Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: troy on April 11, 2005, 06:11:07 pm
Why is it so hard to find the "best" hot tub? I was hoping to spend 10 minutes on this site to get an answer, hours and hundreds of posts later and I was still looking! Talk about paralysis by analysis. I never studied this hard in college and buying a house was a much easier task. Nevertheless, I enjoyed all the reseach and wet testing (even though I was driving my wife crazy).
There are some great spas out there, something for everyone. I was just surprised by how little respect Artic gets on this site. The Tundra SE made my short list, as did Artesian's Piper Glenn. The Optima was a little too small and the Maxuss was nice except the lounger takes up too much space. (I had issues with the HS and Master dealers). I know Marquis is a popular tub on this site, but there was no dealer in my area.
I finally chose a D1 Serena Bay (my wife told me I just should have picked the most expensive tub to begin with and saved 2 months worth of "analysis"). This tub better be as good as advertised or I'm going to end up buried in it!!! Anyway, GREAT site and thanks for the education.
Why is it so hard to find the "best" hot tub? I was hoping to spend 10 minutes on this site to get an answer, hours and hundreds of posts later and I was still looking!
It is because there is no such thing as the "best" spa. What you're looking for is the "best" spa FOR YOU!!! This is why you have to take all the info you gather and see how it fits into what you're looking for and how the various spas meet your needs (size, # occupants, desired features, aesthetic look, wet test feel, budget, wife's opinion [often trumps all other needs], etc.). If we were all a bunch of clones we'd probably only need 1 spa model (East Germany tried this approach but it didn't work) but we're all a bit different.
If everybody wanted the same product and features and had the same budget, it would be easy. Not terribly realistic though.
It's why we don't all drive blue Toyota's and all live in 1500 sq ft bungalows.
I just wet tested the Sarena Bay this past weekend and loved it. The dealer/owner was also a great guy and not a pushy salesman. I also went to look at the Sundance Maxxus which I was the other tub I narrowed it down to. Unfortunately none of the Sundance dealers in my area had one in stock so I had to go by the dealer info and brochures. I did tell the Dimension One dealer I was looking at the Maxxus also and he gave me a side by side comparison sheet on both tubs that helped. I’ll probably be purchasing the Sarena Bay sometime this week. This website has been my favorite tool in helping with my purchase. THANKS EVERYONE!
I haven't seen where Artic doesn't get respect.
At least this forum is pass/fail you don't have to worry about the grade.
Congratulaions Troy and Daveflave!
May you both always have clean, hot, bubbly water!
Every on that you mentioned is the BEST ONE it is just that you mentioned 6 of them. Unless you have lots of money, try to narrow it down to 1 and put your money down. There is not one that will disappoint you, maybe the ones in ().
Go for it, you gonna love it. Once you buy it, IT'S THE BEST!!!!!!!!!
Then, come back and tell us about it.
Every one that you mentioned is the BEST ONE it is just that you mentioned 6 of them. Unless you have lots of money, try to narrow it down to 1 and put your money down. There is not one that will disappoint you, maybe the ones in ().
Go for it, your gonna love it. Once you buy it, IT'S THE BEST!!!!!!!!!
Then, come back and tell us about it.