Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: spearfisher22 on March 08, 2005, 08:01:16 pm

Title: HS Prodigy vs. Caldera Martinique
Post by: spearfisher22 on March 08, 2005, 08:01:16 pm
We have been lurking for quite awhile now behind the scenes trying to get as much information as possible from this great forum.  After wet testing we have narrowed our choices down to the Prodigy and the Martinique and we need a little help to push us over the edge.

Prodigy is from a smaller local dealer, quoted $6000 for spa, cover lifter, delivery, step and starter chemicals.

Martinique is from one of the big warehouse places and we were quoted $5900 for the exact same setup plus the 50 amp breaker and electrical box.

Our impression after wet tests were that the Prodigy has the open seating  and seemed to fit the better half who is 5'3", a little more comfortably.

The Martinique was a little deeper and seemed to have stronger jets and a few more bells and whistle type jets.
I liked the lounger on the Martinique.

Warranty is approximately the same except for the additional 2 years on the cabinet for the Caldera.

Is there something that we are missing to make this easier?  Pumps, Filtration, Cost of Operating?

All in all I think that we are leaning towards the Martinique with the prices being equal.

Thanks in advance for the advice. :)

Title: Re: HS Prodigy vs. Caldera Martinique
Post by: Greenraisin on March 08, 2005, 08:29:18 pm
We were looking heavily at the Martinique, but ended up going with the Caldera Tahitian. You have a better offer than we got for the Martinique. Had the Tahitian not been a 2004 and pretty well discounted, we would have gone with the Martinique. Wet tested Caldera, HS, Jucuzzi and Coleman, and liked the Caldera best for general comfort and feel.

It's hard to decide, isn't it? I think, when it's all said and done, that if it feels good, literally and figuratively, it is good!

We get ours tomorrow! Good luck.
Title: Re: HS Prodigy vs. Caldera Martinique
Post by: JTJ23BA on March 08, 2005, 10:43:46 pm
I haven't sat in the Martinique, but I have owned a Prodigy for almost 2 years.  I use it every day and have never slept or felt better. Good luck.