Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: dsegel on March 12, 2005, 04:03:26 pm
Does anyone know of anywhere on the Web where one might find a kind of generic "Users Guide" on hot tubs?
A kind of general set-up, chemical use, water testing, cleaning, maintenance, etc. Also an average time schedule for these things?
Just so someone could get an idea of the "work" involved in owning a hut tub?
One of the things I've noticed talking to SOME dealers is that they try to kind of de-emphasize all of those things and try to make it sound like a breeze. I'd like a realistic view of it.
Here is a good start:
It really is kind of a breeze to own and maintain a tub, or at least for me! I was nervous about the work involved, but I have found that, after over a year of ownership, I test my water about once a week (unless I find a problem, which is rare). I adjust what needs to be adjusted, usually my ta and ph need to be raised a bit, and that is it. Other than the chlorine I add after my soaks!
Wise men around here gave me great advice when I was first starting, relax and take it easy! A little bit goes a long way, and enjoy the tub! Don't stress about it!