagrin. First was HS Hot spot, great little tub - 110. Wasn't tall enough for me. Then made a mistake, buying a used HS Classic with cracks in it (yes call me crazy). The cracks just continued getting worse till I ending up selling it for much less than I paid. Then bought a slightly (5 month old) used Beachcomber 530. Nice tub. Jets weren't really powerful. No problems whatsoever. Dealer was great. BTW, many BC's have transferrable warranty !!!
Sold the house we were in, so I sold the BC as well. Now have a Jacuzzi J-345 for 6 months.
Had a spa for the last 12 years, I do upgrade every 2-3 years though.
Wow, every few years. How do you dispose of your spas? Trade in, or sell yourself?
Maybe you should consider leasing! ;)
We have had our Sundance Cameo for 14 Yrs. No reason to sell it. I just saw one on eBay the same yr and model sell for $3976.00. That is not bad for a 14 year old spa. I might consider selling it for 4K. I would buy an Artesian this time for sure and I sell Sundance Spas & Hot Spring.
We have had our Sundance Cameo for 14 Yrs. No reason to sell it. I just saw one on eBay the same yr and model sell for $3976.00. That is not bad for a 14 year old spa. I might consider selling it for 4K. I would buy an Artesian this time for sure and I sell Sundance Spas & Hot Spring.
Why would you do that ?
Yes, do tell.
I have had mine for 9 months now and we love it. Would not be without one and i am looking forward to up-grading once i get my additon put on the house in a year or so. :D
Thirty-two months and still use it just about every day. Need I say more?
Wow, good question...23 years of owning spas. I would
say without a dought, at least 15 spas, mostly
Sundance brand spas. I am just about ready to install
my new Piper Glen by Artesian. I do sell Sundance,
Marquis and Artesian Spas. I just love the feel of the jet
system in this spa.
hottubber... ;D
Wow, good question...23 years of owning spas. I would
say without a dought, at least 15 spas, mostly
Sundance brand spas. I am just about ready to install
my new Piper Glen by Artesian. I do sell Sundance,
Marquis and Artesian Spas. I just love the feel of the jet
system in this spa.
hottubber... ;D
Thanks for the reply
Artesian has a better spa the Hot Spring for sure. But I believe the PIPER GLEN is much better that the Sundance brand also.
We are on our first Hot Tub 04 Marquis Euphoria about 10 months old. Used it more in the beginning but the weather is improving now so we will use it much more again. We just love it. Some nights I can not sleep. I can not seem to shut the brain off. I will go out to the Hot Tub and soak for 20 to 30 minutes. It does the trick for me.
about 8 months now, first tub for us. we are in it about 3-4 times a week, its nice to know its out there anytime you want to use it. Its a 2004 tiger river bengal.
I have had my Sundance Cameo for 3 1/2 years. Still use it every day. Heading that way right now. Been a long hard night at work.
I don't own a spa. I am still trying to figure out what is the best hottub. A whole year on this site and I am still confused.
Chris H, I understand exactly what you mean. My research goes on and on and on and..... I have taken the time to call independant hot tub repair tech for advice on which tubs are good quality and which brands to stay clear of and I get conflicting advice. One says to avoid full foam while another says you don't want to be without ff especially in the northern states. The only thing all independant guys agree on is to stay away from Cal Spas. As far as my own comparisons go, I have yet to find the perfect tub. Marquis has a great reputation for customer service/responsiveness but they use "tri-zone" therapy so you can't run all the jets at once. HS makes a great tub but I know I would be paying extra $$$ for their marketing. Nobody can touch Arctic when it comes to their shell, or "hull" as they refer to it. Their cover is heavy duty as well. But along with the quality comes the price. Emerald has a 25 year warranty on their shell and a short 2 year warranty on other parts. Some warranty parts you have to pay for the shipping costs. Royal makes a nice simple tub but they are using 20 year old control systems. I have heard pros and cons on circ pumps and ozonators and tp insulation. One thing my wife and I are both agree on is that we are going to go with a dealer who we get along well with. Neither one of us cares for a sales pitch. We would rather have a dealer who uses straight forward adult conversation. We just hate when a dealer goes on and on with a pitch when we would rather be taking our time and look carefully at a tub. The search continues.......
I've been tubbing in my backyard for 11 years.
My first spa was a 1994 Coleman 411 and I owned it for 10 years. Last Feb. I sold it to my neighbor ( who had soaked in it many times with us ) and purchased a 2004 Coleman 706.
I can't imagine my life without a hottub...
Spahappy :D
Current spa, 6 years and going strong!
Nobody can touch Arctic when it comes to their shell, or "hull" as they refer to it.
According to whom, the Artcic saleman?
I don't own a spa. I am still trying to figure out what is the best hottub. A whole year on this site and I am still confused.
By the way, I blame this on anyone with over a 1000 post count.
By the way, I blame this on anyone with over a 1000 post count.
I don't trust them either!!
I'm with you guys completely !
According to whom, the Artcic saleman?
According to the majority of people that own Arctic, have ever seriously looked at Arctic, or those that repair Arctic. Relax - no ones slagging your product.
According to the majority of people that own Arctic, have ever seriously looked at Arctic, or those that repair Arctic. Relax - no ones slagging your product.
I'm sure some of the Arctic people would say that. And the Sundance people would have their opinion, and the Catalina people, etc. I just would prefer certain superlatives be left at home, especially when we start with the "BEST" claims. Relax - I'm merely "slagging" the use of such ridiculous claims of superiority.
We've had our Optima for 10months now and still enjoy it like Day 1. We are in it almost every night.
MasterSpa LSX.....first spa......installed 7/11/ far, did we live without it all those years? 8)
2004 Optima... installed in Aug 2004. No problems and it still gets used daily.
My first and second spas were in-ground type built by a local swimming pool contractor. Gunite and tile. Heater, pump and filter all above grade. Total time with them was about 7 years. Then a pool contractor told me to quit fooling around and to buy a proper spa. That was almost a year and a half ago. I had the Caldera for almost 1 year, and now the HS for about 4 months.
Got our new tub 5 days ago. Been in it everyday. Still trying to get use to keeping the chemicals straight, but I'm getting the feel for it now. Shouldn't be too hard and well worth it.
had our caldera niagra for almost a month now. very happy(and often wet). newness stage was using it every day, sometimes twice a day. now, we have leveled off, to 5-6 times a week. except for the afternoon and evening dips yesterday..... LOL
only con so far is that the house is too far away. the addition is not going to be done until july, so instead of the back door being just 5 ' from the tub, we have to run (when its cold) almost 25' whole feet to the current back door. we debated waiting until the addition was done to install the new tub, but figured, what the "heck", the builder is insured......
Got our new tub 5 days ago. Been in it everyday. Still trying to get use to keeping the chemicals straight, but I'm getting the feel for it now. Shouldn't be too hard and well worth it.
Which did you end up with the Grandee or the Niagra?